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"Are you okay?" Monty had joined Bellamy and I at the log.

"I have to be." Bellamy and I shared a look before we got ready to push. With a heave, we had managed to dislodge a portion of the tree that had cracked slightly in the fall.

"Who is that guy?" I spoke quietly as we dug our feet and pushed.

"Charles Pike." The coincidence. "He was the Earth Skills teacher back on the Ark."

"Interesting." I didn't say anything else as we finally managed to get the road clear.

"Kane," my head shot to Bellamy as he started walking back to the Rover, "it's time to go." I strode back over to the Rover, watching Pike and everyone else warily.

"Monty, give them the coordinates to Arkadia."

I hopped into the driver side and slammed the door shut. Sitting upright with my hands on the wheel, staring straight in front of me, emotionless as I waited for the rest of the people coming so we could go look for Clarke.

"I need Indra in the passenger seat." I spoke as soon as the door was opened. My head turning as I made eye contact with Monty who nodded and shut the driver side door. Minutes later Indra was in the front as the rest of the crew plus two extras climbed in the back.

"Em teik Ai tingli seintaim." I directed to her as I drove forward.

"Hofli oso nou radon." I only nodded, the conversation in the back drowning out mine and Indra's as I drove us towards the trading station.


I parked the Rover and immediately hopped out of the vehicle. Once I heard the first clatter I pulled my daggers free and stalked to the open door.

"Weron Wanheda kamp raun?" I reached the door way and saw the large body over a smaller form. My dagger automatically flying through the air and piercing the grounder in the back of the throat.

My entourage coming up behind me as I stalked up to the dead grounder, the smaller grounder scurrying away as I approached.

"Are you okay? Are you alright?" I yanked my dagger from the grounders throat and wiped it off before sheathing both of my blades.

"Bounty hunter." I spoke as Indra came to examine the grounder I had just killed.

"Yu hon yu in osir sisplei." Indra spoke to the girl as she checked the room.

"English." I took a step towards Pike as he pointed a blade threateningly at Indra.

"Pike, go outside." My dad interjected as Bellamy stepped in my way to Pike. "Take Monty and Hannah and search the perimeter. Make sure he was alone." I looked up at Bellamy as he shook his head slightly and I clenched my jaw. My eyes looking over his shoulder as Pike finally left.

"Osir ste lufa Wanheda au." Indra addressed the girl again making me turn to face her.

"So was he." I eyed the girl carefully.

"Please. She's in danger." She's always been in danger.

"You're Skaikru?" I rested my hands down by my side.

"Yeah." Bellamy's voice was soft and almost unsure.

"She was here last night."

"Did she say where she was going?" The girl looked at me as I asked her the question. Her eyes seeming to spark in recognition.

"No. She was here when I fell asleep. But gone when I woke up."

"Did he come in alone before or was this his first time?" I motioned over to the dead grounder.

"He came in before. He had a partner.  Said he came back for her alone." We had a lead and I wasn't letting it go.

"The partner. Where do you think he would have gone with her?"

"Ice nation. His partner was ice nation." I felt Bellamy and Indra as they looked at me for my reaction, but I gave none. "I hope you find her."

"Thank you." I turned and headed for the door as Monty appeared.

"Good news. I found fresh tracks." I grinned as I passed him.

"I'll start the Rover." I called over my shoulder.

"That's the bad news." I turned around waiting for Monty to continue. "There's too many trees. We'll have to go on foot." Great.


"Can I ask you a question?" I kept an eye on the surroundings and the other on the group, my ears tuned into the conversation in front of me as I trailed after Bellamy and Pike.

"Last report we got on the Ark, you were under attack by grounders. What changed?"

"We fought a war against them, had something crucial that they didn't. Then it turned out, we ended up having a common enemy."

"What happened to them."

"Same story as our first war. We had someone they didn't. We won, again."

"Quiet." Indra spoke as she stopped in the middle of the field. With that conversation over I could now hear what she was hearing.

"War drums."

"Azgeda." I walked up to Indra passing the others and spotting the three dead bodies.

"You can tell from the sound?"

"No. From them." I pointed at the bodies and turned as I answered Monty.

"We need to get those bodies off the field. Unless you're good with them thinking we did this." I looked out at the empty field as I approached the bodies. They were fresh. And as my hand dipped in warm blood, they were very fresh.

"Bellamy, you see anything?" I turned facing him as I drew my sword and dagger from Lincoln.

"No. I don't."

"Why?" I looked at Pike and answered him without any emotion.

"Because, these bodies are seconds fresh. These scouts had just been killed within two minutes before we arrived. Bellamy, look again."

"I got two people. Twelve o'clock." I looked forward and saw the slight figures but they were too far away for me to see any defined figures. I grabbed the gun from my father momentarily and scanned through his scope. Handing back the gun once I saw what I needed to. Bellamy and I looking at each other as I settled my dagger back in its sheath.

"Clarke." Bellamy took of running but got stopped by Pike. I on the other hand continued to watch where they were headed.

"Bellamy. You're not going to make it across. The Azgeda army is already here." I spoke taking over from Pike. "I promise we will go get her. I want to take off across that field as much as you do maybe even more. And I'm probably the only one who could get across in time. But it isn't worth the risk if we get stuck in the middle of a battle field when there is a smarter way." Bellamy looked from me to where Clarke had disappeared then back to me. His head bowing slightly signaling he listened to what I said.

"Thank you." I whispered so only he could hear before stepping back and grabbing the smaller of the three dead bodies. "Now help get the Azgeda corpses off the field." We we're going to need them. But I left that unsaid as we hurried back the way we came.

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