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I was changing for dinner, Bellamy's words in my head as I heard a knock at my door. He didn't remember. Making me think I had imagined the whole ordeal. The knock came again, more urgent this time.

"Come in." I called as I shrugged my shirt on.

"Via?" She closed the door behind her and sat on my bed, clearly she had been crying or on the verge of. "What's wrong?"

"We don't fit in here. Lincoln, he says he wants to stay to prove that he's different from Azgeda." I sat down on the bed next to her and turned my body to face her. "Pers, I'm scared. If you hadn't caught the rock, I don't know what it could have done to Lincoln. Pike's men, they hate grounders. I'm scared that they'll try again." I pulled the girl into my arms and held her as she cried into my shoulder.

"It will all be okay, Via. No one will hurt Lincoln, not while I'm still here." Her sob echoed through the room and my heart tore.

"Pers, Lincoln can't die. He's all I have left." It wasn't true, but I knew what she meant. He's all she has left of the life she wants. "I love him." I held Octavia tighter. My face steeled as I made a vow.

I would see the end of this war, the battle not yet clear which side I will be fighting. But whomever it was wouldn't see the end. Because I was Persphyni, Bringer of Death. I was Wanlida, Bringer of Death.

I was the Bringer of Death. Destruction along with it.


As soon as I walked in and saw the two sitting at a table, I knew something bad was going to happen. Moving around, I sat at a table in the back corner. My seat turned as I kept an eye on both of their facial expressions. My eyes reading Pike's lips and their eye movements.

"I'm willing to suffer the consequences, are you?" My eyes flashed to Bellamy as he contemplated it. His gaze finally dropped behind him then back to Pike, determination on his face. And Bellamy's head nod had me throwing back my glass of water, slipping back out in the shadows.

My feet taking me to find Lincoln who was already at the gate outside. As was Harper and Monroe.

"Listen, you three under no circumstance let anyone outside of these gates. Do you hear me?" They nodded but looked at me curiously.

"What's wrong?" I looked at Harper than back to Lincoln who was about to ask the same thing.

"Bellamy's gone rogue." I stepped away to get in contact with my father, worried if I leave I won't make it in time to stop them.

"Nontu, fronzeden. Nontu, sen in ai, nau!"

"Chit yu gaf, Nomfri?"

"Thotin." I spoke changing onto our own personal, private channel between only my father and I.

"It's Bellamy and Pike. Check the armory, if any automatics are gone. You need to hurry to the gate, bring guards. Over and out." I had barely finished when I heard Bellamy's voice.

"You need to step aside, right now." I walked from behind the building and made my way to the three, Bellamy's eyes catching mine and I saw his uncertainty flash.

"What are the guns for?" Harper asked as I stood next to Lincoln, a step forward in case things became violent.

"There's an army out there. We need to hit them before they hit us."

"That army was sent to protect us." Lincoln spoke as I rested my hands on the hilts of my daggers.

"Do we have a problem?" My eyes flashed dangerously as I looked at Pike.

"No." Bellamy interrupted. "I have always done what is best for us. I need you to trust that I am doing that now." His eyes flicked to behind me. "Monroe. Harper."

"Sorry, Lincoln, Persphyni."

"You too, Lincoln. You want to prove your one of us, let us pass." Pike and his crew took a step forward. My daggers now in my hands and spinning as Lincoln and I refused to move.

"I'm not moving." Lincoln spoke as I continued to skin my daggers, ready for a fight.

"Get outta the way, grounder." I looked at the man, he was the same one who had thrown the rock.

"I'd put the gun down if I were you." I finally spoke, my eyes meeting the man's. But he didn't listen as he stepped closer to Lincoln. In a matter of milliseconds, Lincoln had disarmed the guy and had a small blade to his neck. My dagger up to Bellamy's as I looked into his eyes.

"Guns down." Bellamy said as we heard guns lifting. "Guns down." We didn't look from each other as I kept the blade resting on his flesh.

"Do what he says, now." I stepped closer so that when we whispered only we could hear.

"What are you doing Bellamy?" I was lost, and I let it show in my face.

"I'm trying to protect us, protect you."

"And I'm trying to protect you." Our eyes held each other in a trance as we stalemated. Neither one of us wanting to make the next move. "I won't let you start a war." His hand grabbed my left arm gently, sliding down pulling the dagger from my hand and slipping it back into it's sheath. My right hand and dagger still at his throat.

"We're already at war. We have been since we landed." I shook my head softly.

"No. Bellamy, I told you, that you do not hold this world on your shoulders. That it wasn't your punishment to bear. Trikru is here to help us. Do not make the mistake and buy us further into danger." Bellamy's eyes seemed to ignite with frustration.

"I'd make the mistake by not moving on that army outside." I stepped even closer to him, my dagger still gently resting on his throat.

"Do you even hear yourself? What are you going to do? Kill an army three hundred strong and not expect any retaliation from not just Azgeda, but the other eleven clans."

"All unstationed security personnel, please report to the main gate."

"You are not stupid Bellamy, you know what happens if you do this." I moved the dagger from his throat and sheathed it.

"I also know what happens if I don't."

"All unstationed security personnel, report to the main gate, now."

I heard Octavia run up to Lincoln as guards started walking over here. My eyes still scanning the brown ones in front of me.

"What is wrong with you?" We both ignored her, too focused on trying to see the other's point of view.

Bellamy was angry and he wanted revenge, he also felt guilty, and Pike seized it and attached to him like a parasite. My eyes going to the man in thought as I finally looked away. My gut instinct has yet to steer me wrong, this man would harm those I loved. And I wasn't too sure if I would be able to save them.

Persphyni : I am Death Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora