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I caught the fist as he went to knock. My door opening to fast for him to pull it back. His eyes wide as he looked at my appearance.

"You know then." His voice was quiet, pain clearly etched on his face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." His eyes watered threatening to spill over with tears.

I stayed quiet, he had finally realized that was in the wrong.

"I want to help. You have to have some plan." I let go of his hand and set a hand on his chest, right over his heart.

"You knowing which side is wrong now is enough. You can't help me, this is different from the mountain. I have to do this alone. Go meet your sister at the drop ship," he looked at me shocked that I knew about his plan, "the heart and the head aren't needed for this next step."

My hand fell from his chest and I moved around his frozen form. My feet carrying me away from my room and to Lincoln and Octavia's. Looking for two things in particular.

The bow and quiver in the far corner of the dark room.


Before I knew it, my feet had carried me up to the top of the Ark. All the way up just as the sun began to set and Bellamy snuck out through the wall. My eyes watched his retreating form in silence as he looked back only once then disappeared into the tree line.

"Be safe." My voice flew on the breeze as a cold wind blew in. My hand gripped the smooth wood across my left shoulder. "And don't be mad at your sister." I sat down on the metal and grabbed one of the arrows from Lincoln's quiver.

My fingers ran over the carved piece before I grabbed the cloth I had slathered some grease and fat onto that was left over from one of my kills. I hoped I didn't need it, but if I did.

I wrapped the cloth around the wood of the arrow, trying to flatten it along the body to keep it as aerodynamic as possible. If the arrow was off in any way, my shot would be altered. And I could miss.

I set the arrow back in the quiver, I couldn't think about what might happen if I miss. I couldn't miss. I wouldn't miss.

I leaned back against the metal, pulling my cloak hood up and my leather jacket closer. My eyes drawing lines in the stars. My mind remembering stories and my heart remembering that night.

It was peaceful and we were happy. Then I ruined it. But it's in the past, and I can't change it.

"You can't change the past, but what you can make is the present. The sun rises everyday, and it sets when it's done. And when it rises again, it's a blank page for you to write upon."

My blank page tomorrow will be covered in red.


I tacked Erebus, making sure he was ready to go at once. Lincoln's bow and quiver secured on the saddle for when I needed them in my escape. I had already bought in Molly and Gideon to help me. Gideon would release Erebus and Molly had already got one of the watchmen to make the gate "malfunction" enough for us to get through.

The plan was to get Sinclair, Lincoln, My dad, Harper, Miller, Octavia, and myself out. Though we added Miller's boyfriend to the list. Bryan had switched sides for Miller. Cute, but should have been done earlier.

I had already snuck Octavia in, she was in position as was Harper who was lookout for our escape route. Bryan was given a simple job that if done incorrectly would be ruined, Miller has faith in him so I do to. We all know how important this is to succeed, trust wasn't something I'd give sparingly in any situation.

My job, well, I'd be the distraction. Couldn't miss a killer with red hair.

I started to open the gate before having to hide as a group of guards came running from different directions. That wasn't part of the plan, but it works. Looks like I'll start early. The gate was halfway open but wide enough that the guards ran through and checked the outside area. The watchman at the top of the tower called down that he hadn't seen anyone leave.

"The gate is stuck, it's been like that all morning." I smirked, Molly did wonderfully. I pulled my two daggers free and spun them around as seven guards turned to head back into the Ark leaving eight guards outside. It seems the citizens had sensed the danger and stayed in their beds later. Leaving the outside basically abandoned.

"Fan out! No one ge-" the man didn't get to finish his sentence as my dagger imbedded into his throat. My other hung in my hand as I rose them innocently. The seven other guards froze and turned towards me, guns lowered and staring shocked.

"Whoops, it slipped." They were too slow on the draw as I launched my other dagger into one of the faster guards who attempted to draw his weapon.

My sword in my hands as I charged towards the six who remained. Sliding, I managed to sweep two off their feet then cause another guard to do self damage when I slipped behind and pierced through one of the male's back. Five left. I kicked a gun from one of the men's hands and sliced across another's throat.

They had stopped using their automatics at such close range, but a few of them had pistols. Coincidentally, I did too. I unclipped the gun, re-sheathing my sword and letting lose.

Kick, fire, punch.

The gun was a newer weapon for me to use in this type of conflict. But it helped when the opponents also used guns.

Stab, duck, fire, throw, dodge.

There was one man left. My pistol and dagger from Miller's dad in their sheaths, sword across my back, my dagger from Lincoln gripped in my grasp as I watched the man bring his walkie talkie to his mouth.

"Hel-" I exhaled, walking over to his body as he began to choke on his own blood.

"Should have done that earlier." I pulled the dagger from his body, wiping it on my pant leg before sheathing it. Having to pick my pistol off the ground as well, I set my earpiece in. Grinning triumphantly as Harper gave the signal that all of them were out.

Just as a hoard of guards exited the Ark with my target. And my brother.

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