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"You're done Alie, do you hear me? We're gonna fry you!" Bellamy grabbed Clarke as I rubbed a hand to my temple and followed after them.

"Hey, hey! Stop!" Bellamy shouted as he began to drag her out. Clarke's grunts filled the air as we finally made it through the door. "Calm down." Bellamy ordered.

"Great job, Clarke!" I shouted running a hand through my hair as I handed the blonde a small rag to wrap the bite from Raven. "Now they know, shit." I looked to Bellamy. "Monty and Octavia are in danger. We need to radio them. Bellamy get on that, Clarke stay here with Niylah and tend to your wound. Jasper once you get that cuff off, you and I have Raven watch. The more of us the harder to get inside our heads." I headed back into the room. Raven staring at the side of the bed most likely talking to Alie as I crept around the shadows of the room.

Raven didn't notice as I came in nor as I sat down slightly behind one of the two empty chairs in the light. My face hidden in shadows as I watched Raven just stare at the entrance.

"So, how does it work?" I spoke up, Raven's head snapping in my direction although she couldn't see me. "Do you take the so called key and suddenly you're a robot too? Or is that the diamond subscription?"

"Should have know it was you lurking in the shadows. After all, isn't there where you predominantly hide?" I laughed at her attempt.

"Cute. Actually, I've taken quite a liking to vents recently. To the point it seems I can't get away from them." I watched annoyance pass through Raven's face making me smirk.

She went quiet as she returned her gaze back to where Alie must have been standing. Before her gaze turned back to me.

"Come into the light, after all, it's just you and me." I rose an eyebrow even if she couldn't see it.

"You'd think with a robot in your brain you'd know the correct grammatical form of saying you and I." Raven rolled her eyes and I smiled slightly at the first real Raven movement I've seen in a while.

"Pers," she stopped as Bellamy came through the doorway. Her gaze returning to Alie most likely as Bellamy walked up to the chair right in front of me.

"You alright?" He asked once his eyes adjusted and he could see me sitting.

"Never been better. You inform Rover?" He nodded, his head turning to Raven as he sat down. His hand reaching backwards to find my chair leg and drag it towards him. I gave him a questioning look to which he gave a cheeky grin.

"You were too far away, I couldn't share secrets." I rolled my eyes but found myself grinning anyways.

"And what secrets are those, Blake?" I asked leaning forward to keep my voice low.

"Well Kane, guess you'll just have to stay beside me to find out." I rolled my eyes and went to respond as Jasper entered and walked straight passed the both of us to sit in the last open chair.

The room falling silent as we waited for Monty and Octavia to return and the EMP to be ready to blast Alie out of Raven's head.


By the time anything interesting happened, the room had gotten hot enough that both Bellamy and I had our jackets off. My sword in its sheath laid against my chair and I had pulled my chair to be even with Bellamy's so I could whisper if necessary. Which never happened. We had been completely silent until Raven finally moved, the action catching my eyes as she scanned my face before grinning evilly.

"Look at your united front." Great, here we go. I leaned back in my chair and stared at Raven unamused as she turned her head to Jasper. "Tell me, why do you give Bellamy a pass for murdering your girlfriend? What was her name?" I saw Bellamy's jaw go slack, clearly caught of guard.

"Don't talk about Maya." Jasper whispered, his head coming off his chin.

"You don't have to listen to this." Bellamy informed as he too sat up straighter.

"Let's protect Jasper. Jasper's so sensitive. Jasper's lost someone. Everyone, cater to his feelings. We've all lost someone. You don't see us falling apart. Getting wasted. Being useless." I rose an eyebrow, rich talk.

"No you took a pill to get rid of your pain. To take away your memories." Jasper countered, though it didn't deter Raven as she continued.

"But then, why should we expect more. You used to get high off other people's medicine. Being a selfish loser is your only move."

"Stop." Jasper whispered, Raven's words had me itching to shut her up. She was getting into Jasper's head, I couldn't allow that.

"That's all we see when we look at you. A coward. A waste of breath. Why do you even bother living? You're weak. Pathetic. You can't save me. You can't even save yourself." As Raven opened her mouth I began to stand up as I readied for her next words. "You couldn't even save what's-her-name."

"You know her name!" Bellamy and I both grabbed Jasper, my hands slipping off as I let Bellamy take care of the boy.

"Jasper, think. It's not Raven talking. And you're giving her what she wants." I turned away from her Cheshire grin and looked back to Jasper. "Go." Bellamy's voice was soft but commanding. My eyes drifting over to him as his shoulders relaxed in relief as Jasper went, a smile creeping onto my lips.

"You really are the heart." I whispered as I walked passed him and back to my chair, earning a small smirk and a wink. The moment passing as soon as it came as we refocused on the present.

The seat beside me empty as Bellamy sat in Jasper's now vacant spot. The space between us giving Raven a new target.

"Just you and me, huh?" I bit my lip trying not to laugh as she attempted to seduce Bellamy. "Oh come on Bellamy, we've had our fun together." I couldn't help it. A small snort passed through my lips and Raven's glare turned towards me.

"I wasn't sure you'd call that fun. After all, it certainly wasn't holy judging by how fast your ass ran from his tent. Like a whore on the streets." I saw a twitch in her stone face, I had gotten her. There was still some human beneath that facade. And that's all I needed to see.

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