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"Chancellor Pike, congratulations. It seems I'm a bit late but who can you blame." I smiled and shook the man's hand even though internally I was thinking something else. My wall I've hid behind for so many years is helpful once again.

"Ah, Miss Kane, been a while since we've spoken. I have some matters to discuss with you." His eyes darted behind me where my support system stood.

"If you don't mind Chancellor, anything you say to me you can say in front of Bellamy. I'm sure he's told you or you've heard about us by now."

"As I have, co-leaders of delinquents. Not to mention I've heard some interesting things about you Miss Kane." His smile turned to a smirk probably envisioning how he could use my abilities to slaughter as many grounders as possible.

"Please, Atlys is fine. And I'd like to clear up or confirm what you've heard. And answer some of your questions. Shall we take a walk to your office?" I'd rather not have a discussion in the middle of a hallway, and by taking him to the office I can try and spot some of his plans.

"Very well." We started walking. The three of us in almost a straight line across the hallway. Bellamy and I were shoulder to shoulder as Pike walked just ahead of us.

"So tell me about life before the ground?" I wanted to roll my eyes but didn't as I took an intake of breath and felt Bellamy step just a tiny bit closer.

"Grey. I was in solitary for all of my life. I learned through books and other forms of accessible media." If you count other people, technology, and weapons as media then that's accurate.

"You and Blake were co-leaders along with Clarke Griffen when the hundred were sent to the ground. How did you get that roll?" This was actually a good question, and one I wasn't sure of how to answer.

"On her own." I looked up at Bellamy as he gave me a sly wink. "She earned her spot by being smart, trustworthy, aggressive, protective, strong, fearless, and so much more." I smiled hiding my smirk, I'd be teasing him later about him sucking up. But my smile vanished at Pike's own small grin and head nod.

"Why become a Major? Let alone a guardsmen."

"I would do anything to protect my family. It's my debt to them." I didn't look at either of them, my focus straight ahead. Worried if I show too much emotion or anger about how I let slip one of the reasons I'd protect my people with my life, I'd be asked about it relentlessly. And it would be turned and used against me. But judging from the stare I felt on the right hand side of my face, it was unavoidable.

I watched Pike get ready to ask another question but was stopped just before he could get a word in.

"Chancellor Pike, good to see you." I bit my tongue as the man interrupted our conversation. "Can I have a word?"

Bellamy and I looked at each other and took a few steps back to let the two have a one on one conversation as we had our own.

"So, I'm I doing good so far?" He rolled his eyes but smirked.

"Well you do have that aura around you." This time I smirked.

"Which one are you referring to? The 'Don't mess with me or I'll kill you' or 'listen to what I'm saying or I'll kill you'?" We both chuckled and left the question unanswered, as Pike called us back to attention. We were nearly to the chancellor's office and hopefully the end of this questionnaire.

"There you are." Damn it! "We need to talk about these things Jaha is distributing." I remained unfazed at my father even though I wanted to motion for him to get lost so I could finish with Pike. But when he kept talking I knew he was trying to delay us, so I decided against it.

"Like the imprisoned grounders?" My father asked as we tried to walk away, his hand grabbing Pike's arm making Bellamy and I stop and turn.

"Interned, for their safety as well as ours." Pike countered.

"They came here for our help. If were not going to give it to them we should at least sent them home." I remained quiet as I focused on not turning around as my dad glanced back and forth. His eyes refusing to stay on mine only at either Pike, Bellamy, or behind us.

"They're a liability. Let them go they'll tell their people what they know about us. Our defenses and capabilities." Bellamy voiced and I turned slight towards him, my eyes taking the chance to spot the empty space behind us with my peripherals.

"We're talking about Lincoln here." My dad pushed the point across that Lincoln didn't deserve to be caged without directly stating it.

"No, we're talking about the enemy." Calm. You're doing this for the sake of your people.

"Not all grounders are the enemy." I decided to step up now. Make it seem like I was in agreement as I watched a person walk around the corner, the chancellor's doors closing. The mask still plastered on my face but internally I was scolding my dad for roping Miller into this.

"I think you need to go. The election decided which way the people want to go. And they didn't chose you." My words were ice and I saw my dad's face fall as I steeled my own. I couldn't afford to waver. Not even a flash of my eyes, all three men were watching me. Shocked that I had said such a thing. But I gave Miller just an extra few seconds to get by us.

"Public opinion is a funny thing, Persphyni." His eyes held his betrayal as his face voided any emotion. "Charles-" But Pike cut him off.

"My job is to keep us safe. Not to be liked." The two men started to walk again, my feet slow to follow.

"Then keep up the good work." I turned to follow and didn't spare my father a second glance as the two men approached the door, their eyes never left me for a second even after I entered the room. Giving me no chance to give my father any sign.

Once we were inside the room, Pike went to his desk as Bellamy drifted to a back corner and I stood in the middle.

"I don't mean to be abrupt, but how many have you killed?" I heard Bellamy's sharp intake and slight shuffle and I knew he was about to step in but I discreetly put my hand in a five to show him I was fine.

"I lost count when I was thirteen years old. My hands have been tainted with blood. But you weren't asking for how many people. You want to know how many grounders I've killed." I set my hands causally on the hilts of my daggers as I stared Pike in the eyes. "Three hundred and eight. If you don't count any of the times on the bridge." He seemed nonchalant about my answer. But the flicker in his eyes held three emotions. Intrigue, eagerness, and fear.

Pike was scared of me, meaning he'd try to harness me to him. But that will only be his downfall. Heavy falls the sword of vengeance, and the crown of a Queen who had been wrongfully hidden. A Queen who's King cowers behind a man of ill-intent.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now