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I had found myself back in the cave in time for Monty who was in danger.

"If it is a trap, I'm not marching our entire insurgency into it."

"To stop me, you're going to have to kill me." I walked in as Octavia spoke and found the group standing up over a fire.

"She hopes it's a trap." I looked to Bellamy as he spoke. His face seemed to be healing enough that the platelets are working.

"Hopes what is a trap? Why do you all look like you're about to fight one another?"

"He's coming too. We need a hostage to trade for Monty." Octavia avoided my questions which annoyed me, but I got the gist.

"So, Monty's in trouble? Let's go." I walked right back out of the cave, not waiting on anyone who was coming so I could get my pack attached to Erebus's saddle in case we needed to make an escape. Or a distraction.

"That's a new look." I saw Bellamy roll his eyes as he continued to walk forward. Clearly he wanted to tell me to shut up but couldn't with the gag. "I'm assuming we're meeting at the dropship. Should I call our friends in case his friend is there?" I asked turning back to face my dad.

"No, they're close enough. We're just getting Monty and getting out." I pursed my lips and set my hands on my daggers.

"For some reason, I don't believe it will be that easy."


I took the lead, our feet crushing dead leaves on the grey ground as we walked inside the wall of our camp. A place I had been only forty minutes prior. Maybe if I had stayed a little longer I would have been able to grab Monty.

But the empty camp was a sign that it wouldn't be that easy. Nothing ever was.

"Monty? Monty?" There was no reply. My eyes darted back and forth as I scanned the camp before me. "We got here first." I counted five.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that dad." I heard Octavia's sword unsheathe and the sound of Bellamy's shoulder being grabbed.

"Get outside. Now!" I kept my weapons in their holds, when the time came I'd be able to get them out quickly.

Monty came out first, wrists bound and a gun to the back of his head. My foot moved to take a step but I stopped when I looked back at the bush where a gunsman was waiting.

"They followed me. I'm sorry." The gun was closer to his head now, my anger bubbling within me as I noticed it was the same pistol he had shot Lincoln with. I would not lose two of my family members today.

"Let him go, Pike."

"Can't do that." I watched Pike press a button and speak into some mic. "One at their feet." The three flinched and began to look around as I continued to stare straight at Pike. "It's over. Put down your weapons."

"Shoot him." Octavia whispered, my peripheral catching her blade in line with Bellamy's throat.

"I can't, Monty's in the shot." Pike was smart, but not smart enough.

"Come on, Marcus." Another gunshot was fired at our feet. "I promised Monty's mother that I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar."

"You want to help." I whispered lowly as I took a small step back to whisper discreetly in his ear. "Then we do this together." I saw his slight nod and that's when I moved. My dagger to my father's throat.

"Put the gun down. Octavia, your sword." I gave my father a discreet wink as I glared at Octavia. "Octavia, your sword." I spoke again. The entire clearing waiting as I turned against my family. "You have at least three out of five guns trained on you, Via. Put it down." But she didn't. Instead, she wrapped her sword around Bellamy's throat.

"One in the girl's leg." Bellamy and I must have heard this and thought of the same thing, because as I went to take her out, he did just that. Octavia's groans filled the air as Bellamy held her wrists in a hold.

Six of Pike's men rushed over. Five from outside and his right hand who chucked the rock at Lincoln stepped from inside of the dropship. When my father and Octavia were handcuffed, I used my dagger to break the chains on Bellamy's handcuffs just so the cuffs wouldn't be attached.

I spun the blade in my hand before shoving it back into its sheath. A few of Pike's men unsure about whether to chain me as well or plan on shoot to kill if I make a move.

"Now, you don't look so good." Pike spoke up as he grabbed Octavia's sword.

"I'm fine." Bellamy's voice wavered slightly as he replied and I looked away back to Pike.

"You've got about five seconds to make me believe you're still with me." Pike's grip on the sword was close to white as he waited Bellamy's response. Bellamy caught the corner of my eye and I gave a small nod to proceed.

"All the others are in a cave not far from here."

"You son of a bitch!" Octavia tried to make a jump at her brother but was stopped by a guard's electric stick.

"And I'm the only one who can get you there. So I'd put the gun down and take away that kill order." I smiled a sickly sweet smile. "After all, you guys wouldn't have been here if I hadn't taken matters into my own hands." I watch Pike ponder over what I had said. Was I telling a half-truth, yes, yes I was. But what no one knew was on the way back from my visit to the dropship, I had formed a plan with a friend.

"Besides, these two would die before telling you anything. I on the other hand, intend on surviving for as long as I can." I smirked as Pike sighed and pinched his nose.

"Chancellor, if I may?" I watched Pike look over to Bellamy as I kept my eyes on the shorter man who nodded and gave a small smile.

"I appreciate the offer." I went to move out of the way but Bellamy surprised me. My right hand was cuffed, the metal dug into my skin as I tried to pull away. I turned and watched as the other went around Bellamy's left arm, my own shock matched my father's as Bellamy looked at me apologetically. "But I like to take precautions." My blank stare was directed towards Pike as I clenched my fists tightly.

What the hell was Bellamy doing?

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