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The door to the elevator opened and I had barely stepped a foot off of it when it began to go back down. Too late Alie.

The empty hallway was quiet. Uncanny for Alie's knowledge and spies. Quickly I raced down the hallway, turning right to reach the throne room.

Only to stop and hug the corner as I saw the two guards standing outside the door. I unsheathed my dagger and held it as I waited to see what they did, and was pleased as they both began to robotically run in my direction. Most likely to cut me off from the elevator.

Quickly, I swung my body into the slightly open room and held my breath as they passed. Their feet pounding down the hallway before it faded as they turned to reach the elevator.

Glancing down the hallway to see no one, I stepped out and ran over to the throne room.

"What's the paraphrase Clarke?" I reached the door and paused as I waited for Clarke's answer. My eyes drifting to the large tapestry at the end of this corridor just before a window. My secret passage into the throne room.

This passage, along with many others, was made by the Fleimkepa several years ago to protect the current Commander from one man. The soon to be Commander then, Sheidheda.

Quietly I slipped over to the door, the tapestry heavy as I slid behind it and pushed open the wooden door. It's hinges well oiled so it made no sound as I opened and closed the passageway. My hands found the torch I always used and frowned at how cold it was. Lexa always kept it lit through here.

I retracted my hand and made my way blindly through the dark. My soft footsteps the only sound as I finally reached the entrance door.

"Please don't do this." Clarke's weak whisper travelled through the wood. My hands grasped the hilt of my dagger and the door handle as I walked into the throne room.

"No." Clarke's whisper came again followed by choking noises. "No!" I peered out behind the pillar and looked at the scene before me. My body moving swiftly as it had already seen this scene twice before.

My dagger pierced through the air, cutting the rope causing Abby to drop unceremoniously to the ground, my dagger catching in the pillar behind her. My gaze flicking over to Jaha as he stared at me with wide eyes.

"Surprise." I mocked as I walked off the dais and towards the man. I sent a punch across his face and grinned as he staggered back a step.

"I thought you couldn't feel pain in the City?" I taunted, punching the man again. Smirking now as he once again took a step back holding his jaw.

"I can't." He seemed confused but played it off, his smile returning. "But I fear Clarke still can." I turned my head to face the blonde and looked around to see what he was talking about. No one was around her, I listened closely to the room and heard slight shifting from above us. My eyes trailing upwards to see the face of a woman atop the ledge, spear in hand pointed at Clarke ready to throw it.

I turned to face Jaha once again, his grin irritated me further. My mind racing as I worked a way out of this. There might have been a way, but now Abby had joined in the fray. Her weak body rising and walking over to Clarke pressing a blade against the blonde's skin.

"You can't defeat us, Persphyni." Jaha lectured as I turned to face him once more. I bit my tongue as I practiced building a mental wall a final time. One of obsidian and flame. "So join us."

I heard Clarke hiss, my head turning and watching the blood drip from the wound as Abby drew a line across her chest.

"All you have to do is take the key. And her suffering ends. You say you want to protect your family. This is how." Jaha whispered in my ear. His words slippery like a snake as I watched Abby look directly into my eyes and cut again right below the first line.

Jaha was right, this would be how I saved my family. But no one can know.

"You'll stop torturing her?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. Abby's hand freezing as the three looked at me in shock. Clearly not expecting me to have agreed so easily.

"Yes." Jaha chuckled slightly. "If you take the key, we will stop torturing her." I didn't like the wiggle room in that statement. I took a breath and let some past memories through the wall that wouldn't be detrimental to my plan.


"No! Persphyni!" I smiled at Clarke as I held out a hand to Jaha.

"It's okay Clarke. This is how I save my family. I won't abandon you, ever." I saw a tear slip from her eye as I held the key in my hand. I tried to strength the wall again, hoping that it worked. Adding a small flare to make it invisible as well, something I had read about in fiction books.

"Always." I whispered, looking at the blonde. "Even if always is only for tomorrow." I told her, bringing the chip to my mouth and rested it on my tongue ready to swallow it as I eyed Clarke one last time.

Reading don't fail me now.

With that final thought, I swallowed the chip. It's rough texture stopping in the middle of my throat as I felt a weird crawling sensation.

A slight pinch followed before it vanished. The thirst for water subsided. And I began to lose focus before I opened my eyes once again.

Millions of thoughts entered my head and I just wanted them to leave. Memories that didn't belong to me tried to intertwine with mine. Raven didn't explain this part, she told me the minds were linked to Alie. Not to each other.

"Let's begin." My energy refocused into the wall and blocked out the others's thoughts as I scanned the room looking for the voice. Pausing momentarily as I finally faced the source.

"Welcome, Persphyni."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now