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I wasn't invited to the meeting. Clearly seems like the perfect opportunity to go see Lincoln. Only I wasn't able to do that either.

"What do you mean I can't go see him? You know damn well if that was your friend in there you'd want to see them too. Now let me through." I hissed through my teeth as I clenched my fists. I didn't want to get violent, but I did want to visit Lincoln.

"Chancellor's orders. Sorry Major." Yes I did manage to keep my position title, but it seems as if it was merely just that. A title, a name, with little to no weight now.

"You will b-" I was cut off as footsteps rounded the corner and the two guards in front of me seemed to sigh in relief.

"What's the problem over here." I turned around taking a small step back to let Bellamy become apart of the group.

"Apparently, the Chancellor has erased any visitation with the prisoners. Oh, excuse me, interned." I snarked, not meaning to be as passive aggressive but I was too fired up now.

"That's correct, and your point it?" I shot Bellamy a glare before taking a deep breath in to calm down.

"My point is, I haven't seen my friend in a week. And now all of a sudden I can't? I didn't even want to know why, I just want to see him." I saw something flash across Bellamy's eyes before he steeled his face.

"Chancellor's orders. To be going back on them would be treason." I rose a brow taking a step closer to him before looking at the other two guards.

"Would you give us a second." I smiled sweetly as they walked away, but the sweetness was gone as I invaded Bellamy's personal space.

"You're telling me that going against a chancellor's order is treason. How about shooting them or breaking a law by having a sister, or even sneaking out of camp to go find us. To go find me. You've broken laws before, why is this one so important that I can't go and see Lincoln for a minute. You can even come with me if you're so worried that I'd do something stupid." His eyes glared into mine, and we stood there in silence neither one backing down.

"Please, Bellamy. You can be attached to my hip like glue, I don't care. I just need to see my friend and make sure he's alright." I softened my approach, his eyes softened as well and I knew I had him.

"Fine. You get a minute, and I'm going with you. But after this, no more." I smiled and grabbed his wrist before heading towards the cells. Passing the two shocked guards who were assured by Bellamy as we went by them quickly.

When we reached the door I dropped my hold on Bellamy and set my hands in my pockets as I saw Lincoln and the other grounders. The former was leaning against the wall with his head titled back and his arms crossed.

"Shopta bro?" His head snapped at the sound of my voice and I saw the beginnings of a smile on his lips until he saw the man next to me.

"Stil, yu?" I smiled a weak smile as he remained at the wall.

"Been better." I figured it would be better to speak in English so Bellamy could understand fully. "I don't get to be here long. I just needed to make sure you were as okay as the rest of us." I saw his shoulders tense and he understood my message. "Didn't want to lose touch." I heard his sigh and I wanted to give him a hug. I had just given him another thing to worry about, but he should know.

"Thank you. It means a lot. Now go before you get in any trouble." I sent him a small smile before nodding and turning to walk away.

"Nestam, Lincoln."

"Nestam, Persphyni."


How Bellamy had another meeting with Pike I didn't know, but what I did know was I needed to go and find my dad. Hopefully he'd be in a different spot then last time, especially now that I think Pike and Bellamy have caught on that someone from inside told Octavia.

Which is why I'm back in the vents, and trying to find my dad to warn him. All of my gear was on my bed other than my two daggers so I could get through without potential running my gun or walkie into the side of the metal. Not to mention how indiscreet it would be if the vent suddenly started talking with static.

"Sounds like a terrible idea." I stopped at the voice and peered in through the vent. "I'm in." I heard Raven's laugh and smiled. She was able to get through to him and that's all I could hope for.

I continued through the vent system close to giving up and just popping out and going on foot when I heard the radio. It was faint but it was there.

"So what's plan B?" I made my way to the small hole in the vent that let in some light from the room below.

"Our lookouts say the largest grounder encampment is in this valley. So, we deploy an assault team in Rover 1. And we do as much damage as we can with automatic weapons." I unlatched the vent and swung the grate up and over to the other side quietly as I continued to listen to the radio.

"Then they'll just fall back and make a run for reinforcements." As Hannah was speaking, I slowly began to climb out from the vent. Using my upper body to hold onto the vent until I was able to tiptoe on the black crates below.

"I'm counting on that. The only way there and back is over this ridge. Now we can bottleneck their warriors and pick them off." I snuck up beside Miller and eyed the radio, my hand reaching to clutch the small scroll in the upper pocket of my cargo pants as I listened with bated breath.

"We got the firepower for that?"

"We won't need it. We have a dozen concussive anti-personnel devices in our armory. I've already got a weapons man rigging them with a remote trigger." I clenched my jaw, my expression similar to the other three as Miller looked away from the radio pissed and not at all surprised I was there.

"And in the case this next phase doesn't work, if what you said was true, we have a secret weapon. Atlys."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now