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"That's why we have to go." My words I spoke to Luna repeated on a loop as I moved through the mess hall to reach my group.

"An enemy that will do anything to win. She won't stop until she has everyone." I stood behind the group, Luna and I making eye contact before she returned to Clarke.

"People I love died today. Needlessly. I can't let that happen again." I watched as Luna turned around and lifted her hand. Her people rising as they watched her.

"As we prepare, to give our brothers and sister to the sea, we honor their lives." I looked around for my glass that Luna was supposed to give me only to watch and wait for my friends to drop like flies.

"Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun." Luna raised her cup in the air, everyone else mimicking and repeating her words except for the four Arkies in front of me.

"If we're gonna do this, we have to hurry." I nodded to Luna, informing her they had all drank. Her slight nod in return kept me quiet as I watched for signs of fatigue amongst them. "Alie will send reinforcements. And we have to find some place private for the accession."

"You believe to defeat an enemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that different than, Blood must have Blood?" I saw Octavia get dizzy as she began to speak.

"Wait a second, Luna, you can't jus-" Octavia dropped before I could reach her, Bellamy too. The sounds of their cups clattered against the floor as Jasper fell at my feet, my eyes on Clarke as I waited for the drink to kick in.

She dropped her cup, the piece shattering as Luna walked away. My feet moving towards the blonde as she swayed backwards.

"No." She whispered before collapsing into my arms. Her body dead-weight as I set her on the ground.

"It's the only way." I whispered as I stood from the floor, stepping backwards over my people as four of Luna's guards helped carry them to the box.

Luna stopping me just before I got inside the crate. My body turning to face her as I spotted the young girl beside her.

"Adria wanted to give you something for saving her life." Luna spoke as she stepped backwards slightly to let the young girl have the spotlight. I offered a small smile as I dropped to my knee.

"I hope this is the last time you ever see such violence in your life." I told her as she fiddled with something in her hand.

"You saved me and Luna." Her gaze turned to the woman before looking back at me. "I know it's a dangerous place out there, I wanted to give you this so no matter what you'd have something to protect yourself." She brought her hands out, my own cupping together as she dropped the item in my own. A small hunting or fishing knife with its own black leather sheath that looked more like an arm sleeve.

"You slip it onto your non-dominate forearm. Or you can attach it onto your hip using your belt. It's small but, you'll get more use for it than I will." I smiled as I pulled my silver cuffs from my left wrists and slid the leather around my forearm before putting the cuff back on. The hilt of the small knife just below the crook of my elbow, making the perfect fit.

"It's wonderful. Thank you Adria." I told her, getting ready to stand back up when she tackled me in a hug.

"Thank you for saving Luna." She whispered, my heart softening as I gave her a small squeeze before pulling away. Words escaped me as I remained silent.

"Adria, it's time for her to go." I stood as the young girl stepped back, my eyes on Luna as she gave a small twitch of a smile.

"When you're done being Wanlida, come visit again. But not anytime soon." She ordered, bring out a small vial towards me.

"We'll see. It was nice to finally meet you Luna kom Floukru." I spoke as I turned and stepped away, uncapping my vial as I got into the box.

"And you, Persphyni kom Skaikru." The doors shut as I drank the nasty green stuff. My eyes fluttering as I slid down onto the floor my eyes meeting the three men inside who watched me with curiosity.

"I'll be out for a while, don't think I won't be able to do some unconscious karate if necessary." My mind shut off to their confused looks, the world darkening and my mind spinning to black.

Hello old friend, I've missed these moments.


"Persphyni." Nothing, only darkness. No sounds, no life.

"Persphyni." Still nothing. My mind was unconscious still.

"Persphyni. Damnit." I could breath again, feel my breaths go in and out.

"Persphyni, please get up." I could feel the blood rush through my body, the slight pump at my fingers and in my arms.

"Persphyni, please." My ears began to work and I heard the plea, but I was still in darkness.

"Persphyni, come on, open those eyes." Clearly my brain was still waking up as I tried to get my eyes to open. His voice calling me to action.

"Come on, Pers." I felt the weight of my eyelids now, the heaviness giving me some peace of mind as I worked at opening them as I could now feel them. The liquid slowly wearing off as I moved my eyes around.

"Just take her sword, she'll wake up." I rolled my eyes at Clarke's comment. The motion succeeding at getting my eyes open for a split second.

"Funny." I mumbled as I moved my eyes again, a small sliver of light breaking in through the cracks.

"Well she isn't dead." Octavia spoke as footsteps walked towards me.

"I just can't get my eyes open." My voice came out stronger as I clenched and unclenched my fists. "Damn that vial was strong." I groaned as I rose my hand in front of my eyes before opening them. The sudden sunlight hurt as I covered my eyes with both of my hands.

"Vial? What vial?" I kept my mouth shut as I ignored Bellamy's question. Clearly annoying him as he asked again, this time more firmly.

"What vial, Persphyni?" I rose my eyebrow and turned to face him as he remained kneeled at my side, challenging him to say it again. He was smart as he remained silent but still looked at me expectantly.

"The vial Luna gave me after you four idiots drank a toast with drinks you didn't see being prepared." By the time I finished, I was able to sit upright without my hand blocking the sun. Our eyes even before I turned and looked around. "Where are my weapons?"

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now