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I laughed as I slowed Erebus to a walk then stopped all-together and hopped down. I grabbed his reins,  and walked up to them.

"Heya yongon. Don yo kyon os?" The children nodded their heads quickly and dramatically as they waited for me to reach them.

"Os, mon." I had barely given the go ahead when they flocked to either side of Erebus and began petting his neck and shoulders.

I laughed at how excited they were and smiled as I pet Erebus' muzzle. The stallion loved it. His eyes gleamed with delight as he looked at the children and leaned into my hand with his nose.

"Spoiled." I gave him a soft kiss on his forehead before looking back at the children to make sure they were following my rules. I'd let them pet Erebus as long as they stayed shoulder-up without petting his face, and if they didn't fight. As soon as one of them became unsafe I stopped and told them we could try next time. Much to all of their disappointments.

Sometimes if Erebus was in a funk I told them I'd bring him back later to keep them all safe, but fortunately I haven't had to do that except once. And that was after he had met Helios for the first time.

Those two did not like each other back then. But they managed to get along quickly after that as they saw Octavia and I a lot together.

I scratched behind his ear and looked down at one of the girls as she tugged on my sleeve. Her eyes looking down as she grew nervous now that she had my full attention.

"Hanch taim yu kamp raun Polis?" I smiled at her and knelt down, still holding onto Erebus's reins.

"Ai hir deyon. Ba sunson komba hir." I told her, pushing a strand of hair from her face as she nodded with a sad smile. "Biliak daun nou mou. Yu oda meizen lin daun." She giggled as I tapped her on the nose. Nodding as I stood back up and fluffed her hair. My eyes catching my dad and Abby's as they watched me, holding smiles.

I hid my blush by smiling back at them and waving before turning to Erebus who seemed to feel my embarrassment of being caught being so sweet. But the embarrassment soon went away as I realized that maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

After a few more minutes Aesakus came and retrieved me, informing me I needed to get to my room before the summit as Lexa needed to speak with me. Additionally, I would need to get ready. My leather jacket, black long sleeve, and tight black cargo pants weren't appropriate for Wanlida to wear into a summit. Maybe a normal meeting, but even then I made an effort on my appearance.

Erebus had been taken by a stable boy back to the large pasture where he would be staying for the day and depending on how long the summit is, the night as well.

The room I tend to stay in was still in the same position as last time, only now there was a large box in the middle of the larger bed. The bed held a fluffy white blanket across it that I had contemplated stealing multiple times, dozens of huge pillows that were much better than the ones in the mountain, and an impressive headboard made of smooth mahogany wood.

"Mochof, Aesakus." I spoke, nodding my head in thanks as he replicated the action and shut the door as he left. My feet carried me over to the bed and kicked my boots off, letting my sock clad feet feel the soft carpet below.

With hesitant hands I opened the box and gasped at what I saw. When Lexa wrote in her letter that the summit was meant to be nice, she mean fancy as hell. I grabbed the material and swooned at the texture. It was light, and soft, but not too soft that I felt it would be ruined if I tried to fight in it. It was a beautiful midnight black that in the light looked very dark blue.

Pulling the material out of the box, I laid it down on the bed outstretched as I went back in for the other items in the box. Inside there were short silver wrist guards that were more like cuffs of jewelry. A silver necklace that held a small charm in the shape of a crescent moon, making me laugh when I saw it. And finally I pulled out a folded cloak that was a solid black, making the first material look more blue in comparison.

I turned to the window and saw the sun was beginning to leave it's peak and decided to begin getting ready. And I was glad I did. It took me an hour just to figure out how to put the first material on. Only when I somehow decided to "fuck it" and stick my legs through the leg holes, did I finally figure out what I was working with. The material was a jumpsuit, and I had been trying to put it on like it was something else. Something I wasn't quite sure of. Zipping the back up I walked over to the full length mirror and held back my gasp at how beautiful the piece was.

It went over only my right shoulder, and dipped low enough to display almost all of the scars along my back. Something I once was worried about, but tonight they would be fine. The front snaked from over my right shoulder down to around my left breast, covering that area and below as it split into pant legs at my hips. The material clung to my body perfectly, displaying all of my curves I had. But left enough flexibility for me to kick and move around should I need to tonight.

I clipped the necklace on, the charm hitting just below my collarbone, the color matching the silver cuffs and lining of the black cloak that I hung over my shoulders and clipped to stay on. I slid my boots back on and frowned when they didn't match the looked. With a sigh, I pulled them and my socks off, I'd go barefoot. Setting all of my belongings in my pack I had brought, I shut it then threw it back on the bed before standing back up and looking at my hair in the mirror.

Now, what extravagant way can I tame this mane?

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