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I eyed Bellamy angrily and with slight suspicion. We had been circling each other for over a minute now. Normally he would have attacked first, and I was tired of waiting. But clearly he wasn't. His eyes watched my every move and the slight twitch of his lip set me off. I had tried to not be aggressive to keep a calm head in order to not hurt him, but I was growing impatient. And he knew it.

I took the first move into my own hands, jabbing forward to test the waters. His hand coming up and pushing it away as he stepped back. The act of him just basically swatting my hand away sent me into a controlled frenzy.

Right jab, left hook

And he blocked each one, stepping further and further back to maintain his balance.

Double jab, body shot, right hook

He kept stepping back at just the right moment making me catch air. My eyes narrowing as he avoided me again and again.

I took a few steps back and shook my arms out, trying to take a minute to size Bellamy up. But I didn't get the chance as Bellamy finally went on the attack. Only he tackled me to the ground, momentarily knocking the wind out of me.

"Favorite color?" I kicked Bellamy off me and rolled backwards back into my feet.

"Black. Red, if you say black is a shade." I set my hands up ready as we circled again. And like before I started. But unlike before, I picked the tempo up.

But clearly not enough as I swung wide and got caught exposed, his hand pushing mine outwards as he stuck his shoulder into my stomach and flipped me up and over him. My shock held me to the mat for half a second, but by then it was too late.

"Favorite animal?" I pushed him off me and rolled sideways.

"Wolf, if you don't count the obvious choice." I saw him chuckle quietly as I stood up and didn't bother circling, I went straight at him. I sent a fist right towards his face, falling forward slightly as I put all of my force into it. Something I rarely do without it being a power blow, but right now I wasn't thinking straight.

As I staggered forward Bellamy grabbed my outstretched arm and managed to twist it behind my back. A small flash of the same position drifted across my vision, only up against a wall and inside Mount Weather.

"Have I done something wrong?" I ignored his question.

"Not a pin." I informed as I sent my head back and caught him off guard, turning around and getting him in the stomach. I caught his ankle and swiped, knocking him down to the mat. Following shortly as I pinned both of his hands above his head and sat keeping his lower half onto the mat.

"Why'd you resign?" I got off Bellamy and stepped back allowing him to stand back up.

"I failed to protect people I had sworn to protect." He said standing up and moving towards me. I set my hands down as he spoke, my internal rage cooling at his guilt. When I opened my mouth, I couldn't get out what I had to say as I avoided punches and ended up straight up tackling him to the mat.

When his back hit the floor I tried to pin him but he flipped us over and pressed hard to make sure I couldn't get up.

"What have I done to make you avoid me?" I went to push him off but he didn't budge.

"I'm not avoiding you." If anything I've spent more time with him these past two days than I have in the past three months.

"Bullshit. It's been two months of barely seeing each other except when your dad had us going on the same mission. And when we were around each other you made it seem like you were okay, like we were okay. But the next thing I know, you've disappeared and you don't come to me anymore to just talk or hang out." I tried one more time to push him off, but he had me truly pinned.

"I'm not avoiding you." I hissed my hands clenching into fists as he pushed down. His head coming closer as he responded.

"Stop lying." He whispered, the words rolling off his tongue and I sighed in defeat.

"I've just been busy, okay? And I just couldn't- I didn't realize it was affecting you this much. I figured with..." I trailed off, clogging the vulnerability up with everything at my disposal.

"Pers-" I felt him relax as something similar to understanding crossed his face. Giving me enough time to flip us around and pin him.

"Why are you and Erebus so familiar?" The question had been burning last night, and I needed something to get off topic.

"Who else did you think leaves a full tank of water and a batch of hay for him every morning?"

"That was you? This whole time?"

"One question at a time, but yes." I stood up and allowed for Bellamy to stand as well.

"I'm upping the stakes, winner gets to ask two questions, and you have to answer 100% truthfully." I rose a brow and continued to move in a circle.

"And how would I know if you're telling the truth?" He smirked.

"I guess you'll just have to trust me."

"First to pin for ten seconds?" He nodded in agreement, the silence returning as we watched the other carefully. This time he struck first as usual.

I blocked and returned hits, as well as received them. After about a minute of continuous exchange, I changed my tactic. I came with a fake hook, then delivered a punch to the gut with my other hand.

With a twist I had roundhouse kicked him straight across his face. Spinning him around as he clutched his cheek. Checking for any blood as I approached. The scene familiar except I wasn't going to be predictable like he had with Lincoln. I sent a jab and ducked under his hook. Attempting to exhaust him, and the more I hit him and dodged, the closer he came.

Finally as he brought a hand to his jaw to check it, I sent a kick directly into his side. My smirk falling as he grabbed ahold of it and tugged. My other foot hopped forward as I tried to stay on balance. The smirk now on Bellamy's face as he pulled again. My right thigh almost in his hand now as I hopped with my left until my foot was in between his.

He swiped my left foot from underneath me, causing me to fall as he kept ahold of my right, giving him an advantage as he pinned me.

"1, 2, 3," I wrapped my right leg around his lower waist, telling myself that I had to do this in order to win. "7,8," with my leg now around him, I lifted my lower half up and pushed, twisting us around and not looking at his shocked face.

"1,2,3,4," I started, Bellamy too focused on what I had just done to really struggle. Only trying when it was too late. "8,9,10." I held his wrists in my hand as my right leg had stayed wrapped around, my left resting on the other side of his hips. "I win." I breathed out as I slowly let go of his hands and detached myself from his body, standing up.

"That's a uh, new move." I nodded walking away towards me stuff on the bench and sitting down as Bellamy grabbed his shirt.

"It's one I don't use. Now, why didn't you attack first? And what did you want to tell me after the battle at the dropship?" I figured it was better to ask him that question instead of asking about when we were both hallucinating. Bellamy slid his shoes on and stood up, throwing his shirt on and walking over.

"Well, I didn't attack first because-"

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