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I raced outside to Erebus. The black gelding munched on hay as I slowed down to a walk. His head lifted and eyed me as I approached, his mood lifting as his ears perked up and he moved around the stall waiting for me to get closer.

"Hey, Erebus." I whispered as I approached. My hands petting his face as I planted a small kiss ti his forehead. "Has Raven been nice? Not too many sugar cubes I hope." I laughed as he tossed his head slightly as if communicating with me.

"I have to go again, but Raven's going to stay here and take care of you while I'm gone. I promise when I get back, we'll go to the waterfall for a few hours and just run around." He neighed clearly liking the idea. "Then it's settled." I placed another kiss to his forehead, this one longer as I swore to return. "I will come back. I will save you all."

Quietly, I stepped away, my feet heading towards the garage. My hands tightened the strap on my sword before clenching the hilts of my daggers.

I could not fail.


As we drove through the forest, I sat quietly in the passenger seat. Running through all of Raven's words, preparing myself for the worst case scenario.

"You aren't being a really good passenger." Bellamy snapped me out of my daze as he shout me a side glance before returning to the road.

"Just running through the plan again." Both of them.

"Hey, we're going to do this." Bellamy encouraged, confidence masking his own fear. I gave a small smile before turning to look back out the side window.

"One way or another." I whispered as we continued through the forest only to stop shortly after.

"There it is. We stop here." Clarke spoke as her head popped up in between us. Bellamy parked the Rover as the headlights shown brightly in the dark forest.

"All right, this is where we split up. The entrance to the tunnel is right over there." I exited the Rover to join the others as they overlooked the city.

"We know where it is." Bellamy snapped back at Roan. Giving me time to sneak over towards the tunnel behind the Rover so they wouldn't see me. I flipped my cloak hood over my head and looked at the group waiting for the right time.

"I'm gonna need the Flame." I gave one last look at the group and the Rover before charging head first through the tunnel.

I needed to get into the city before they did, just in case I am right and Jasper was chipped. If Alie knows we are coming for her, then she also knows the plan.

And by me leaving before them, Alie won't know where I am. Raven told me how she fought off her control. Raven also said that Alie needed Clarke for the AI, but she needed me to help complete her mission. Her mission was simple. Get everyone into the City of Light, no matter the cost. With my strength and my natural inhuman past and present, Alie would succeed if I bent to her will.

And if things go south, that's exactly what I planned to do.

I raced through the tunnel, breathing in the slight musk as I quickened my pace. I took a sharp turn down one of the corridors to come out of a different entrance than the others. I flew across the ground, light entering the tunnel as I reached the exit.

The sun had began to rise, blood red streaks filled the dark sky as I exited the tunnel. Taking a moment to admire the sky and the warning that came with. There would be blood shed today, and it would not be mine.

I ducked behind a building corner as two people carrying spears walked passed, heading towards the capital building. I examined the building I was hiding behind and smirked when I saw the ledges leading up to a flat rooftop. Looks like I'd be taking the aerial route.

I tightened the sword along my back and checked the daggers on my side as well as the pistol on my thigh. Once my weapons were secured I pulled the cloak hood further up as I began my ascent up the wall.

Once I made it up onto the roof I held back my gasp, inhaling deeply as I examined the once beautiful city full of life. Now it's streets were red with blood. Crosses hung with blood and chains, barbed fences enclosed the capital building. Alie had taken Polis. Alie had taken everyone.

Clenching my jaw, anger and determination pulsed through my veins as I turned to the next roof. With a running start, I dived across the gap, successfully making it across.

My shaking hands pulsed with adrenaline as confidence surged. I actually had done it. It wasn't something just for fictional characters.

With this wave of adrenaline, I continued across the varying heights of roofs. Sometimes jumping onto ledges before climbing back up or rolling after I landed to avoid face planting.

By the time I reached the second to last roof, I saw a blonde being escorted by a tall brunette. Clarke and Roan were walking right up to the capital building.

I jumped the last two roofs to be ahead of the King and Wanheda. My hands clenched the hilts of my daggers as I approached the roof's ledge and crouched to watch as the two walked right up to the front door of the capital building.

I watched a light flash on and off multiple times down in a lower tunnel before Roan thrust his fist in the air and began to speak.

"I am Roan, King of Azgeda. And I have what the Commander seeks." He yelled. My eyes scanned behind them then back towards the capital building. Nothing. But then Roan opened his fist and exposed the flame. All the grounders who had been kneeling rose from the ground, clearly controlled by Alie as they did such in perfect sync.

"I don't like what I'm sensing." neither do I, Roan. "So if she wants it, she can come to me."

The street began to fill with Alie's minions. Surrounding them on all sides. It had been quiet, too quiet, now they are all here. This wasn't good. Alie knew, Alie had to have known. It's why she let us in the city.

Vlákas! I was right, and I didn't tell them of my suspicion. This is my fault. My punishment that I must bear alone.

"Hello, Clarke." Jaha. I had to do something. I reached down for my walkie to warn Raven and the rest of them of Jasper than Bellamy and his crew. But when I grabbed it, I grabbed air. I didn't have it.

Who the hell have I become?

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