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"I lead." I hissed as I yanked on the handcuffs. Walking slightly in front of him as we trekked through the beautiful green forest. The colors in such contrast to Arkadia that I wished I could simply enjoy them.

"As long as we aren't dancing, be my guest." I shot him a glare as he gave a small smirk. Not the time or place. "You lead, I have to talk with Pike." This time I gave him the smirk, though full of sarcasm.

"Yeah, let me just give you guys some privacy." I lifted our connected wrists up into the air so he could see. "Oh wait, sorry. You handcuffed me!" I hissed quietly.

I had to make it believable. He mouthed as Pike's footsteps started towards us.

Yeah, wonderful job. "Dumbass." I mouthed the first then whispered under my breath so he'd hear as Pike started asking questions.

"Sure about the route?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I've walked this a million times already. This was one of the caves I found when we first landed." I bluffed to a degree as Bellamy nodded to what I said. "One of the caves this ass and I had such wonderful bonding." I continued, confusing Pike and making Bellamy scoffed.

"Yeah, we shared water and everything." This time I gave a small dark chuckle. It was good bonding, even if I hated the guy.

"We're getting close to the blockade line." Pike continued, clearly annoyed at our off topic conversation.

"That's why Kane set up out here. Didn't think we'd risk it." Bellamy spoke for me as I kept an eye on the trees. We were almost there.

"Well, he was wrong." She was smart. Bellamy knew that Pike had gotten the wrong pronoun but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to blow our cover just yet. But he didn't know I was leading us right into a trap, not just the blockade.

"What's going to happen to my sister?" Bellamy's voice lowered to keep the conversation between them two, but the forest was too quiet so it wasn't hard to hear them. "I know she has to answer for her crimes b-" Pike interrupted Bellamy before he could carry on.

"I'll tell you what." Clearly Pike didn't care about being quiet as he spoke loudly. "I'll make you the same promise I made to Monty's mother. Immunity from all past actions, but if she screws up again-" This time Bellamy interrupted Pike.

"Oh she won't." I rolled my eyes, yeah right she won't. She's got the final blow on the chancellor's head. "I'll make sure of it. My sister, my responsibility." I discreetly turned my head around to see if she had caught the conversation. And from her death glare directed at her brother, she did. This is going to be fun.


We were nearing the blockade and the hill where I had planned the trap. A smirk grew on my face as we stood at the top of the hill and I got ready to give the signal.

"Hold on." Too late Pike. You couldn't stop this.

"The cave's just on the other side." I almost hit Bellamy when I heard the small hint of desperation in his words. He needed to save his sister and the rest of them. We had to make this plan work.

"Down this hill through the bushes and take a sharp right, the cave is built into the hillside. But the entrance is a large rock shelf." I added, pulling the smirk off as I addressed Pike. "Have a little faith." I sent him a wicked grin before beginning to go down the hill. Bellamy right beside me as we went, neither one of us tugging on the chain.

"Keep a sharp eye out." I rolled my eyes at Pike's precaution, but it was already too late. The grounders had been following us since the dropship. Well, three of them.

When Bellamy and I reached the bottom and looked up to see them all making their way down the hill, I let out a high pitched whistle that almost blended into the wind but the fog horn only moments after gave it away. And the Arkies were already at the base of the hill to stop now.

"The blockade!" Pike shouted as he and his men pulled their guns up to look for targets. "Anyone got eyes?" He sounded so panicked, it was beautiful.

"I got nothing!" His right hand man, Gillmer shouted. I would take his life for throwing the potentially fatal rock at my brothers head.

"Back to higher ground." I waited for the grounders but they were still just a little too far away.

Bellamy and I made eye contact and moved at the same time. I unlocked our cuffs as Bellamy grabbed Pike's pistol and aimed it at his head.

"Drop your weapon." Bellamy ordered as I pulled out my sword and Lincoln's dagger. This would be his as well.

"What the hell are you doing!" Pike yelled. I watched as Gillmer lifted his gun to protect Pike, but I had already counted on it. Before Octavia could move, Lincoln's dagger was embedded in Gillmer's throat. The man dead allowing me to point my sword in Pike's back.

"Put down the gun, Chancellor." I mocked in his ear with a sick smile on my face. "I bet you forgot I'm also a Kane. We're quite cunning." I switched my sword for the pistol with the single bullet and set it to the back of his head. "I bet you enjoyed pulling that trigger. What did you say the first time I met you? 'Grounder killers, one and all?' Looks like things go full circle."

"We bring you Chancellor Pike of Skaikru. O, Pers, translate." I grinned.

"Planned on it, Bell." I sent him a wink.

"Osir lid yo in Chansla Pike kom Skaikru." We shouted together.

"You've killed us all." Pike argued.

"Take him. Lift this blockade." Bellamy continued.

"Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!" We said again.

"Trig of!" I included afterwards, arrows flying at my command to the targets I hadn't accounted to protect.

Grounders jumped from trees, swarmed from below, and ran in from above. We were surrounded, just like planned. Now this new commander could take this tribute from Skaikru. Chancellor Charles Pike, slaughter of peace.

I watched Octavia pull Lincoln's dagger from Gillmer's throat and run towards Pike. And I let her, his death was hers. But my father didn't.

"We got away with Finn's. It won't happen again." He told Octavia, giving Pike an idea.

"Well in that case." He went to launch himself at Bellamy to get his gun when an arrow found its way into his shoulder and I kicked his knee from underneath him. Setting my pistol back in its holster and pointing my sword to his throat while keeping my foot firmly on his chest so he couldn't move.

"Enjoy Polis, I heard the fires are lovely at night."

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