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My feet took me back to the throne room. Darting across the open door where I saw Bellamy, Clarke, Murphy, and Abby all around the dais talking and into the secret passage where I paused to check on Alie and my walls, only to see she hadn't even attempted to break inside my head again. Her dormancy made me unnerved. 

Instead of exiting out the door I had earlier, I climbed up the small ladder that would take me to the third level of the throne room. The level where no one cared to look as it's beams were high up and barely noticeable. But low enough for me to survive a fall and eavesdrop. The perfect place for Alie to never reach me.

I stayed on the ladder as I thought about my plan of action. By now Alie had confirmed my code and knew I was the Phoenix in the window. Meaning I couldn't go in as that again cause she'll be expecting me. And she'll have everyone else in the City expecting me.

I needed something small, something with flight, something inconspicuous that wouldn't be as flashy as my mythical Phoenix. I needed to be able to spy on Alie until I found the kill switch. And with the layout of the City inprinted in my mind, I simply had to go to each part and look.

Not to mention keep my thoughts to myself. I felt the pressure of Alie once again and fought to push it away. It was as if she could sense I was scheming.

I grabbed the long bundle of rope and successfully moved off the ladder and onto the solid platform, tying the rope around my waist twice then three times around the tall wooden post on the platform that led straight to the ceiling.

"I need to take the key." My eyebrows rose as I knelt down, dropping the large pile of extra rope, and looked over the platform at Clarke as she sat in the throne. Her mother in front of her, Ontari's body beside her, Bellamy walking away from her and Murphy behind her. Murphy.

That's it.

"I believe you." Bellamy's voice travelled up to my ears as he walked back over with the key. Quietly I adjusted to sit crisscross on the platform, my dagger in hand and cutting across my left. The old scar reopened once again. But unlike all those other times, I couldn't feel any of the pain. Not the pinch of the blade as I dug it in or the piercing of the blade into my nerves as I drug it across the skin. It was like someone lightly traced their fingernail across the skin.

With the warm blood flowing, I used the red liquid to paint my moon and scar around my eyes. My left hand clenched as the red blood dripped from my fist to the floor and on my black cargo pants as I brought it on top of my knee. My right slid the dagger back in its sheath before it joined my left, resting on my other knee before I closed my eyes. As I cut off the real world and pictured the Obsidian box once again. The noises of the others faded.

I sprinted over to flames this time. I placed my hand on the wall, the blue tips encircled my waist as I breathed my command, my mind opening as I fell through the portal once again. A small barrier resistance was there as I began to slip though, but I made it passed without alerting Alie.

This time I caught myself much faster, my body light and quick as I darted through the air. Soft chirps sang from my beak as I carried myself on a breeze down towards the City. My body a speck to the eyes of every person on the ground if they should look up.

In my eyes, I could only see a short beak and wings, but as I flew over the pond I saw what others would see.

Her head and body feathered in soft brown. Beautiful swirls of vibrant red painted around her green eyes. A Songbird, singing for blood.


I had checked basically everywhere, nothing said "kill switch located here". Not the large main City buildings, not the abandoned outskirts, not the old car garage, not even the fenced off alleyways.

I flew by the old car garage again, double checking that there wasn't something I was missing. Except, I found something I wasn't expecting. Just as I was about to fly into the parking garage, I saw someone exit the road tunnel that led to the garage. My body freezing as the person made their way up the road. The only person in the currently abandoned part of town.

Clarke? I turned around and flew straight up in the air before she could see me and began to follow the blonde. And sure enough it was her. I followed after her as she ran from someone. Worry clear on her face until she ran into the main crowd of people where cars and people walked. Now much more talkative the closer I got to them.

The blonde stopped and gasped as everyone just moved around her. My body perching on a tree limb as I watched her from afar. Multitasking as I kept Alie at bay as she once again stroked her coded fingernails down my wall.

Jasper? I watched her mouth the kid's name and I followed her gaze to see the boy walking happily on a sidewalk with a cone of pink ice cream in hand. I turned back to the blonde as we both realized something. They couldn't see her.

How come only I could see her? I furrowed my feathery brows and flew after the girl, hiding among building tops to avoid the public. She seemed much calmer as she walked through the crowd, pausing over at Jasper on a red bench. Before she looked at the crosswalk curiously then after a brunette.

I watched her as she followed the brunette woman. My eyes scanning as I flew above her. They hadn't noticed yet, and I needed to be ready when they did.

We reached a small courtyard area when she fell. Clarke's body dropping to the floor as I hover over her body, watching the single drop of blood fall onto the ground. This wasn't good.

I watched her slowly stand back up, my eyes occupied on making sure she was okay making me notice too late that her invisibility wore off. I looked at the people in the City as they turned and faced the blonde waiting for Alie's command. The blonde also realized the cloak was pulled.

And we were in the restricted section at night. Meaning the only thing we could do was run and hope our hot lantern doesn't get us caught.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now