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"We load the APD's into the rover and mine the field before we attack. After we strike, we lure their reinforcements onto the ridge. And once we have enough grounders in the killing box," Pike trailed off and I wasn't sure if it was for dramatic effect or not, but Bellamy finished his sentence.

"We detonate. It'll buy us some time but-"

"Time is what we need." My other hand clenched the hilt of my dagger as I waited for the rest of Pike's plan. "And if any grounders make it out or try to come in, we'll have Atlys waiting for them."

"And you're sure she's with us?" Hannah asked, the four of us now utterly silent as we stopped breathing to hear the reply.

"She's with me, she won't break her loyalty to me." I nearly choked on my own breath at his words. And as much as I hate to admit it, he was right. I wouldn't break my loyalty to him or any of my family. But that wasn't our deal. I told him we'd save our people together, by any means necessary. And one of those means is clutched in my grasp.

"We move at dawn. We'll fill Atlys on the details after dinner." That means I have until dinner to remain a recluse in their eyes.

"All right." My dad spoke as Miller had a small internal fit and Harper shut the walkie off.

"I think they're bluffing." I voiced through the silence. "Why waste all that ammo and weaponry on this segment of a blockade that expands five miles in every direction?" My dad took my thought into consideration but shook his head.

"Even if they are bluffing, we need to make sure they can't use that rover. We'll have to disable it. If they aren't bluffing and they take it out, it won't matter how many grounders they kill. Ten times that number will descend on Arkadia and no one will survive." He was right. The grounders will retaliate.

"You got any idea how to stop them?" Harper asked.

"I might." We all looked at my dad as he began to turn around. "We need to get back to normal life quickly and discreetly. You have earpieces if you need me." He started to exit when I stopped him.

"I need one too. If you need me to prove where I stand in this fight for my people's safety, it's with this." I pulled the scroll out and showed him the name at the bottom. "I may be asked to play a double agent, but I am here to keep peace. And I will achieve it alone if I must." My dad hadn't shifted his gaze from my eyes, trying to find anything that might've made me untrustworthy. But when he gave the nod for Harper to pass me one, I knew he believed me and I was officially apart of the rebellion.

The rebellion for peace.



I sent this with Aesakus because he's the only person you know that I am able to trust would get this letter to you.

It's time. Clarke has the utmost faith in you and the rest of your people, enough that she came up with the idea. A blockade, with a five mile radius and a ten mile diameter around your camp.

I have informed all the warriors that the only person allowed to pass is Wanlida. I hope when you do it is with your chancellor in bonds.

Indra told me of that night, and I hope your wounds have healed. But ours have not. I lost another three hundred of my warriors, this time unwarranted and not in battle. If you are unable to perform this task, we will eradicate the entirety of Skaikru. You have three weeks.

Heda Lexa kom Trikru.

Good luck, Persphyni.

I set the note down and rubbed a hand over my face. I had three weeks, which was more than enough time, but how would I do it. Do I strike now, take Pike out and deal with the potential civil war. Or do I wait for the next time we are outside these walls to fake an accident.

I had much to think about and a walk was needed. I stood from the chair and rolled the letter into its scroll and hid it in my left sock before placing my boots on and grabbing my jacket from the bed. I pulled a few strands of hair loose from my low braid to cover my left ear where my earpiece set. Making sure no one would be able to see it or even guess that it was there.

"Red to Grey, Red to Grey. Come in." I held back my laugh at the stupid codenames I suddenly came up with.

"Sweet, really." The slight sarcasm brought a laugh bubbling out of me. "Focus, what did you want?"

"Brain working operation wreck?" I pulled my jacket on as I waited for his response.

"About to. Side entrance. Over and out." I nodded even if he couldn't see me and started out the door to the side entrance of the mess hall/garage.

Coincidentally, ending up behind my dad who seemed to be reading a book. My eyes went to the Rover and saw Sinclair look over at my dad before grabbing his tool kit and going under the Rover.

I moved behind one of the shelving units so I could discreetly keep an eye on Sinclair and make sure no one approached him as he messed with the Rover. Thankfully I did, because I saw him before my dad did.

"Brain, Bellamy ten o'clock. Hasn't approached but he's looking at Grey skeptically." I whispered, my hand on the mic as I bent down and pretended to rummage through some scraps.

"10-4, Red." I rolled my eyes and proceeded to watch Bellamy scan the rest of the room passing me and finally zeroing in on Sinclair.

"Bellamy's heading over to you now." My dad's low whisper filled in through the comm and when I saw Sinclair standing up I made my way over.

"Bellamy, everything alright here?" He didn't reply, and brought his walkie out. One that didn't look like the one I had. Sinclair took that opportunity and ran, Bellamy's command into the walkie told me that they had known about this prior.

Even more so when two guards came from each exit, trapping Sinclair, who Bellamy was slowly stalking towards. Confidence in his step as he passed me.

I had to shake out of my head to focus back in and when I saw my dad leave safely I approached the small group.

"Bellamy, why are you arresting our head engineer?"

"Charge is treason." I saw the fight in Sinclair's eyes as he glared at Bellamy. He smartly kept his gaze from me and was taken away. My focus returning to the taller male.

"That's one down." The walkie beeped and he started to walk away.

"Bellamy?" He kept walking.

"Bellamy." He kept walking.

"Bellamy!" He still kept walking. That was it.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now