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"Bellamy! Persphyni! Over here." I looked at Bellamy exasperated.

"Looks like they found us." We just stayed leant against the tree as Monty and my dad ran over. Two more sets of feet behind them.

"We told you to wait for the army to move." I rose a brow towards my dad, suddenly too tired to argue.

"We did, only we were with them as they did." My retort was ignored as Monty reached the both of us.

"You're hurt." Monty spoke as he saw Bellamy's slight limp. "And you don't have your shirt on." I rolled my eyes, slowly moving Bellamy's arm from my shoulders.

"Always a bright one you are." Monty rolled his eyes but smiled as I stepped up and gave him a nudge to his shoulder. "For your information, we both got hurt. Only, Bellamy got knocked out afterwards. So he's a little light headed." I leant closer to Monty and whispered loudly. "He even made a dad joke." Getting a slight chuckle from Monty and an eye roll from Bellamy, I finally turned to look at my dad as he watch our exchange amused.

"What happened?"

"We almost had her." Bellamy said through his harsher breathing as I turned to face my dad.

"I have their trail, but it's useless." I informed him.

"He knows he is being followed." My eyes went to Pike's as my father turned and gave him a look.

"Dad." I got his attention back towards me. "Bellamy needs to get to Abby right away."

"So do you." I shot Bellamy a quick glance.

"Not as much as you." Bellamy went to counter but my dad stepped in.

"That's enough from both of you. Let's head back."

Monty took my position in helping Bellamy get back to the Rover as I walked ahead of the group. Not allowing the wound to keep me from a faster pace. The reason for this pace was to get back to the Rover as quickly as possible. Additionally, I didn't want to speak with anyone at the moment and was doing quite well on my mission until I heard someone jogging from behind.

"So Marcus tells me you're his kid." I didn't turn my head as I already recognized who it was.

"That would be correct." I kept it brief, not necessarily wanting to talk to Pike as his whole being seemed off. But that might have been my bias in favor of Indra then some Arkie who I just met.

"I believe I never had you in any classes. I'm Charles Pike." I paused momentarily as he placed his hand in front of me to shake while we continued to walk.

"You didn't and wouldn't have. Persphyni Atlys Kane." I shook his hand. My dad seemed to like him as did Bellamy and Monty, maybe I was just defensive. "I may be coming of as rude at the moment, but I don't talk normally at first. Ask those two back there. So if you're looking to learn more about me, you can ask them. Or anyone else around camp." I didn't bother looking for his reaction just simply picked up my speed as I saw the large trading post and our Rover out front.

"I'll drive back!" I shouted over my shoulder as I headed to the driver seat. Only for my dad to call me.

"You and Bellamy will be in the back. Monty can drive and Hannah will sit up front." I didn't argue, just reached the back door and swung it open.

"You know, it might be easier to just let us sit in the fro- okay." I rose my hands in defense and got ready to climb up into the back. "Fine, but when I tear my scab open. I'm going to tell Abby it's your fault."

With my left hand I grabbed the small handle that hung from the top while bringing my right leg up to rest on the metal. The slight scrunch of the wound would be better than if I pulled with my right arm and pulled at the fragile scab.

With a slight count of three, I pushed firmly off the ground and pulled up with my left hand. Digging my right foot into the ground as I drove my left leg up to meet my right. I held tight to the handle as I stood still for a moment, taking several deep breaths before crouching and moving so my dad could hop in and help Bellamy into the back.

I didn't bother sitting on the bench, instead choosing to lean against it and put my arms down in order to relax my side easier. This ride wasn't going to be good for my wound, but I was prepared for the bumps and had my feet pressing into the bench seat across from me.

When Bellamy finally got in I nearly laughed as he flopped onto the bench behind my head. My dad taking up place at my feet and Pike right next to him. Once Monty and Hannah got in I looked up at Bellamy and smirked.

"I had to save your ass again." I knew he was upset about losing Clarke, but despite that I saw the briefest smile cross his lips.

"Well we both know why." I rose an eyebrow and brought my head to lean back against the bench.

"Oh? Do please enlighten me." I smirked as Bellamy was about to say it but stopped short and glanced at my Dad. My dad, who was more than curious to know why. His lips pursed as he caught the triumphant gleam in my eye. Something he couldn't allow clearly.

"Kos, yu dig in ai tush." I met his smirk with slight surprise.

"Briyon, bali ai nontu get in bida Trig. Dumbass." But lucky for both of us my father seemed a bit confused. And Bellamy's sigh of relief made me chuckle. "You keep working on Trig with Lincoln and you'll give me a run for my money." I smiled at him as he returned it. Our small moment ruined by Monty and his smart ass comment.

"What money? You're as poor as the rest of us." I gave Monty a playful glare as Bellamy started laughing at my dispense. Monty and myself soon joining him as we settled down. My eyes meeting my father's as he looked at the three of us.

It's nice to see you like this. I gave him a smile as I felt myself getting sucked into the past. My smile dropping as it grew silent once again.

My thoughts clouding my mind as I stared down at my feet. How things have changed.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now