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The hinge was a bust. I spent ten minutes attempting to bust the hinge off or at least disassemble it. But without a tool, I was useless.

"Son of a Bitch!" I hissed, my fist driving into the metal. The bang rang through the crate as I glared at nothing. My fist connecting with the metal again. A small groan of metal followed as I hit it again. Harder, my blood slowly decorating the metal. With a final punch, I sent my left fist flying into the door.

The metal denting as I took ragged breaths. My hand stinging as I clenched and unclenched it. My fury leaving as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Pers." I turned around and glared up at the male. His face didn't change as he scanned mine. His eyes soft and concerned as the brown orbs bore into mine. His hand moved from my shoulder to take my left hand in both of his. The blood trickling from the wounds made a red waterfall to the floor.

I saw him pull a cloth out from his jacket pocket, the same cloth from his wound at Niylah's. Only it was clean and not covered in his blood.

My gaze softened as he turned my hand palm-down and carefully wrapped my hand. The caution and care he took with my hand calmed me immensely. I no longer wanted to bust through the metal with my bare hands.

"Thank you." I whispered as he tucked the bandage in by my wrist.

"Promise you won't copy my self-destructiveness any more." I tried to hold back my smile as it slowly breeched my face. A grin reflecting on his own face as I nodded.

"Hopefully you don't get tetanus." We both looked at Clarke, the blonde girl looking at the two of us with a small smirk. The brunette beside her not-so discreetly looking at us with a sly grin on her own lips.

Bellamy's hand dropped from mine as I stepped back towards the door. My ears picking up on a dragging noise coming from outside.

"This place was safe until we got here." I shushed Octavia as I placed my ear to the door, only to nearly fall out of it as the clanging of it being unlocked echoed through the space.

I pushed the doors open, my ears picking up in the coughing and harsh breathing before I found the girl face down. An arrow straight through her back.

"Shit. Clarke!" I yelled as I dropped down to reach the girl, Storyteller.

"Oh my God." Clarke and I turned her on her side as she struggled to breathe, her lungs filling with her blood.

"Machine," the other two crouched beside us. "P level." The girl took one last breath before her body relaxed, and slid towards the floor.

"Let's go." The other three were quick to stand, my hand brushed the girl's hair from her forehead as I placed to fingers upon her brow.

"May your story be told to the next generations." I whispered before standing up and sprinting after the three, a bloody arrow in my hand as I reached them then flew passed.


I watched as a man walked in through a set of doors, a child in his grasp. An unwilling child. I kicked up my speed, arrow gripped in my hand as I raced in through the door. The three others behind me forgotten as I bursted in through the heavy doors.

"Luna." I saw the blade nearing the girl's neck and threw the arrow faster than they could blink. The tip embedding in the man's neck as I ran towards the girl. The sound of someone being punched followed by grunts came from Luna's direction as I reached the young girl and helped her stand up. My hand grabbed the dagger from the dead man's grasp and launched it towards the biggest guy in the room. The blade skimming just passed Luna as she dodged a swing from the big man, before sinking into his chest.

Luna took care of the other man, killing him swiftly with a slice across his neck, leaving the man who had ahold of Luna before. Derrick.

"Derrick, this isn't you." I bent down and snapped the arrow in half, grabbing the pointed end and stood back up, my eyes on Luna and Derrick the entire time.

"Please, Derrick, no." I heard the pain in her voice and I knew what I had to do. I couldn't let her kill the man she loves.

She blocked punch after punch until I reached them and took Derrick's legs from underneath him. My eyes trailed to Luna's which held tears, her small nod had me plunging the arrow tip into Derrick's neck.

Just like Atom's, I slid the weapon in and then back out. Mercy killing for his and her sake. Luna and I switched places. Her hands cradled Derrick as I stood, throwing the arrow away on the floor. My eyes catching Jasper's as he stared wide-eyed.

"O, be careful!" The door swung open and Octavia stormed through.

"I'm so sorry." Luna whispered as she held Derrick close to her. My feet moving on my own accord as I took several steps back from the scene.

Luna's cry following as the pain echoed through the metal room. My heart clenched as I could only imagine what I had just done. Torn two lovers apart with my hands. Something I have done many times, but this one was different. I could actually imagine her pain, feel her heart breaking as she broke in front of us.

"I'm fine, they couldn't break me." I shifted my gaze towards Jasper. His words confident and sure. But I couldn't trust him. There were too many keys into the City, and I wasn't here the whole time to babysit him.

"Shay?" Octavia shook her head and whispered an apology. "It's what we do." My attention was pulled back to Luna as she wailed again.

"I'm so sorry." Her words laced with tears and watery breaths. Her weeping filled the air as I motioned for the rest of them to leave and take the young girl with them. Leaving Luna and I alone.

I waited several minutes, her sobbing finally slowed to mere sniffles as she held her lover close. Her lips pressed against his forehead in a final goodbye as she looked over at me from where I stood by the two dead bodies.

"Thank you for getting in here when you did." I gave a silent nod, my arms uncrossing as I shifted my weight.

"I saw him bring her inside, I would have been here sooner but I couldn't get through the metal." She gave me a curious look, one I knew would have a question following.

"How did you know?" I inhaled and set my hands in my pockets, my fists balling as I figured it was of no use to lie.

"I've known what it's like to not be human, and that's what Alie does. She takes away your pain, your memories, your humanity, in exchange for access to eternal life in a computer server." I looked down at the four dead bodies, my gaze lifting from Derrick to Luna. "I also know, that wherever I lead, Death follows."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now