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Raven's shout filled the air before all noise from inside was cut off. The EMP must have fired and silenced her. But something was wrong as I heard slight scrambling and argument. Not to mention they hadn't come out with a non-chipped Raven Reyes.

After seconds of internal debate, I was interrupted by Monty rushing out the door and passed me. Clearly something was wrong, but it confused me as to why only he had ran out.

"Monty. Monty!" I shouted, sheathing my daggers and racing after him just as he reached the Rover. My hand clasping on his shoulder and spinning him around as I took in his miserable expression. He went to shove me away so I wouldn't see him cry, but I didn't let him. I pulled him into a hug and held him as he eventually caved.

"I could have saved her." He whispered. "She would still be alive. I could have saved her." He repeated like a mantra as he buried his head in my shoulder.

I stayed quiet and just held him as he let his emotions out. I was conflicted. I wanted to ask but apart of me thought I knew already. I wasn't sure and I didn't want to be right if it's what I am thinking than everyone's else would be in tears and Clarke or Bellamy would have come to tell me.

But Monty. This is about something else. And I'm thinking it had to do with what happened when he and Octavia went to go get the battery from the dropship.

"Don't blame yourself. You didn't know." I whispered as I gave him a tighter squeeze before pulling away and setting my hands on his shoulders. "Hold her in your memory even if you can't hold her now. One day things will be okay and you'll realize that this was apart of a plan. Even if we don't agree with it." He nodded and sniffled before giving me a weak smile.

"Thank you. Get the others out here, I'll start the Rover." I nodded and walked away from the Boy Genius. Taking a deep breath in a slowly opened the door and was not ready for what I saw at hand.

"Raven?" The brunette looked up, her hair a slight mess in its ponytail. A small smile on her face as Sinclair helped her walk to the door.

"Hey, Persphyni." I smiled and felt my shoulders sag in relief.

"Oh my God." I whispered as I ran over to her and wrapped her in a large hug. Her arms coming around me and squeezing just as tight even as she winced slightly due to her healing shoulder. "It worked." I pulled away from her as she gave a small Raven smirk.

"Well of course it did. It was my idea." I chuckled and shook my head as Sinclair rolled his eyes.

"Save some of that arrogance for the engineers." Raven laughed at my response. A smile stretched across her and Sinclair's face.

"I'm growing as a person." They shared a small look and I took a step back to let them have their moment. A smile on my own as I saw the parent-child bond between the two.

"Yeah, well you can grow out in the Rover. We've got to move." I interrupted their moment after Monty flashed the Rover's headlights. I grabbed Raven's other arm and together we walked out to the Rover.

Monty, Octavia, and Jasper already I side as Sinclair and I boosted Raven up into the back. Octavia grabbing her and helping her onto the seat. Sinclair following as I shut the door to the back and made my way up front.

My eyes catching Clarke and Bellamy having a conversation that reached my ears.

"What do you do when you realize that you might not be the good guy?" Bellamy's voice was low and husky, with laced feelings of sorrow and agony.

"Maybe there are no good guys." Clarke responded after a long pause of silence. The following silence afterwards was my cue to intervene.

"Hey Co's, let get this show on the road. We still have a Raven to interrogate." I reminded them as I hopped up into the passenger seat, my head poking out of the door. "You two are in the back. I called shotgun. Well I guess in this case it's machine." I smiled as I received a scoff, a double eye roll, a laugh, and a set of smiles from the group.

"Well, you heard her. Let's get this show on the road." Bellamy mocked me as he and Clarke made their way over to the back of the Rover. The door I had shut moments ago now opening and letting in the last of our group letting Monty begin to drive.

"Raven, there's one thing I don't understand. Why did Alie want you to kill yourself?" I turned around in my seat as Monty started reversing from the trade post.

"Because I know why she wants a second AI." She paused waiting for one of us to ask.

"Why?" I took the bait and waited for her quick response.

"It's the only thing that can stop her." Raven spoke, her head pressed against the car wall.

"Then let's stop her." It got quiet as Octavia spoke up, eyes drifting from Raven to face the girl. "We survive together." I nodded in confirmation to Octavia's words her own nod in return was of agreement as her eyes then drifted towards the driver seat where the two shared their own small look.

Whatever happened out there, clearly helped Octavia find herself in this group. And hurt Monty at the same time. I had an inkling that it was Monty's mother who he was talking about only moments ago. She must have been chipped and met them there.

My eyes drifted towards the driver, his face stone as we barreled through the forest. My heart hurting for him as I could only imagine what had happened.

He had killed a chipped version of his mom in order to save Octavia. That could be the only explanation for her realignment with the group, debt for saving her life and the desire for revenge.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now