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I felt my breath escape me and I clutched my head as I fell to my knees. The woman's image became blurry as I yelled in pain. Alie's talons ripping apart my walls as she fought to get back inside to take me out of the equation once and for all.

My dad had gone back to his previous target, the rest of the non-chipped fighters held down identically as I fought a mental battle.

"It's over Persphyni. You were so strong." Her voice sang mockingly as I lifted my head that felt like a hundred pounds. "So strong, but so alone. You tried so hard, but you've failed. It's over. You've lost." My jaw clenched at Alie's words, anger pulsing through my veins as I listened to her. "Clarke, who you gave so much to protect, has failed you. She's betrayed you. Given her faith to me and instead of pulling the switch-"


"-she destroyed it." I shook my head. My fists clenched as I felt the weight of the world begin to collapse on my shoulders. This pain didn't hurt, I was just tired. I was so damn tired. "That's right, just close your eyes. Let the tiredness consume you."

"Persphyni! Get up! I need you!" The same muffled voice who had interrupted Alie came again. Except louder and more clear. "Get up Persphyni! You have to fight it!"

I listen to the voice. It sounded familiar, it sounded stressed like the owner was in trouble.

"No. Simmer down. Take care of yourself." Alie's voice came again, my exhausted body wanted nothing more than to do that. And I almost succumbed to her.

"Persphyni! The fight isn't over yet! So get off your ass and fight!" Murphy. My head rose again and turned towards the voice were I saw him staring right at me. His eyes darting from Clarke to the door than back to me. "Come on!" He shouted, worry evident in his eyes. "Please."

Slowly, I lifted my left foot to place it on the ground in a lunge position. My body swaying as I used my hands on my bent knee to push myself to a stand. My head spun as I forced myself to maintain balance.

"No. Persphyni."

"Yes! Yes! Come on!" Murphy yelled as I slowly drew my sword blocking out Alie's commands.

My feet leading me over to stand in front of Abby as Jackson made a move for Clarke. Tiredly, I pointed my sword out at the man to keep him away. My body shaking as I fought off fatigue. Eyes darting over to where My father had returned to fighting Bellamy. Then over to a girl whom had locked eyes with a speechless Murphy.

As Jackson got closer and as I swung slightly forward to bring the blade down on this man, he stopped. Everyone stopped.

Suddenly howls of pain filled the room, agony erupted and echoed like some dark symphony of my past. My eyes drifted through the room as I saw those who had been chipped drop to the floor in pain.

I took a staggering step backwards, moving away from the throne and further back as I scanned the room. My body swaying back and forth as I drifted towards the hidden passage. My eyes closing as I stumbled. My sword falling as I barely made it to the tapestry.

I bent down, blood rushing to my head as I grabbed the hilt. Trying to stand back up. We did it. I went to open the door, but before I could, I collapsed. My body slamming into the wall and wood of the door.

Whispers filled the air as I slumped down. Sword slipping from my grasp as my eye fought to stay open. But soon the darkness whirled around and I couldn't see. My body curled around my sword as I lay on the floor.

Shaking in pain as I fought to not feel it. My tolerance was so high but this was new. I had been attacked mentally, not physically.

My body shook as if it were cold, my hands tight around the hilt of my sword as I clung to it to stay awake.

"Alie's gone." Blood filled my senses, my head heavy as I curled further in.

"I figured." I felt the small essence of a smile on my lips when I heard the both of them speaking. They were okay.

We had won. Alie was gone. And now I could rest. I could now slip into the darkness.

"Where's Persphyni?"

"Where's Persphyni?" I couldn't help the small tired laugh that slipped from my tongue as they asked each other the same question.

Who was Per- that was me. I was Persphyni.

"Here." I whispered with all my strength. "Here." I whispered again. Until all my senses were gone, I mouthed the word here over and over again. Til eventually I completely passed out. My sword clattering to the ground as it slipped from my weak embrace.


"Do you hear that?" He asked shushing the group. Their heads shaking in answer. A female's small whisper reached his ears again.

"Here." The voice said again, so much quieter now.

"It's coming from over there." As the male pushed passed the group and towards the sound that apparently only he could hear, he saw a familiar head of hair then heard a clatter of the sword that fell from her hands.

"No. No." He raced towards her body, dropping down as he uncurled her form from the sword. "Clarke! Abby! Guys!" His deep octave shouted, drawing the group's attention again. Their footsteps running over to see the curly headed male holding the too pale red headed female.

"No." The whisper was shared amongst the group as Clarke and Abby dropped beside the redhead's right and a greying male dropped to the redhead's left between the wall and her body.

"Her pulse is weak." Abby said as she felt the redhead's neck. Clarke grabbed the girl's wrist to find a pulse and nearly let a tear slip when she found a weak one just like her mother said.

"Bell?" A girl asked as she dropped to her knees on the redhead's left, beside the greying man. A tear slipping down her cheek as she grabbed ahold of her hand. Looking up at her curly headed brother who was holding the girl in his arms, his own tears shone in his eyes and on his face.

"Hold on, please." The curly headed male said as he cradled her. "Please, Persphyni. Hold on."

Around the red headed girl, tears were shed as they stared at the body they all knew was too pale. She had fought so hard, for them. To save all of them. She had used everything she had and she did it. She saved them.

"I need you."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now