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I rose a brow as Bellamy walked out of my dad's office well, second office. Technically it was the chancellors office but Abby didn't use it as much. When Bellamy walked out he seemed pretty content with himself and I wasn't sure why exactly.

"You, uh, seem a little happy. My dad give you a raise?" Bellamy shook his head with a small laugh.

"No. He just said to remind you of something." I rose my eyebrows waiting for him to continue. But it seems he wasn't going to tell me.

"Seriously? Clearly it was funny if you laughed about it." But Bellamy only rolled his eyes and continued down the hallway. My eyes glaring at his back as I walked slower making him turn around and continue walking.

"He wanted me to remind you that non-lethal force is protocol." This time I rolled my eyes and scoffed. But smiled nonetheless.

"Har-har, I think I missed the part where I'm supposed to laugh." Bellamy sent a shoulder into my arm at my sarcasm making me shove him back. To which he shoved back, except a little harder this time. My eyes narrowed and I gave him a smirk. His face dropping as I barreled into him, knocking him on the ground before racing to the dining hall where our makeshift garage was.

His heavy footsteps pounding as he raced to catch up. But like always, I was faster. But unlike always, the doors didn't open in time and I had to skid to a halt as I nearly ran straight into the glass. Pausing a hairbreadth away as they slowly slid open giving Bellamy enough time to catch up.

But now that we were in a public place with eyes everywhere we were calm and more adult and leader like. Our eyes both simultaneously finding the back of Monty's head.

"Monty, why aren't you ready?" Bellamy asked as we walked closer.

"I am." Monty turned looking behind him. "He's not." I knew who it was before I even followed Monty's gaze. A deep sigh left me as I found Jasper sprawled out on the floor. When he first came from his room I thought it was going to be better. But then it got so much worse.

I gave Monty a small smile in greeting before taking the lead over to where Jasper lay.

"What should we do?" I watched the clearly drunk 18 year old sway his head side to side.

"We should leave him this time." Although I thought it might be a good idea, I also knew that getting out of here would help.

"He's not getting any better."

"Grab an arm. He needs this." I commanded, continuing to stare at the shaved head and closed eyes. I helped create this. But he did it to himself. The two grabbed ahold of Jasper and lifted him up. Taking him to the Rover as I led the way. My eyes catching our cargo truck and quickly looking away.

"Zeke, I said produce first. Art doesn't go bad." I moved around the Rover looking for Raven and was unsuccessful. I made my way back over to Monty and Jasper, making the mistake of looking away from the Rover and regretting it immediately. I shook my head and bent down to look under for Raven and grinned when I saw her boots and knee brace.

The thud of something near the front sent me and her both standing up.

"Hey. Take it easy!" She stole the words from my mouth as I made my way behind the Rover to reach her.

"Mornin' to you too." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm and offered Raven a hand up. A smile on her face as she pulled me into a hug.

"It's been three days." I said as she squeezed me.

"Yeah well, three days spent under this rig with only myself to talk to sucked." We pulled away and I shot her a grin.

"It's okay. I know your obsessed with me." She rolled her eyes but returned the smile.

Our mood was crushed when a battle yell was emitted from the other side where Jasper had been. The two of us made our way in front as Bellamy sent me a look and I shook my head.

"No gun for you until you're sober." Bellamy handed Jasper a pack as the latter replied.

"Don't want one." I watch with slight humor as Jasper gave Bellamy a half-assed salute before smacking him in the face and getting into the Rover taking shot gun where I was going to sit.

"Let's do this." I could tell Bellamy's ego had been hit but he shook it off as he offered Monty a gun but not me. Not only did I have my pistol. But he knew better. I didn't do automatic rifles, too loud and less satisfying then a blade.

I stood at the driver door until Raven got in just in case her leg gave out on her. Even though she hasn't told me, I've seen how bad her limp has gotten. And her look of surprise then understand she gave me told me she knew I knew.

"Mademoiselle." I sent her a wink and shut the door for her. Her dramatic roll of the eyes making me smile as I stood at the back waiting for everyone to get in.

With a shooing motion Bellamy got in and sat down leaving me to be the last one as per usual. Since I didn't carry heavy weapons and I was nimbler, it was easier for me to get in and shut the door.

"Too good for you." I hear Raven say as I kicked the triangle blocks from the back tires.

"Shut up." I bit my lip as I got to the back door ready to hop in.

"Careful. Monty might melt her." I climbed in and slammed the door shut.

"Enough." I ordered as I moved to sit right behind Raven. Having to step passed the three boys in the back and nudge Bellamy aside. "Raven." I set a hand on her seat. "Blocks are out, let's roll." I looked up through the windshield making eye contact and blinked before staring at the open door.

I wasn't sure about their relationship. But I knew it was better than anything I could have given him. And I'm glad.

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