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"Guys! Persphyni!" I raced to the back and saw Jasper standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes on the girl who was currently bleeding from reopened wounds.

"Shit." I hissed as I ran over to Raven, the door opening as Clarke and Bellamy ran over behind me.

"Jasper get that side." Bellamy ordered as I once again climbed up onto the bed, only this time I stayed to the side and grabbed ahold of her face to pull her from her wrist.

"She's reopened her wounds." Clarke spoke aloud as she grabbed the arm Raven had dislocated from her shoulder.

"Great observation, Baby Dr. Griffin. Anything else?" I snapped as I pulled Raven's face to look directly at me. Her smirk evil and not her at all.

"Alie. Alie, I know you can hear me." I stared directly at Raven's eyes her face didn't change one bit as she continued to struggle. "What the hell do you want?" I said over her struggling.

"Alie, let her go." Jasper spoke after me. That stopped her. My hands slowly falling from her face as she turned calmly towards Jasper.

"I'll let her go when you give me what I want." That wasn't Raven's voice at all. "The technology that Clarke carries, it belongs to me." My eyes looked over the frame of the headboard at Bellamy.

His brown eyes met mine and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. Why?

"No way." Clarke's voice was calm, but had aggression laced within.

"Clarke, just give it to her. Clarke!" I slid of the bed and waited for Clarke to respond.

"If you let Raven die, you'll never get it." I watched Raven's eyes flick towards an open space at the foot of the bed.

My eyes narrowed and I swore I could see the outline of a woman, but it was just my imagination. The brunette stopped struggling and continued to stare at the same spot.

"Untie her wrists. Hold her steady." I watched as Clarke relocated Raven's shoulder. The girl not even flinching as it snapped back into place.

"She's never going to stop trying to get away." Bellamy whispered to the two of us. His brown eyes landing on mine as he spoke. We both knew this already.

"He's right, we need to have someone watching her at all times. We were fortunate that Jasper was here." Bellamy nodded and I looked over at Jasper who was staring with a clenched jaw at the bed. Clarke pondered over my words but nodded.

"I'll be first watch. We'll take turns." Clarke spoke.

"You don't give the orders,
Clarke." Jasper flipped out. My head snapped to his as he made eye contact with me and quickly looked away.

"Guess he doesn't forgive you for murdering his girlfriend." Slowly I turned towards the brunette. Her words calm but held venom, she was trying rile Clarke up.

"Jasper, take a break." Bellamy ordered as he too watched the brunette carefully.

The two males left shortly afterwards, leaving us three in there. I looked once more at Raven before beginning to walk to the door when I stopped and grabbed Clarke's arm.

"She's going to try to get in your head." I whispered in her ear. Before walking towards the door.

"I'll take next watch." I shut the door behind me leaving the two females by themselves. I watched Bellamy walk into a small storage room while I walked back into the main room.

"How did they die?" I looked behind the counter where Niylah sat on a chair.

"With honor. Unlike the men who slaughtered them." I answered as I stopped in the middle of the room and folded my arms across my chest. Leaning back into the counter opposite her.

"There was rumor you were on the battle field that night. The reason for the massacre." Niylah spoke rising from behind the counter and moving up front. "They said your wings of darkness spread over the valley and hid the Skaikru warriors as they began their assault." I watched her with careful eyes but kept my face neutral.

"And this rumor, did it come from Azgeda scouts?" Her face turned to one of confusion, before it was replaced with the previous, hidden rage.

"The rumor said you had given the command but pointed the finger towards the Skaikru leader." This time I rose my eyebrows as she continued to get closer.

"I would suggest you drop your weapon. If the rumor is true, then surely you know that I am a ruthless, coldhearted, killer. Whose wings of darkness bring shadow and death as they spread on for miles." That stopped Niylah in her tracks. "I was on the battlefield that night, only I arrived too late to stop the massacre." I watched Niylah's face calm as she soaked in my words. The truth giving her a sort of peace, and she did drop her weapon back onto the counter behind her.

"I'm sorry." She breathed as she grabbed a candle.

"Don't be." I took the silence as a moment to escape as I once again ventured outside. The cool, crisp air that smelled fresh with a mix of fire calmed my nerves as I replayed Raven's voice in my head.

It was like an old record player had broken and the words were on a loop. While it had been Raven's face and her vocal cords, it wasn't her voice. It was monotone, robotic. It was inhuman.

I sat down on the small bench out front and listened to the quiet forest. My mind pushing every and all emotion from my body as I took a moment to breath again.

It had only been twenty minutes since I was last out here, but the promise I made under the moon seemed like such a long time ago.

As I sat there I hadn't even realized I had been humming until the door swung open and I stopped as footsteps stomped passed me.

I slowly stood and saw Jasper throwing his jacket on. His feet coming to a stop at the small wooden fence.

"I'll let you be." His head turned at my voice, but I had already started walking back inside. My back to him as I felt his stare. And for a moment I smiled, because he wasn't glaring at me. No, when I turned to shut the door, I saw a small look of relief.

And even if it was because I left him to have a private moment on his own, it was better than his 24/7 glare or clenched jaw whenever I was near.

Any emotion was better than his straight silence.

"Shut up!" Bellamy's and my head shot to the door where Clarke's yell had come from.

"I told her." I hissed as I started for the door. Bellamy right behind me as we went to save our dear princess.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now