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My eyes flickered and I saw black as I swayed on my feet. A bloodied Lexa raced over to me as she sheathed her swords.

"Persphyni. Persphyni." I nodded my head to let her know I heard her. I felt her place her hands on my face as she looked into my eyes. "Alie is draining you. You have to disconnect. You have to go back to your body." I did nothing, my eyes unfocused as everything became blurry. Lexa seemed to have three heads and I was beginning to forget what was happening. "Do you understand? You have to disconnect, Persphyni." I shook my head no, I was here for a reason. Something important, someone important. My ears caught the faint sound of footsteps approaching.

My hazy natural instinct turned me towards the entrance of the alleyway though I could barely feel my feet.

"Persphyni." Lexa went to get in front of me but I pushed her out of the way. My leg wobbled as I stepped forward only to meet Lexa again. "Persphyni, listen to me. You have to return to your own body. If you don't, you'll die. And Clarke still needs you." I stared blankly up at the old Commander. "They all need you alive. Bellamy needs you." I felt my ears involuntarily perk up at his name before a wave of drowsiness hits me. Followed by an attack to my mind.

I felt like she was clawing at the outsides desperate to be let in.

I whimpered quietly, laying down on my belly as Lexa knelt down and sat beside me. The oncoming hoard ignored as she remained by my side as I fought off Alie.

This fight was different. Alie was trying to take my life force away. She was trying to get inside— to kill me. I had always been a threat, and now I was an even bigger one since I was able to fight back.

"I'll stay here. But they need you there. Live Persphyni. Live." I gave Lexa one last look, full of respect and thanks before I nodded and closed my eyes. Disconnecting from the City.


The crashing of bodies against the door met my ears as I slowly opened my eyes. My head spinning as I tried to regain control of my breathing.

"This is it. We need to keep Clarke safe, give her time." I felt my shoulders relax at his voice. "They're unarmed, but they won't feel pain. And they won't stop until they're out cold." My breath returning as I slowly moved from my butt to lean carefully over the thrown room. Blinking multiple times as I watched the furniture at the door rock back and forth as bodies slammed at the thrown room walls.

"Go for the knockout. Got it." Miller's voice filtered up into the air as the cocking of Abby's gun followed.

I held back my sigh as I stood slowly, rocking back and forth as I caught my balance. Taking a deep breath in before carefully walking across several beams. I shook out my stiffness and unsheathed my daggers. With a calming breath, I plastered a smirk on my lips and jumped from the rafters. My dagger cutting the rope as I neared the drop, hoping to earn style points as I landed lightly in front of Bellamy as the minions broke through the door. Gasps of surprise from my entrance filtered through the air as I stared at the throne room doors.

"Good. The fun didn't start without me." I twirled my daggers in both hands. My feet firm on the ground despite the exhaustion of adrenaline hitting hard and Alie's brutal attacks. Clarke was there at the kill switch. She just needed time.

"Don't wait for the invite, Via. Bell, a little help." I shot the siblings a small wink before I met the first man as he cleared the furniture.

Instead of using my daggers, I sent a hard roundhouse kick straight across his face. My head spinning as I kept myself upright, though mine wasn't spinning as bad as his. The chipped male went down faster then the dropship a year ago, completely passed out.

With the doors open, the flood gate burst. Chipped person after chipped entered. Attacking blindly with everything they had as Alie had commanded them to.

I punched and I kicked, I did all I could without killing but it didn't stop anyone. The hordes kept coming. Blood had to be spilt, and it wouldn't be ours.

With a grunt, I swung my daggers down across two attacker's necks who had been waiting as I dealt with their other friends. More chipped people turned towards me as I began to cut down the bodies versus save them for when Clarke pulled the kill switch.

As I sliced through the last man's neck, I noticed a man racing towards Clarke. His path cleared as Alie's minions had managed to push us away from the red carpet.

Without so much of a blink, my dagger left my hand. The blade piercing the neck of the man as I kicked away another who had woken up from the floor.

With the people around me laying still, I was able to look around the room. My feet moving tiredly towards the dais where my dagger laid embedded into the man's neck. My eyes met Abby's as she gave me a nod, still cautious about me while I pulled the dagger free.

As I pulled the dagger free and turned, I heard the grunts of pain as Bellamy got double teamed. The larger bald guy sent a punch to the male's stomach unleashing a fury I had felt before but didn't realize I had enough energy to accomplish.

Silently, I crept up behind the man and slit his throat. Giving the second aggressor the ability to pin Bellamy to the ground and pin him in a choke hold. I felt my legs shake beneath me as I reached the man but I didn't let them falter.

"Dad." I whispered as I was about to plunge my dagger into the man's back. My hands shoved the two blades back as I quickly wrapped my dad in a headlock and yanked him away from a gasping Bellamy. His arms came and swung behind him and I took every hit as I focused all my strength in dragging him away.

"Persphyni." I hissed aloud as she tried to enter my thoughts. My arms tightened around my dad as he fought back. His nails digging into my skin, the first time any of them had drawn blood.

"Persphyni." Her word was like sweet venom, lulling me to succumb.

"Persphyni. Look at me." I looked up from my hood to my dad then up and saw the woman standing in front of me. But it wasn't Alie. I felt my hold falter and my dad took the advantage. His arm swung and collided with my side forcing me to let go and push him away from me as I kept eye contact.

"Who are you?" I asked, my eyes watering as my mind grew tired. Bloody moons from my father's nails dropped down my arm, blood dripped from my nose, my eyes fluttered as I fought to stay awake.

"I'm a memory, of your father's. My name is Kore."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now