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"Hail Warriors of the twelve clans." Lexa spoke as the singer finished the anthem.

"Hail Commander of the blood." The twelve clans members followed.

"Rise." All together, the clans and my people rose. My eyes accidentally catching Titus's who diverted them right away. He didn't like me much, but that's because I had bested him in a dual. A dual I had challenged him to after he kept making disgusted glares at the fact I could possibly be named Wanlida. Five seconds into the dual he learned why.

"We welcome Skaikru to our halls. In the spirit of friendship and harmony. And we welcome Clarke kom Skaikru, legendary Wanheda, mountain-slayer." I held back my sigh as I leaned against the pillar, my eyes continued to lazily scan the room.

"The reason for this summit has changed. We are not here to negotiate a treaty with the Skaikru, but rather initiate them into the coalition." I heard the clans members speaking to one another, a slight uproar at the thought of Skaikru joining the coalition.

"To symbolize this union," Lexa continued over the whispers, "the leader of Skaikru must bear our mark." I saw Lexa look at my people before her gaze turned to me. I nodded my head in their direction as I saw Abby and my father discussing who would bear the mark of the coalition. When it was decided it would be my father, Lexa gave the go ahead.

"Present your arm." I steeled my face, my mind telling me I should do it. To not make my father bear anymore weight. I was the bearer of the world. But I won my inner battle. I may have been the bearer of the world, but as per our agreement, I would not be the bearer of that mark.

My father eyed the hot steel, but exposed the skin on his arm nonetheless. I heard the sizzle and my dad's muffled grunt as the branding iron was set in his flesh. The mark now and forever there. Just as he was branded, the doors were slammed open and I was already on the way in front of the intruders my sword and dagger drawn as I eyed them carefully.

"Bellamy?" I made eye contact with Bellamy as his eyes went wide at my appearance. Which judging by the gasps and silence, the other clans members were shocked too.

"What is the meaning of this?" I heard Titus's raspy voice ask from behind me. A question I wanted to know as well.

"The summit's a trap." Bellamy let the man go and lower his gun slightly, looking to Clarke then back to me. "We need to get you out of here." He said, his eyes never leaving mine as I remained as I was. Weapons out and ready if necessary. But what I was ready for would depend on whom attacked first, peace is what I intended on keeping. And is what Lexa and I agreed on.

"What the hell is going on." I heard Clarke ask Lexa, who I could tell was just as confused as the rest of us.

"I don't know." I heard her response. My eyes still on Bellamy as he stared into me with them.

"It's the Ice Nation." He said, his head turning to his right, looking at the Azgeda delegates.

"These accusations are an outrage. The Ice Nation never stormed this summit with weapons, breaking our laws, that was the Skaikru." He did have a point. But Ivon was someone whom I had to put in his place very recently, and someone who refused to look in my eyes as they reminded him of defeat.

"We are right about this." Pike said, his words directed towards my father. "The two guards you left behind are dead already." I slowly straightened up, sliding my sword back into its sheath as I twirled my dagger around, still not moving my gaze from Bellamy's. "We need to go. Now."

"How did you come by this information?" I remained silent as I normally did during coalition meetings. And as normal, questions I had were asked and I was informed without lifting a finger. I watched the three of them turn to look at the door, and I could hear the suspense music.

"Where the hell is Echo?" My warning signal flashed, and I knew Echo was a spy. Undoubtedly Azgeda as she tricked these three.

"What's going on? Where the hell is she?" I held my retort as I turned to look at Lexa.

"Bell, maybe we were wrong about this." Octavia spoke as I walked up to Lexa, standing on the step just below where she stood.

"They were tricked. Something happened, but not here." I spoke in a low whisper for Lexa and I to hear only.

"I don't understand." I turned to face Bellamy as Lexa nodded telling me she understood. My dad had approached Bellamy and took the gun from him. Ordering them to stand down. The static of a radio caught my attention. But it wasn't mine as I had mine in my bag.

"Bellamy. Bellamy, come in." That was Raven, and she sounded like she had been crying. "The grounders attacked Mount Weather." Lexa and I shared a side glance, understanding passing through us as we returned to the situation.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy's husky voice was low as he asked Raven the question, his eyes on me the entire time.

"It's gone. It's gone. They're all gone. Sinclair and I are the only ones left. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Her voice trailed into sobs as I watched Ivon smirk slightly at the information. My daggers both in my hands as he stepped forward and began to speak.

"You should have never moved your people back into Mount Weather." I took steps towards him as he faced the clans and continued speaking. "The Ice Nation did, what Lexa was too weak to do." When he turned around he was met with my blades flashing making him hesitate momentarily. His heart fluctuated and his breath paused as Lexa walked towards him, but his eyes were on me.

"This is an act of war." Lexa hissed. "Sentries, arrest the Ice Nation delegation! Including the Prince." Ivon and the rest of the delegation were led out by guards and most likely taken to the prison cells.

"We need to get home." I spoke to Lexa, already knowing my father and Abby were talking about it. Lexa nodded looking between me and the two older adults.

"Go. Marshal your forces. We'll avenge the attack together." I nodded towards Lexa as she nodded back. I took two steps from the dais when I saw Clarke walking towards me.

"Clarke, we need to go now." I looked from Bellamy to Clarke who seemed conflicted.

"We need an ambassador from the thirteenth clan to stay in Polis." Lexa informed, that part of the coalition slipped my mind.

"It's not safe here." Clarke and I looked at each other and listened to their debate.

"Clarke will be safe here under my protection." Though I recalled the look Clarke had given Lexa just before she kneeled to her. And I had a feeling that wasn't all Clarke was going to be under. If I knew anything about reading people, Clarke was one of the easiest to read sometimes. And while she tried to portray indifference, I've seen the way Lexa looks at Clarke, and it was almost the same look Clarke had hidden in her eyes earlier this Summit.

"I have to stay." I heard Clarke say as I remained where I was, my bare feet planted in the dark red carpet.

"Commander, we must convene the war council immediately." Titus spoke to Lexa. The words catching all of our attention.

"I'll be right there." My gaze went from Clarke and her mother to Bellamy who was already looking at me.

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