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I made it to the "garage" portion of the mess hall where Bellamy had been moving things into the Rover. I pulled on my guards jacket and walked down beside Bellamy as he moved over to Hannah. Monty's mom didn't glance up as she continued to load clips, clearly making sure we could shoot things was a number one priority.

"That's a lot of firepower."

"That's a lot of firepower." My eyes shot up in shock as we spoke at the same time. My father and I catching each other's glances before looking back to Bellamy as he began to speak.

"Let's hope we don't need it." I set my hands in each of my jacket pockets to try and look as calm as possible.

"What's the mission?"

"Planning for our future." I stepped back as Hannah grabbed the outstretched automatic from Bellamy's hands. My father taking that moment to step closer and speak to Bellamy without the ears of Pike's left hand woman.

"You know, that looks a lot like our past." My father and I looked at one another discreetly while Bellamy grabbed a few more clips.

"We're trying to build a life here. Not trying to make peace with people who only understand war." I held my tongue.

"Peace is for those of weak minds and body. War is a constant fight to stay alive. That is why only the strong are victorious. That is why you can never apologize or cry ever again. Emotions make you weak. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good, now, show me how weak you aren't. Kill. Them."

"Damn right." I left my father and Hannah as Bellamy walked back over to the Rover.

"I'm assuming I'm not invited?" I leaned against the back of the Rover as Bellamy threw in some more supplies.

"Actually, Pike wants you there." I followed him around the Rover shocked.

"You're joking. Right?" Bellamy pulled the keys from his jacket pocket and handed them to me. "I don't even know what the mission is." I played with the keys as Bellamy shouldered his own automatic.

"Don't worry. All you have to do is stand there and look intimidating." I rolled my eyes at his smirk and shoved the keys back into his hand.

"If I'm only there as intimation, I'm going to need a scarier ride. I'll be ready in ten." He watched me leave, his eyebrow raised as I disappeared through the small door next to the large garage door. My feet carrying me to my destination from memory.


"You guys ready yet?" I asked into the walkie as I stood outside the garage door.

"Waiting on you. Coming out now."

"Copy that." I clipped the walkie back onto my belt and waited as the garage door opened. The Rover slowly pulled out, leaving my father standing there watching. I gave him a small indistinguishable nod to which he gave me his own.

"Hey, Bellamy." I started, holding down the walkie button as I grabbed ahold of the reins. "Try to keep up." With that I was off. The gates just opened enough by that time for me to take off through them and forward.

"You don't even know where we're going." I could hear the slight grin in his voice as I smiled at the breeze on my skin as I set my left hand on the walkie again.

"Then you better tell me before I lose your asses."

"Sector 4." I slowed Erebus down. Turning my head as the Rover made it through the gates. I shook myself out of my head and started Erebus back off. My head turning slightly as the Rover began to pick up pace.

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