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"Guess we found her." I grinned as Octavia and Helios made their presence in front of the Rover.

"Try and keep up!" I heard her yell and almost yelled back but decided against it. I'll let her have her victory, but next time I'll race her on Erebus. I'm convinced he'd have even Raven driving petal to the metal in the Rover.

Octavia led the way as I sat back in my seat and let Raven do her thing. She was definitely the better driver in here, Bellamy and myself close second (not to brag but it's true). Then Monty and Miller but we never let Jasper drive. He's never been sober enough to drive. So we don't know if he's good or not.

We were quiet for a few minutes into the drive before Jasper started to sing. Bellamy and I giving each other a glance before returning to Jasper.

"But the day after to-day-" Monty yanked his earphones out, stopping him mid-line.

"No way. If you're riding shot gun you can't just disappear." I watched the exchange with careful eyes and had to bite back my smirk when Jasper plugged Maya's iPod in to the radio.

"Hey. It's okay. It's a long ride." Bellamy held Monty from reaching the iPod. With a sigh, Monty sat back and I gave him a smile.

Relax. I received a tight lipped smile in return. The rhythm of the music catchy as I tapped my foot to the sound. Miller even started to play air drums making me smile. And when the vocals started again both he and Jasper were singing.

Raven nodding along in the driver seat beginning to sing as well. The three of them making me smile as I sat back and listened to this song they all apparently knew. Though as I listen to the song more I found myself becoming more and more stoic as Monty eventually joined in the singing. Bellamy laughing at them as I remained in my seat quiet.

Jasper then proceeded to get up but I paid him no attention as I looked out the window. Suddenly wishing I had ridden Erebus. Or on the outside of the Rover.

Though the music ended quickly as a loud beeping sounded from the front. Mine and Monty's eyes whipping to the radar where a red flashing light appeared heading towards us.

"A tracking beacon from the Ark." Monty taking the initiative jumped up into the passenger seat as I set a hand on the hilt of my dagger, scanning the windows carefully.

"Hey, that was the best part." I didn't spare him a glance as I kept scanning and eventually found nothing.

"Who is that?" Bellamy asked. We all had started to lean in as Monty typed away. Or at least Bellamy and I.

"Farm station." That's not possible. Well, I guess technically it is. But they had lost contact with them after separation from the Ark.

"After four months? How?" Miller seemed skeptical, but if this was really farm station than his boyfriend could possibly be still alive.

"We'll find out. Where are they?" I turned my head to the back door as Octavia threw it open.

"Don't tell me I missed the party." I rolled my eyes at her but gave her a smile to which she sent one back.

"Sector 8." I sighed bringing a hand to my hair and running it threw my ponytail.

"Azgeda." My voice was calm if not disappointed. "Okay. Let's go find that beacon." Raven looked at me with a small frown.

"Protocol says we go home. Let the chancellor decided what to do next."

"Screw protocol."

"Screw protocol. The chancellor's not from Farm Station." Bellamy and I voice in sync, only he had a reason attached to his slight rebellion. "Monty is, and so is Miller's boyfriend."

"It's your call." I finished looking at Miller and Monty. Catching the slight nod from Bellamy through the corner of my eye.

"Let's do this." I grinned at Monty and turned to Miller.

"You have to ask?" My grin turned to a smirk as I looked to the back doors.

"Try to keep up." I chuckled at Bellamy's response before standing up and making my way to the doors. "What are you doing?" I turned around as I jump off the back of the Rover.

"I'm going to ride on the back." I rolled my eyes when he gave a questioning look. "Easier to scan the surroundings." And have a few seconds to myself. "Don't argue." I didn't let him do anything as I slammed the door shut and hopped up onto the ladder on the side. Giving Raven a thumbs up for her side mirror, I sent Octavia a quick glance.

"Hey." She rose a brow as she hopped on Helios. "Try and keep up." I had to hold back my laugh as she rolled her eyes but I got her to smile. And right now, seeing her smile helped with the current situation.

We drove for another five minutes before Raven put the Rover into park and I hopped down to open the door, my face steeled as we were in sector eight. Azgeda territory.

"These woods must be the border." I shut the door after Jasper hopped out. His face stoic as we didn't bother sparing each other a glance. Only did I look at him as he started to walk away.

"So where's all the ice?"

"Much further north." Octavia said as I trailed behind the group, making my way to the other side of the Rover to talk to Raven.

"Stay close to the Rover in case we need a getaway driver. You're the best one we've got." She smirked but nodded nonetheless.

"Tight formation on my command." I rose a brow at Bellamy before rolling my eyes as Raven and I made our way in front of the Rover. "Raven you stay in the Rover."

"Yeah, right." I walked up to stand beside Octavia, slightly in front as I drifted my hands to my sides.

"We need every gun we've got." I eyed the forest for movement as Monty called how close they were.

"They're coming. 120 meters. 110." I stepped forward and in front as I heard the galloping of horses.

"That's not our people." I spoke, my hand ready to grab my sword and dagger.

"How to you know?" I didn't turn to answer Bellamy.

"Listen." And they did.

"Horses." And like he had called them to appearance, three white horses with blood streaks on their coats galloped towards us. Halting as they spotted us.

"Azgeda." I spoke in return as they eyed us.

"Stay calm." I watched Octavia walk up with her hands in the air. The lead horseman taking charge.

"Chon yu bilaik?"

"Skaikru. Ste lufa osir kru au." Octavia answered, her hands lowering. I eyed Azgeda carefully, the men turned to each other.

"Ste lufa Wanheda au." My daggers were out in my hands and I was moving towards Octavia before Azgeda could blink.

"They think we're looking for Wanheda."

"Who's that?"

"Osir nou lufa Wanheda." I said as the lead guy came in front of me. Thankfully Octavia backed up and gave me some space should things get messy.

"Jasper!" I watched the two still on horseback draw their bows just as I stuck a hand out and caught Jasper.

"Whatever you're about to do. Don't die." I whispered before released my hold on him and let him keep walking towards the man with the beacon.

I watched Jasper yank the beacon and hold it up to the Azgeda man.

"This belongs to us." Vlákas.

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