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I walked into the garage as people were saying their goodbyes. My pack swung over my left shoulder opposite my sword as I walked Erebus into the station. His eyes scanning the surroundings taking in everything as he stuck close to me.

"Raven." I called after Jasper finished giving her a hug. My eyes drifting away from Monty who had turned his back on his best friend to the zero-g mechanic. "You mind taking care of this guy?" I stopped, Erebus along with me as Raven hobbled over to us with a smile.

"Of course. He's such a sweetheart." I rose both of my eyebrows as Erebus leaned his head towards the girl while she scratched behind his ear.

"I'm not even going to ask." I set my hands in the air, dropping the reins onto his neck and taking a step back. "Traitor." I teasingly hissed towards Erebus. But he didn't pay any mind as I continued to walk over to the Rover, to preoccupied with getting attention from Raven. I smiled and walked over to the back door as Bellamy started the Rover.

"Bye Persphyni." I gave the group a wave and slammed the door shut before grabbing onto one of the ladder rungs at the back and sending them a small salute.

"Farewell fellow Arkies, in due time we shall meet again." I gave a mock bow before glaring at the side mirror as Bellamy jolted the Rover forward. My near fall making the others burst into laughter as I rolled my eyes and made contact with Bellamy through the mirror.

His mouth closed tightly but I could see the laugh threatening to burst out. He knew what he did. Little shit.

I'm driving next. I mouthed, a smirk growing on my face as I leaned off the back of the Rover.

Why didn't you sit passenger? Bellamy returned, ignoring my statement. My smile dropping slightly as I tried to figure out why I wasn't sitting up front.

It wasn't like we'd talk about what Raven said when Alie had her. He probably forgot already.

Later. I gave him a tight lipped smile before I started to climb up the ladder onto the roof. The gates of Arkadia becoming smaller as we increased our distance. Our mission simple, but going to be challenging.

"Stay human dad. We're coming." The bright stars flickered in the sky as the hum of the Rover filled the air. My whisper floating on the breeze as Bellamy drove following Lincoln's map.


I watched the road ahead of us, Bellamy had been driving all night and day which gave me no confidence that he wasn't near exhaustion. Plus it was raining meaning I was getting wet. Thankfully I had dropped my pack in through the hatch meaning I had warmer and dryer clothes when i needed them.

I caught sight of the trunk much sooner than Bellamy but I still didn't have enough time to brace myself fully as he stomped on the break. The tires screeching to a halt as my body toppled over the side, my hands just barely catching the small metal bar to keep me from landing straight on the ground. I met Bellamy's eyes as I dropped to the ground beside the driver door, a piercing glare that told him I'd be returning the favor sooner or later.

His apologies got interrupted as the back flew open and Octavia came sprinting out, book clenched in her hand and face set. Clarke following her lead as the rest of us joined after her.

"Anyone hear the part where I said it could be days?" Jasper's yell came from behind as I jumped over the trunk and jogged up beside Octavia.

"Stop." I paused momentarily as I listened to the sound of moving water . "You hear that?" Octavia asked as she turned to face Clarke and I.

"Water." I nodded in Clarke's direction before taking off behind Octavia. Still not fully understanding why the water was important. But you miss things when you're sitting on top of the car versus inside it.

"Eyes sharp, they could be hostile." Bellamy yelled, Octavia turned around as she made it up on the hill.

"They're not hostile. Put the guns down!" Jasper made it up as I turned to see Bellamy debate with himself. The man and his gun. I let Octavia go ahead with the other three as I waited on Bellamy to get up into the hill.

"Today, Slow-ass." I mocked as he picked up his speed, springing up the hill as we then ran after the others.

"Slow my ass," he went to say more but I interrupted before he could finish his retort.

"That's what I said." I ran backwards so I could face him and sent him a wink watching his cheeks heat up slightly as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Cute." I laughed and turned around, he clearly was flustered or frustrated. Maybe both. He was definitely worried through. That was clear by the way he kept checking his surroundings and looking up at his sister leading the charge.

"She's smart Bell, she knows what she's doing." I tried to comfort him as I slowed down to run beside him.

"I hope you're right." We followed Octavia and the river through the forest. Our feet stopping rapidly as we were met with a body of water.

The ocean.

The blue water seemed to stretch for miles, the horizon line touching the calm waves as I breathed in the salty air.

"Where's the village." I walked out in front of the group, taking steps out towards the small beach like front.

"No, no, it can't be." I turned around to see what Octavia was talking about, my eyes following hers to see the rock statues on an outlet a few yards away.

Together we jogged over, our feet tapping on the rocky surface as we reached the center of the circle.

"This is definitely just a bunch of rocks." I walked outside of the circle, my eyes still on the horizon.

"She's gone."

"What do we do now?" I ignored Jasper question and eyes the hosting with suspicion. There was something out there. Way out there. It seemed like a small body of land or something.

I heard someone walk over towards me and kneel down on the rocks. My head turning as I saw Octavia glaring at the water. Her hands clenched as she turned her head to the clouds and let out a scream. The sound echoing as I knelt down and swiped Lincoln's book from the ground as Octavia slowly recovered from the oxygen loss.

I opened the book to the page of the map. The one which had a piece of tree to bookmark the page.

"Now," I spoke standing up turning to face the other three, "we make a fire."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now