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I met them at the cave. I had stayed on the hillside longer than planned. My mind numb as the cold nipped my fingers and my heart.

When I made it to the cave and walked Erebus a little bit inside where Helios was hanging out, I realized I had been gone way too long.

Octavia's scream of fury echoed outward as I charged inside after grabbing my pack. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh told me someone was fighting.

But when I saw Octavia whaling into her brother, I knew it was more of a beating.

"Via!" I shouted, just as she threw a killer left hook. I saw her reel her arm back for another hit, but I swiftly stood in front of her and grabbed her fist.

"He's down." I spoke calmly releasing her hand and pushing her away from him. "No matter how badly you want to hit him again, he's down and he won't be standing any time soon." I whispered, grabbing her shoulders to attempt to get her to calm down. I watched her as she was on the verge of breaking down into more tears, take a heavy breath and move slightly to look at Bellamy.

"You're dead to me." She finally walked away and I was able to go down towards Bellamy who was still laid on the floor. The cave silent as the occupants took in what had just happened.

"She means it now." I started as I pulled my bag off. "But she'll realize in the future she'll need you to be there for her. And she'll apologize. But you shouldn't push it." I grabbed a few first aid things and started for Bellamy's face when he stopped me with his chained hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." His eyes grew even more watery. "It's my fault. He's dead because of me." I grabbed both of his hands and gave them a squeeze.

"No." I smiled softly, looking down at my hands that held his. "You've done a lot of things. But Lincoln's death is not your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, but my own." I brought the cloth up to Bellamy's face, and this time he didn't stop me.

Clearly my distraught face that fought to keep my emotions hidden told enough. He also probably thought he deserved those hits, but he didn't. Sure I'd love to knock him senseless since he already lost most of his brain when he got manipulated to follow Pike. But that's exactly what happened.

Pike found his weakness, grabbed it, and exploited it to no end. All for his own personal gain.

"I did teach her well." I joked quietly as I wiped the final blood from around his mouth off. "Get some rest, those are going to hurt in the morning." I grabbed the blooded cloth and stood. Swinging my pack around I looked at the people who had made it to the cave.


"She stayed to lead them out of the dark." I walked up to my dad and pulled him into a hug. I could tell he was being tough but when he sagged into the embrace, I knew he was hurting.

"We'll see her soon enough." I stepped back and smiled. "Now, I'm going to go get some water. I'll be back." I walked out of the cave before anyone could say anything.

I looked at the outside of the cave where Helios and Erebus stood blocking the entrance. This was one of the caves Atom had turned down. Said it was too far. But maybe Murphy was here, before he was captured.

Simpler times. Now it's just chaos. Chaos that isn't controlled by me. And I wasn't quite sure if it could be.

I didn't go get water. My feet carried me to my first home. My only true home.

I walked down the path and stopped just where the bright green grass met the charred grey pathway and the remains of our wall stood. The gate gone after the grounders ripped it straight out.

The camp was in ruins, almost everything had been burned to ash. The dropship's outer paint was black and burnt, the tree I had used to climb so long ago was incinerated, and the camp walls were destroyed.

But when I blinked and relooked over the area, I saw green. More green. I saw tents, trees, walls, a gate, a silver dropship whose red flaps were moving inwards and outwards as people rushed to and fro. I saw lookouts, our meat tent, the campfire, I saw my small little tent in the back corner. More importantly, I saw the 100.

All of them, plus Bellamy and Raven.

I saw the could have been. The would have been. But now could never be. Would never be.

I heard laughter and when I turned around, the tents had become houses and the walls had expanded. The dropship flaps were wide open and the campfire was lit to where the tips of the flames touched the sky.

The laughter sounded again but louder and I could distinguish it as a small child. I weaved through the people who were now walking around. There was more of them, it wasn't just the teens anymore. The laugh came again and I followed it.

I followed it right up to the dropship, then up the ladder where voices joined the laughter.

"Where could she be!" I heard a man say.

The small child laughed again as I continued to climb.

"I have no idea, maybe behind here! No. Darn." It was a woman's voice. Both adult voices I had heard before. 

I reached the hatch and paused as the laughing child finally began to speak.

"I'm right here." Her little giggles followed.

"Gotcha!" The male said and the child's giggles erupted.

"No I got her first!" The female fake pouted and I could sense the loving smile on the adults faces. I twisted the hatch open and poked my head in to see what my mind had created.

The two adults had their backs to mine. Both tall, the male had black hair in this light. And the female had red that matched the child they held in their arms. The little girl's smile was stretched so far you could see her missing tooth near the corner of her mouth.

The little girl's head turned to look me straight in the eyes and I held my breath. Just as we made eye contact the vision vanished. And the once light upper level was now completely dark. And I was all alone.

The child had beautiful brown eyes, sparkling brown eyes and vibrant red hair. My vibrant red.

The could never be.

Persphyni : I am Death Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora