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I stepped forward ready to pull Jasper behind me when he was pulled back and the man held a dagger to his throat.

"Weron Wanheda kamp raun?"

"Breik em au." Bellamy yelled out. And soon there was yelling from both sides. But my eyes were focused on Jasper.

"Daun ste pleni!" I roared over the yelling. Silencing the forest as everyone paid attention to me. "Breik em au. Nau." My gaze had been on the boy and now everyone else's was too.

"Yo vout in dison ste leyos?" I watched the man dig his blade into Jasper's neck and that's all it took for my dagger to sink into his shoulder. The man fell backwards away from Jasper as I grabbed the drunkard and pushed him behind me before grabbing my dagger from the man's shoulder and leaning down.

"Tel op yo Azplana, Wanlida swega klin wamplei sef em swega of lufa au Wanheda." With a sharp pull I yanked the blade free, and sent him one last look. "Gonot raun, nau."

The three Azgeda men fled with my message. Though I could see the leader wanted to sink a dagger into me, he was smart and didn't stay around to fight.

"Let's go." I ordered as the group of Arkies stared at me, unmoving. I simply stalked passed them and towards the passenger side door.

"Rover 1, come in. Repeat, Rover 1 come in."

"What now?" I rolled my eyes as I hopped in the Rover and grabbed the walkie before Bellamy.

"Bellamy, where are you?"

"He's right here." I spoke into the walkie passing it to Bellamy as he stood in the driver door.

"We had to wound three ice nation scouts. Culvert, Sector 4, copy." Didn't really have to but they were just backing me up. "Can you tell me what's going on?" I eyed the walkie and Bellamy as Jasper was given some scrappy first aid.

"When you get here. Over and out." I grabbed the walkie from Bellamy and shoved it back in its hold. Bellamy took the initiative to stalk over to the rest of the group and begin shouting orders as I slid in the driver's seat.

"Take him home! Miller. Get the horse they left." I shut the driver side door and started the Rover, blocking out Bellamy's commands.

"Let's go, we haven't got all day!" I shouted out the passenger side as Monty hopped in through the back. Bellamy, after making sure the others had everything taken care of slid into the passenger seat and gave me a look.

"You know where you're going?" I smirked, pulling the gear into reverse and checking my mirrors before turning to Bellamy.

"If I don't, you're my navigator."

"Great." I sent a punch to Bellamy's arm as I backed out, but didn't let him retaliate as I had already started driving away from the group. And the rule is, no physical contact with the driver while in motion.

"Sector four?" I asked looking in my rearview at Monty who seemed to be drowning in his own thoughts.

"Sector four." I smirked, I knew exactly where I was going.

"Hold on Monty, we're taking a shortcut."

"Great." I watch his eyes roll slightly as he sassed me.

"You're lucky you are outta range."


"Let's roll." The three of us jumped out of the Rover, leaving the doors open to avoid loud sound as I took the keys with us. Even though grounders didn't know how to drive a car. I still felt better knowing I would control who would be driving and who wouldn't.

"You were right about Jasper. Okay? Is that what you want me to say?" I rolled my eyes as I continued forward in front of the two.

"Quiet. Keep your eyes peeled." I chuckled at his caution. "I could have said no." We walked further into the cave, my hands ready at my sides just in case.

"He's getting worse, isn't he?" I swallowed the yes as it threatened to flow out. "I mean, getting drunk every night is one thing. But smiling with a knife to your throat is next level damaged." Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that. After all, I did laugh in Murphy's face when he threatened to slit my throat. But that was another time, and two different people. Not Jasper and an Azgeda scout.

"Who's he with?" I smirked as Indra and my dad walked from the bushes.

"Indra." I answered and addressed the woman as I continued to walk towards them. A smirk on both of our lips as we locked arms and nodded in greetings.

"Persphyni. Long time no see." We let go and stepped back as the two behind me finally caught up.

"Sir, before you say anything there was good reason-" My father held a hand up stopping Bellamy mid sentence.

"We will deal with that later. This is about Clarke." My head shot to Indra as she gave me a nod.

"What about her?" Bellamy asked, and when I looked I could tell he was worried just as I was.

"She's being hunted." A fact I already knew, but wouldn't say aloud now that it came into light. It was going to be in a report later tonight but I guess now will do.

"By who?" Indra stared directly into Monty's eyes as she answered.

"By everyone."

"That's new." I watched Bellamy, Monty, and my father turn and give me a look. "It was going to be in my report. But we need to go, now." I didn't let them question me further as I walked to the Rover and hopped in the passenger side door. "Monty, you're driving!"

"She certainly is a character."

"Stop it Indra, I'm blushing." I sent her an eye roll before climbing through the back and opening the door.

"She certainly is."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now