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I followed him out into a hallway and grabbed the back of his jacket collar then proceeded to slam him into the side wall. My hands making quick work to pin his arms with my hands so they were outstretched on either side of him.

"Bellamy Blake, do not ignore me." I ordered, keeping him pinned as he seemed to just sit in my hold.

"What can I help you with today, Persphyni Kane?" I pushed deeper into his biceps as I saw the smug look on his face. My nails gripping his jacket.

"For starters you can wipe that off or I'll do it for you. Then you can explain to me what the hell is going on." I held back the slight raise in my voice to make it seem like I was struggling to not scream.

"After dinner. I promise I'll tell you everything." He became less smug and I felt inclined to trust him.

"If you don't I'll find you and beat you to an inch of your life." He gave a small grin and a shake of his head at my threat.

"Then I must do as milady wishes, for I would not want to face thou's evil wrath." I gave him a blank stare before flicking him square in the forehead and moving backwards.

"Float yourself, Bellamy." Now was not the time for jokes and he realized that too late as I walked away from him. At the end, he would also realize that the joke had been on him this entire time.

I'm doing this for our people Bellamy. We both want the same thing, but only one of us can actually achieve it.


I was tasked with one job. They wanted to keep me away from the main action so I wouldn't be found out in case they couldn't get Pike out. My job was to find their radio man, Monty. I had no doubt in my mind that the little genius had figured out how to hack into our comms now. Nor did I doubt that he would be the one to cause this whole thing to blow up in our faces.

This time, instead of the vents, I went by foot. I would be able to get to rooms faster and hit all of them without missing any because the vent system is wack and skips rooms entirely. Plus, I knew how to reach all the hiding spots by foot that Monty was most likely to be located.

It took me fifteen minutes to find the room he was hiding out in. Fifteen minutes of ducking behind corners, weaving in and out of rooms, climbing onto things to hide as people came in a room or walked near. I had been busy and was slightly annoyed, but it ended up with me being successful so it was worth it.

I waited in silence. And when the alarms rang out I snuck towards the room. Monty's confusion and slight panic showed on his face as he started to work the large radio in front of him. He was so focused on what was happening outside to catch me as I stood just outside the grey room.

"It worked. We're clear. The guards have their hands full." I smirked as Harper's voice filled in through the radio. Almost there.

"Is the gate open?" Now Monty knows where they're headed.

"Waiting on you." Yeah, he definitely knows. I watched him grab the walkie and start calling for Bellamy. I took that as my chance to get the doors open and shut Monty up.

"Cargo locked and loaded?" Monty looked up at me as I walked in, his eyes snapped from me to the radio as he turned it up so we could hear them more clearly.

"Affirmative. On the move." I wanted to frown at how easily he trusted me, thinking I was on his side.

"Bellamy! The riot's a distraction. Kane's goin-" I gently took the walkie from Monty's hands. Stopping him from informing Bellamy even more.

"Persphyni, what are you doing?" He tried to grab the walkie back but I threw it to the back wall, the device shattering into pieces.

"I'm saving my family." I swiftly sent a punch straight to his temple. I knew if I hesitated I might not have done it. I pushed down all my emotions as I caught the boy genius just before he fell to the ground. His eyes rolling to the back of his head as he went unconscious. "When you wake up, I hope you can forgive me."

"Monty? Monty! Where are they headed? Monty! I'm heading to the gate, stop me if I'm wrong." My head turned to look at the shattered device on the floor, turns out it wasn't as heavy duty as we had thought.

I left in a hurry, sprinting through the Ark until I was out in the sun. The Rover barreled towards the gate. The metal gate that was still shut. No. No. I caught sight of the lever and started for it, ready to start reeling it in order to get the gate open. But I didn't make it.

A hand shot out and grabbed me, pulling me backwards and behind a shed. My elbow ramming into the person's stomach, followed by my foot stepping on their toes, and finished with my hand grabbing theirs and twisting it behind their back.

"Ow, Persphyni! Stop!" I quickly released Miller and shot him an apologetic look.

"Miller, shit. I'm, I just." I couldn't form words as I ran my hands down my hair.

"It's okay. I know." He and I watched as a crowd formed, staring at the gate, making the two of us walk over and join the edge.

"Listen, somehow-" I put a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. Something wasn't right, that wasn't just our comms, someone had a bug on them. Seems they finally wanted to play.

"Not now." I whispered, my eyes glued to the Rover as my dad stepped out. Guards swarmed the metal and helped Pike out and arrested my dad.

My throat clenched and I felt Miller's hand on my right arm as another hand came and rested on my left.

"Not now." Harper whispered in my left ear. Her eyes drifting to the daggers I had pulled free from their sheaths. Their hands restricting my movements I had subconsciously done.

"It would be quicker now. Because the next time I get the opportunity-"I left the rest unsaid, calmly slipping the blades back into their sheaths.

"My room, five minutes." I whispered very quietly, but loud enough for just their ears to pick it up.

I turned and fled before my dad or Bellamy could turn to find me. I needed to get my head back on.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now