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I was riding alongside the Rover, glad we managed to stop close to the cave the others had already departed from so I could get Erebus. Though I wasn't glad when I saw his reins had been tugged lose and he was half a mile away from the cave where Monty almost hit him. That's when I ordered Bellamy to switch places with him so we didn't have another one of those incidents.

Helios wasn't with him at all which made me worry. But I figure Erebus just didn't want to go with Miller, Bryan, or Harper and wanted to come find me instead. Or worse case scenario, Erebus needed to come find me.

I started to slow down as we approached the gate of Arkadia, the sun up fully in the sky now. Allowing us to fully see the state of Arkadia. Abandoned, quiet, desolate, silent. All of the above.

I pulled gently on Erebus's reins and turned around to trot over to the driver side door.

"Fighters on foot." I ordered as I turned Erebus back around, my eyes staying on Bellamy. "Something isn't right here." Bellamy nodded and soon hopped out of the Rover so Monty could move back to the driver seat.

Clarke, Octavia, and Sinclair following Bellamy out of the Rover as Jasper moved up to the gunner hatch. I rode in up ahead of the Rover, Lincoln's bow notched with an arrow at the ready as I guided Erebus with my legs. Eyes on constant surveillance as I view the abandoned city.

"We left two days ago. Why haven't they fixed the gate?" Clarke's voice carried up in the quiet air as we passed under the gate.

"Maybe cause there's no one here to fix it." Jasper threw out the idea as my world slowed down. My eyes locking in on a spot on the dirt road as we got closer to it.

"Miller, where the hell are you? I don't like this." Bellamy's voice was low and he kept an eye on his surroundings.

As Erebus and I neared the spot, I unnotched the arrow and set Lincoln's bow back in its tie on the saddle. The sound from behind me silent as I calmly dismounted and placed my head on Erebus's neck.

The black gelding felt my sorrow and I pretended he knew exactly why. He'd no longer get sugar cubes or love or attention from Lincoln, he'd no longer get randomly brushed or greeted at the gate by Lincoln. We'd no longer have Lincoln with us.

"He's in a better place now. One where there isn't this much violence I hope. One where he is treated fairly and kindly." I whispered as I softly wrapped my arm underneath Erebus and pet the other side of his neck. "I'll have to see if he left any sugar cubes for you in his room." Erebus seemed to like that idea as he leaned further into me with a small huff and nod. I smiled and breathed in deeply, refocusing on the task at hand as the Rover pulled up just in front of us.

"Pers?" I turned my head to see Bellamy next to me, a worried look on his face before he saw what I was standing in front of. Connecting the dots and details of both his sister's and I's faces.

"Let's get his book and get the hell out of here." Octavia's voice interrupted the silence, her words masked her anger at the sight of his blood stain.

"That's a plan I can support." I rolled my eyes at Jasper's comment. But I understood why. This was unsettling even to me. Miller, Bryan, and Harper should have been here. And yet I see no sign of life.

"Lincoln." I turned my head to see Clarke staring at the spot, a jumble of emotions in her eyes.

"I'm going to tie Erebus over by the gate, I'll be right in." I told the blonde as she began to follow the rest of the group as they entered the garage. "Don't do anything stupid." I called over my shoulder, as Erebus and I backtracked.

The extra few moments alone gave me a chance to be alone with my thoughts as I established my own goal walking into the station. My fingers danced along my moon necklace as I gave Erebus a few seconds of my attention.

I needed to run to my room and grab the rest of my items. Mainly clothes and the thin, but strong silver cuffs that I found worked wonders when blocking blades. The wrist guards would come in handy soon, and I'd rather be ready when they did.

I also needed to run by Lincoln's room to look for a few things, as well as stock up on any more rations I could get my hands on. This whole saving the world thing would take us a few days. And I would not be starving on day one or day ten.

With a plan in mind I headed back to the station, taking a side door as they had already shut the garage and raced to my room. My feet light and quiet on the metal floor as I made it to my room and quickly folded up the rest of the few clothes I had and the wrist guards into my pack, making the load increasingly larger but still light enough I couldn't necessarily feel a difference. I set my pack on my bed and pulled my cloak out to put on over my clothes. My leather jacket in the bag as well as my guards as I adjusted my weapons so that I could wear the cloak and still be functional. My sword hilt poking out from the bottom, my daggers hanging by my sides, and fully loaded pistol strapped to my left thigh. My eyes caught the glinting silver of the wrist guards and I couldn't resist, so I shoved those on too.

With my gear ready, I shouldered my pack and ran to Lincoln's room. My walkie volume on zero as I ran through the silent halls. Never hearing anyone as Bellamy asked for help in the armory.

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