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I carefully took off my sword, jacket, and my shirt as I bit my lip to keep from making noise. The sword cut much more painful than the bullet wound previously there. Bellamy's was all doctored up and now it was my turn. The cut was a clean slice that went further than the bullet wound scar, but much shallower. Still hurt like a bitch.

I set my sword and jacket to the side, grabbing my already ripped black shirt and staring at it trying to figure out how to best keep my wound covered.

"Here. Let me help." I was so lost in thought that when Bellamy spoke I jumped and looked up to see him at my side. "Please." I didn't say anything but handed my long sleeve shirt over to him.

"I was thinking for now I just wrap it and tie it off with the sleeves." I informed him as I moved my arm for him to see the cut.

"That's probably the best we can do for now. Here, arms up." I hesitantly did as he asked. Setting both my hands resting on my head as I let him wrap my shirt around the wound.

He moved from my right side to my left where the tie would have to go. His arms coming around either side of my waist and covering the wound before following it around to his side. His hands grabbed the cloth firmly as he tightened it to my skin. But as he worked his way to my left side I could only feel his hands on my skin. And it took everything in me not to flinch away, afraid to lean into his touch.

I had to close my eyes and fight as my stomach began to twist and I felt my cheeks heating up. My brain telling my body that he was doing his job as my friend to help me bandage myself. A courtesy which he is returning. But my stomach and heart didn't listen as he had to adjust the shirt and finally begin to tie it off.

"This is going to pinch for a second, but it needs to be tight." I nodded my head but didn't say anything else, not able to trust my voice at this point. He didn't give me any countdown, so when he tightened his hold and made the shirt dig into my skin I let out a sharp hiss.

"Don't stop, just, just tie it off quickly, please." I breathed, focused on controlling the pain as I bit my lip. His fingers grazing my skin as he knotted the sleeves of my shirt. His hands slowly pulling away as he finished tying it off. My eyes opening as I glanced at him not surprised when I found him already looking at me.

"Is it good?"

"Uh," he cleared his throat standing up as he did, "yeah, it should hold for the time it takes to get back to Abby." I saw the slight unbalanced in his legs as he stood offering me a hand up.

Taking it, I stood from my knees, grabbing my jacket and sword as I rose, and cautiously slipped them on. Ignoring the burning eyes staring at the side of my head.

"Come on," I said, stepping towards his bad leg, "let's get back to Monty and my dad." I watched him nod and attempt a step on his bad leg but I caught him just as he began to slip. The sudden weight not working for my side as I bit my lip and helped him stand upright.

"Nice catch. Thanks." I rolled my eyes and grabbed ahold of his left arm and tossed it over my shoulders, biting back my own groan.

"Dumbass, we're doing this together." I informed, looking up at him as we made eye contact. "And we will save Clarke, together."

"Together." He nodded as he repeated it to himself. "Okay. Are you okay?" I turned my head to the steps and wrapped my right hand around his waist so that I could get a better hold on him, even if it wasn't going to do much.

"I always am." There was silence and I was certain Bellamy could sense the hidden meaning before I pulled myself from those thoughts. "Let's go. I think Abby will be thrilled to see us again." I heard him snort and I felt a smile grow on my face.

"So thrilled. I think she might have to give us a punch card that limits how many times we get to go see her." This time I did laugh, forgetting the pain in my side as we walked towards the stairs.

"Yeah, let's not give her that idea. Jackson would be all on board with the idea of keeping us out." A small laugh from both of us echoed quietly in the room. For reasons only know to us and Jackson. Let's say it involved blood and a fake injury.

"He'd be able to finally get a handle on the situation." I frowned looking at Bellamy and shook my head.

"That was awful!" But I laughed anyways despite the horrid dad joke.

"You still laughed." Now he was laughing as we approached the stairs. Our pain forgotten as we went up the first step carefully, too wrapped up in our conversation to even notice we had already made it halfway up.

"Because it was bad!" I shook my head but kept moving with Bellamy.

"It did its job though." I rose a brow and looked at him incredulously.

"Besides being a horrible dad joke?" He kept looking forward but I saw the hint of a smile on his lips.

"Yes. It's job besides being a horrible dad joke." I didn't question any further. At least not verbally. My mind trying to figure out what other job the joke could have had, but soon abandoning that thought as we reached the forest floor.

"Look." I pointed with my left hand, letting go of his hand for a split seconds.

"Tracks. That means they went this way." We followed getting a few feet from the stairs when we were painfully reminded as to why Clarke wasn't in our possession.

"Bellamy, we aren't going to be able to keep searching for her with this much damage." He sighed leaning further into me as we moved to slouch against a tree momentarily.

"I know. I know."

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