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I nodded, my head snapping away from the male as they all began to rise in the metal box.

"My sword's gone."

"Guns, too."

"They're being held in safe keeping. It's the only way we'd be able to see Luna." I watched Clarke grab a tin box from her jacket pocket, her shoulders dropping in relief. "It isn't a weapon, so I didn't take it." Their eyes shot towards me as I slowly stood from my position.

"We're on an oil rig, in the middle of the ocean. I woke up a few minutes before we reached Floukru territory. Clearly they thought I'd be unconscious for a lot longer." I walked to the large door as Octavia began to bang on the walls of the box.

As if the grounders had been waiting outside for the others to wake, the large door opened and I was met face to face with the girl from the drawing. Luna kom Floukru, the runaway Natblida.

"Luna." Octavia spoke as she walked up to my side, the others slowly coming with her.

"Where's Lincoln?"

"Lincoln is dead." Luna's eyes stopped roaming the box and met Octavia's.

"Lincoln said that you would help us." Clarke coming in with her diplomatics. Please don't turn out like Anya.

"Did he?" Anya and the bridge all over again, except we don't have a way out.

"Luna, you're the last of your kind. The last Nightblood."

"Way to make her feel special Clarke." I hissed under my breath as I turned and walked back towards the boys. Probably not the smartest move as when I turned around Luna was giving me a cold-stare.

"So Lexa is dead as well." Luna's eyes remained on mine though they softened a little.

"Her spirit has chosen you to become the next Commander. Titus entrusted the flame with me to give to you." And this is when it all goes downhill.

"Then he should have told you that I left my conclave-"

"Swega klin nowe frag op nodotaim." I interrupted as I remembered what Lincoln had told me about Luna.

"You don't have to kill. To lead is your birthright, how you lead is your choice." Clarke continued, hitting the ground running at Luna's hidden surprise at my comment.

"Here." We watched as Clarke held out the Flame so Luna could see.

"I recognize the sacred symbol, but what is that?"

"This is the Flame. It holds the spirits of the Commanders, of Lexa." Luna's eyes grew dark as Clarke continued to be hopeful. "Will you take it and become the next Commander?"

I watched already knowing the answer as everyone hung from the edge of their seats with suspense. Octavia and Jasper leant forwards as Bellamy pushed himself upright on the wall.

"No." Luna folded the AI into Clarke's hand and walked away before Clarke could say anything else.

The blonde turning around and looking for us to confirm what just happened. And when she saw that it indeed happened, her and Octavia ran after Luna.

"Hey, wait!" Bellamy, Jasper, and myself taking the slower route as we walked out into the bright sun.

The calls of gulls circling rang out as the soft, faint crash of waves could be heard. The smell of salt and the feel of the sun was exciting. A new experience, one where I wasn't holding onto a rail for dear life as we rocked back and forth.

"Whoa." I chuckled at the boy.

"You can say that again." I smiled, extending my arms and spun around in the sun. My fun not ending as I heard a bell ring, and the guards murmurings of food.

Never had fish before.


"Everywhere I looked, there were finds. And teeth. And blood. I knew if they saw me, I'd be next,"

"I'll make you next." I grumbled under my breath as we sat around the fire. The storyteller getting on my nerves as she started another story. All of them water related and stupid. Thankfully Bellamy and Luna saved me from standing up and getting violent with the girl. Something I'm sure I wouldn't have allowed myself to be stopped just last year.

"She's here. Maybe she changed her mind." I stood with Bellamy as did Clarke and the three of us made our way over to the leader of Floukru. My arms crossing over my chest once we had stopped.

"The boats return at nightfall. Then you leave. Forever." Her last word directed straight at me, her eyes never wavering as she stared me down. My unbothered stare gazing right back as I held the look, challenging her to try.

"Luna, let us explain." Clarke jumped in as she felt the hostility rise. Something I prided myself on as I made the Nightblood feel the fight within her.

"I said no." She tried to move passed us, but I didn't move out of her way allowing Bellamy to jump in.

"No, you need to hear this." The man behind Luna put his hand on Bellamy's chest to keep him from grabbing her. Making me step in Bellamy's direction with a blazing stare at the man who looked hesitant to keep his hand on Bellamy. His survival instinct winning as he eventually removed his hand.

"There's something out there, that's going to destroy us all." The dramatics.

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here." I scoffed, uncrossing my arms as I took it as my turn to speak. Since the two people beside me weren't getting things done.

"The thing we are talking about is an AI. A technology which has a large span of intelligence. As well as human drones and air drones. Not only will she be able to get here, but she knows where we are and how to get here. Your boats that are coming back, definitely will end up with people who've been chipped." She seemed confused and concerned but I continued. "If Alie makes it here, your people are dead. Pain is nothing, death has no meaning, it's a paradise for people who no long have the will to live. No longer have the strength to remain human."

"What does this have to do with me." I looked Luna dead in the eyes as she stared into mine. Curiosity bubbling behind her mask of calm.

"The Flame can only be used on Natblidas. You are the only one left who can save us all." She seemed to consider it. Her face still a mask of calm as she finally returned to make eye contact with me.

"I'll take my chances, Wanlida." I watched her push pass me, and go towards Octavia. My fist clenching as I eyed the woman in the back of the head. Bellamy's hand subtly closing around my hand to give it a squeeze. My temper declining as I let go of my clenched, white fist.

"It grazed me with its teeth."

"I'm going to teach her how to tell a story." I went to move but Bellamy and Clarke both stopped me. Clearly worried I'd lash out. And I planned on it.

Death was coming. Alie along with it.

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