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I walked into the training room with Lincoln after stopping by my room to change into just a basic long sleeve and black cargo pants with my guard jacket swung over. My daggers both safely in place as well as my pistol. My sword hanging on the wall for the next time I needed it.

Lincoln and I were the last two as everyone else was already out from breakfast. And we were late after my father stopped us and informed me I'd be going on a mapping run as part of the patrol instead of actually running with patrol. In a sense, I was a body guard.

When Lincoln walked in, I hesitated a moment, hidden by the wall. Lincoln kept walking even though he sent a discreet look at the doors as I heard him walk up to a few of the trainees.

Before Lexa invited me to the capital I had taken over in training everyone, as Lincoln had gone back and declined the offer with my father. Like I said, he'd bow to Octavia because he loves her.

But since I seemed to be gone every three days, Lincoln agreed to be a trainer as he pulled his weight here while I tried to get his kill order lifted at Polis. But every time I brought it up Titus, Lexa's fleimkepa, would conveniently burst into the middle of the conversation with some excuse to pull her away.

After about three seconds I finally shook out of my hesitation, steeled my face and walked in. Head held high as I scanned the room starting with the small crowd holding Harper and Monroe. The former holding a bag while the other stood with her arms crossed. Then over to Lincoln who was already on the mat waiting, and finally over to Bellamy. Who I caught in literally the worst timing ever.

There he was, in the middle of taking his shirt off, and I was stuck, frozen clearly unable to take my eyes off of him. Shocked that my own luck would betray me. Thankfully Lincoln gave a cough and it shook me from my trance fast enough that I was able to stand by Monroe and Harper before Bellamy could see I was watching. But I wasn't the only one, a smirk on my lips as the two girls I stood beside were still watching.

"Easy, you've started to drool on yourselves." Harper rolled her eyes as Monroe scoffed but I watched her check to make sure, making me laugh quietly as Lincoln began to talk. My eyes floating from Monroe to Lincoln to meet the brown pair already staring into my own. I kept my arms crossed but gave him a smirk to meet his own.

You're going to lose. I mouthed to him subtly, his eyes picking up every word causing him to roll his eyes.

When I win, you have to take my night shift at the gate for a week. I grinned. He was so confident he was going to win.

Cocky. He rolled his eyes but focused back in as I continued. Deal, if you lose, I get to drive for a week.

Deal. We both smirked at the other, my gaze shifting to Lincoln who gave me a small nod.

"Well, what are we waiting for. Harper you brought popcorn right?" The two men at the mat rolled their eyes before squaring up to each other as the small crowd of trainees laughed at my question.

Popcorn was a thing from the past and for all we know, made up. But what I did know, was if someone ever handed me some, I'd love to try it. Might spit it out but it would be an experience.

Lincoln and Bellamy got into fighting stances and with a nod, the latter was charging at the former. Bellamy's form wasn't horrible, but it was aggressive. Bellamy played offense as Lincoln maintained defense.

Bellamy took some hits and got some on Lincoln. But eventually Lincoln sent him flying with a kick to his stomach. But he didn't become the aggressor, instead allowed Bellamy to get back up and keep fighting. Which Bellamy took as an opportunity. As soon as Bellamy got up Lincoln swung, missed and got a return punch to the stomach. The hit making him bend over giving Bellamy the chance to follow up. Which he did.

With a jump in the air, Bellamy swung a punch that spun Lincoln around. The action making me less relaxed as I really looked at Bellamy. Lincoln was right, he had gotten better. And he seemed to be about to win.

"Teik em daun, Lincoln." I spoke, receiving a nod from Lincoln as he wiped his face for blood and turned to face Bellamy as he continued to be the aggressor. Lincoln took the opportunity and grabbed Bellamy's arm as he swung wide, twisting and flipping him up and over until Lincoln had him pinned.

"He had me." Lincoln spoke to the trainees as he stood allowing Bellamy to get back up. "But he was too aggressive." My eyes flicked to Bellamy behind Lincoln who rolled his eyes grabbing his shirt.

"Whatever you say." His eyes flicked to my form over Lincoln's shoulder as I sent him a smirk.

"Quitting so soon?" Bellamy looked back at Lincoln as I stepped away from the crowd and started towards the door as my walkie beeped twice signaling it was time to go.

"Mapping run, sector 7." Bellamy answered as I made it to the doors that opened up. Watching the two talk and waiting for Bellamy to wrap it up. "Harper, let's get this over with." I watched Harper grab the black duffle and toss it to Lincoln.

"The council wants you to have that." Lincoln and I both looked incredulously at the jacket that came from the duffle. Our eyes meeting before returning to Bellamy.

"I'm Trikru."

"A uniform doesn't change that." I'd contemplate disagreeing, but the weeks in Mount Weather were clear support of the statement. "This is our home now, Lincoln. We fought for it. Too many of our friends died for it." I sighed. One thing I didn't miss was the long speeches. I stared urgently at Bellamy as my walkie beeped again. "It means what we make it mean. Together."

I bit back my remark as Bellamy went back to the bench to grab his jacket.

"Pair up and fight, now." I smirked as the trainees did exactly what he asked before focusing on the conversation between the two.

"Sector 7? That puts you right at the Ice Nation border." My walkie beeped again and I was about ready to throw it out the doors.

"I know." I walked over to the two about ready to leave on my own.

"Just because Azgeda is part of the Commander's coalition doesn't mean they respect the ceasefire. I should be on that scout." I stood between the two giving Lincoln a look.

"I wish. We all do. But until the Commander agrees to lift the kill order, you're more trouble than you're worth." Lincoln looked at me as I nodded in agreement to Bellamy's words.

"He's right. Besides, they may not respect the ceasefire. But they do respect Wanlida. Don't worry. Octavia, if she comes will be safe. I promise." Lincoln clenched his jaw but took my grasp as he clinched my forearm with his right hand.

"You be safe too." I smirked squeezing his sweaty forearm before stepping back and letting go.

"I always am." I sent him a wink as he rolled his eyes and Bellamy scoffed behind me.

"Safe my ass, your middle name is danger." I rose a brow at Bellamy.

"Actually, it's Atlys." I gave a small chuckle to his exasperated look before turning down the hallway to my room.

"Uh, gate's this way." I spun on my heel continuing to walk backwards.

"And my sword is this way. You coming or what?" With a smirk I turned around as the man grumbled but came with me anyways. A small smile on our faces as we walked in comfortable silence until we got to my door when the flashbacks occurred.

He had walked me to my door only five times after the promise, all before I had been invited to Polis the first time. This was the first time in one and a half months that he actually walked me the entire way here. And we both knew it as the tension grew once I reached the door.

"I'll be out in five."

"Take your time." But when I turned to take a glance at him I saw his eyes weren't anywhere near the door but on the other end of the hallway.

How things had changed.

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