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Sitting on top of the roof, I scanned both the road ahead of us and the forest around us. I laid down on my back and watched the canopy of the trees as we drove by. The beautiful contrast of dark green and bright blue had me smiling up at the atmosphere. My hands outstretched as I laid flat and enjoyed the cool crisp air.

For a moment I let my mind wander off as I stared into the sky. Within that moment my mind decided to wander further than normal. I was no longer on top of the Rover but in my room. Smiling at the door, but my heart breaking. I saw the memory in first person view as I fought my knees that threatened to give out from underneath me.


"You are fine. You're going to be okay. Just like always. You're going to be fine." I whispered as I walked towards the door and pressed my forehead against the cool metal before turning and sliding down to the floor. "You are always okay. Nothing has changed. You wanted this." That in itself was a lie. And I had known that and still do.

"Who am I kidding." I pushed off from the ground and raced to my closest looking for a short sleeve shirt. Once I had found it and changed I marched outside. From here I would be running around the perimeter of camp, but I had already flicked to a new memory when I opened the door.

"What if I want you to?" I felt the warmth of the hug from the blonde but it wasn't real. None of this was real.

"I won't." Well that promise was broke. I focused on a new memory only fighting with my brain as it played out.

"He's happy. I'm glad it's her. From what I've heard she's a sweet and kind person." Harper gave me a look and I stared back. "What? I'm serious."

"And I'm Madonna. You can't possibly be okay with this can you?" I looked at the two as I lifted my cup, saluting the empty air.

"It's what I wanted. So I have to be." Harper and Raven hadn't asked me any questions about the two since. And I was glad.

"Finish it." My mind shut down as I focused on this new plot. "He's dead either way. Which way he goes is up to you." I blinked and looked down at my hands to find a tiny blade that fit perfectly between my smaller hands. Hands that were covered in blood.

"Find your way home." I saw in slow motion as a head full of blonde hair jumped from the cliff, but as I got closer the blonde turned to red and the girl got smaller and smaller. And instead of falling down a cliff she was falling into a dark room where her arms soon were chained followed by her legs, her jaw clenched as she stared straight through me.

"This would all be over if you do as I ask." The girl didn't respond. "One day you will see what I have done for you." The crack of a whip was heard behind the chained figure, but just as she was hit, the vision changed to a red head kneeled on a grey floor. Blood surrounding her as she grasped a sword tightly in her right hand. Her eyes downcast, waiting.

"This is your champion? A young girl? And even better, a young girl who has no name." My point of view suddenly became the girl as I lifted my head to face the male who was speaking. "Poor little moon, should we call you Nameless?"

"Skotóno, mikró. Skótosé ton." I didn't spare a glance to the voice. Only, like a trained robot, followed its command. Before the male had a chance, I had impaled him straight through his torso. His face turned to one of shock as he grabbed ahold of my hand. Though his shock turned to gratitude as he squeezed my fingers gently.

"Good luck, Nameless. It is a long fall in the dark." I closed my eyes and clenched them tightly. Though they wouldn't go away. My mind continued to race and I officially couldn't catch it.

"Ai gonplei ste odon."

"Do it, put the rest of us out of our misery. Do it, to protect the rest of us, from you."

"No! Don't do it!"

"Cause at the end of the day, no one gives a damn about my reasons. Because they are mine."

"I know that. But I just got you back, and I can't risk losing you again."

"To me it does."

"Let me see you. Let me see you."


That was the last straw. Regaining my breath, I shot up and tried to refocus on my surroundings. Distracting my mind with more important things than the past.

I wasn't going to lose myself now. Not when I had people counting on me, looking up to me, and needing me. Not when I needed to already shield myself from pain I wasn't aware I could feel. Pain I wasn't aware I could ever know.


With the high beams as our only source of light I paid extra attention to the forest and little to the road ahead of us. Monty would be watching that, I just needed to make sure we would be aware if anyone decided to flank us as we entered sector seven.

But apparently, Monty wasn't doing that good of a job as he slammed on his breaks sending me flying along the roof. Grabbing the railing, I managed to stop my forward momentum as my boots hung in the view of the windshield versus the rest of my body sliding off. Once I recovered, I looked to see a large tree trunk laying perfectly in the middle of the road.

Definitely something not done by nature. And as the second trunk fell behind us, I knew for a fact that nature was not the cause of this.


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