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"Where's Jasper?" I asked as we were being led out back to the red box.

"Saying goodbye to his new friend." I rose an eyebrow and turned towards Octavia.

"Storyteller?" She nodded, my head turning back around so she wouldn't see my grimace. I'm glad that Jasper found a friend. But my warning signals were blaring.

Not only was the rig surrounded in dark shadows and the occasional lights, but we were missing one person, and I didn't see the bag with our weapons. My senses fully engaged and alert as I drifted behind a mask to catch every movement. From a breath, a flinch, a blink, to the small mouse that just bolted passed the grounder's shoe up front.

The red box was unlocked, and the doors opened as the man from earlier began to step out.

"Sorry, Cap, we gotta take 'em back." The man was quiet as were the others as they stepped out and walked around us. Their voices void of emotion and expression.

"Your gear," Luna said as she threw in a canvas bag with a few items inside, "you get your weapons once you land." I eyed Luna as the front man began to push Bellamy and Octavia inside. My eyes drifting off of Luna to stare out of the corner of my eye at the other grounders.

"The Flame?" I was pushed from behind and turned with a clenched jaw and fists. My eyes narrowing in on the grounders who had just gotten out of the box. Their eyes glued to the exchange between Luna and the Blonde.

"Remember, Clarke. A path of violence is a choice." My hand reached down for my daggers but met empty air. My weapons were on the boat, but Alie was here.

"-fight or die, there is no choice." I stepped forward just as the grounders from the boat attacked. Clearly going after the Flame as I blocked the swing before sending a kick straight into his chest.

Clarke was thrown backwards into the cage as I grabbed ahold of the other man and wrestled him back and onto the ground. The blow partially winding him, but he didn't feel pain, so he hopped right back up again.

I turned to my left and blocked the hook from another grounder, my foot kicking the one I had just slammed onto the ground back on the floor as he tried to charge at me. Ducking below the swing from behind, I spun and sent a kick to the ankles of the Captain and the man behind me. I let my momentum carry me to a stand only to get a hand clamped on my ankle and the grounder from before standing back up. I had no time to move as I turned a fraction of a degrees and was met with a tackle.

My hands moved to shield my head as our momentum's carried us backwards and into the box. The hand on my ankle letting go as I fell. The harsh metal colliding with my body as I tucked my head as tightly as possible to my chest.

This time he knocked the breath out of me. A gasp escaped my lungs as the chipped-grounder got off and ran to the outside of the closing doors. My hands uncurled from my head as I struggled to breathe.

Quickly, but weakling, I rolled onto my hands and knees before shakily standing and racing to the doors. Inhaling heavily as I ran. But it wasn't just that I felt like I was running in slow-mo, I was running in slow-mo. The world spun and I tried to stop my momentum as the doors slammed shut. My knees shaking as I collapsed right into the metal.

Exhausted, frustrated, breathless, I turned to grab onto the door and stand back up. All of my body weight on the door as Octavia came racing over.

"They took the Flame. They're locking us in." Clarke coming over to join Octavia as I set my back to the door.

"Hey! What is this?" Clarke yelled as she hit the door.

"Alie." I croaked as I tried to catch my breath. "Alie is here."

The box was quiet except for my rough breathing as I managed to regain it slowly. Disbelief and frustration on the three other faces looking at me and the door.

Once I had regained my breath to the point I was able to move away from the door, the Blake siblings got to work.

Bellamy slamming his body weight against the bolted door while Octavia ran about kicking the walls. The blonde and I watched before Clarke moved over to me.

"Are you okay?" I nodded, holding back the cough that threatened to escape.

"I'll be fine, just winded." I told her as I turned my head back towards the siblings. "Though I doubt they are."

"How did Alie even find this place?" Octavia shouted as she kicked the metal. The two growing quiet to match Clarke and I. Bellamy and I making eye contact as we figured out how Alie found this place.

"The drone." I voiced, Bellamy nodding as he thought the same thing.

"There was a drone at Niylah's." Bellamy explained to the other two, my head falling back against the metal as I groaned silently. Of course the AI bitch would have more bots.

"She must have followed us, looking for the Flame, and now she has it." I pushed off from the wall and walked over to the door. My hand tracing along the metal.

"She's going to put the AI in Luna." Bellamy concluded, my hands drifting up to the top of the door and around it.

"She'd have to chip her first. If Luna's chipped before she gets the A.I., Alie's going to know everything. We'll never be able to stop her." I heard Clarke standing as I found the hinges of the box. "We can't let that happen." Not even a second later Clarke was pounding on the metal. "Hey!"

"Clarke, stop." I spoke, my hands playing with the hinge. "It's not going to help anything. Only we can help us."

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