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"Bellamy." I whispered as I stood outside of the cave we had moved to.

"What?" He was frustrated that was clear as day. I walked over to him and gazed at the people who had grouped up and began to talk again.

"Only way to get across without drawing attention is to not stand out. Correct?" Bellamy eyed me curiously before he began to smirk.

"Dead man's trash is another man's treasure."


"Keep your head up and walk with confidence. If anyone approaches you say nothing. Grunting works best with Azgeda." I briefed as we began to walk across the field. The sun heating me up as I had an extra layer on top, unlike Bellamy who took off his jacket to don the Ice Nation gear.

"I see lessons with Lincoln have payed off." I didn't spare him a glance as I went to address him. His tone making me almost laugh.

"Someone's jealous. Don't worry, I'll beat your ass in a spar when we get back instead." Our voices were quiet but loud enough to hear each other.

"Looking forward to it."

"Good, now stay quiet and follow my lead."

We walked at the same pace as the Azgeda army, falling amongst their ranks as we crossed the field. I managed to make it almost the entire way across when a larger man approached me. My red hair was covered and I squinted my eyes slightly to give a less feminine look. The mask and cloak helping as you couldn't see any of my features. Even the pants were squares on my form. He motioned with his head for me to keep walking and I did. To say he was tall would be an understatement, I swear that my neck had a cramp in it.

When I made it near the edge I started to walk forward and turn slightly to see the same man fixing Bellamy's stance. The height difference startling as Bellamy didn't do such a good job of making himself look confident.

Though the man didn't do anything more than grunt and walk away leaving Bellamy staring at me and continued in my direction.

"Go. I'll be right behind." I whispered as he passed behind me. It would have been odd to see two soldiers falling out of line one after the other. So I stayed until the horns blew a fifth time. After that I slipped into the forest and found Bellamy standing at the top of a set of stairs.

"Either Clarke's hurt, or I taught her well." I voiced as I threw the mask on the ground and shredded off the cloak and large pants. Wiping the sweat from my brow as I stared at the bloody handprint. "Let's go get our runaway princess." I saw the ghost of a smile on his face just before we entered the underground system, swords drawn.

When we finally reached the bottom of the steps and entered the room, I scanned the tile walls and paid extra attention to the shadows. Shadows were a place many things dwelled. My eyes returning to the pole that had a rope and hands going around it. A body attached to the other side, and right away I knew it was Clarke. Bellamy did as well.

Together we walked over, Bellamy on one side as I crept to the other. My dagger in my left as I eyed the room while Bellamy got Clarke free.

"We're gonna get you out of here." I turned my attention back on the two when Clarke started to freak out.

"Look out!" My eyes catching the shadow just in time for Bellamy to attempt to defend himself. The man who had came out was Azgeda, and whom I could only assume was the bounty hunter's partner.

As Bellamy got sent to the ground, I stepped in and sent the man back as I stood over Bellamy's body protectively. My sword drawn and dagger at the ready as I waited for his next move.

I took a step forward trying to not be directly over the top of Bellamy's chest in the case I fell, and he took that as his chance. I blocked his sword with my own before shoving the blades away and swiping with my dagger which he blocked. He went to kick but I stopped it with a blow to the inside of his knee forcing him to put his foot back down.

I gained ground, giving Bellamy enough time to stand up and make room for us. The fight didn't last much long after as the man threw a dagger passed me and into Bellamy's thigh, taking the moment of slight distraction to slice my right side directly over the scar I had received only three months earlier. My hiss drowned out as I brought my sword to meet his and shoved back despite my side's protest.

I managed to slice along his cheek, leaving a nice clean cut that red blood began to pour from. I heard a groan from behind me and I knew it was Bellamy. I shoved my dagger back into its sheath as I became the aggressor. Our blades crashing as I became blinded by the thought of him dying down here. For all I knew, this man managed to hit his femoral artery, and if that was the case. Bellamy could bleed out in five minutes.

I blocked his side swing, spinning our blades downwards as I sent a kick to his same knee only at the front this time. Taking a step back and ducking as he swung for my head, I found myself nearing a wall. And when I try to maneuver out he'd stop me. I tried to remember how Azgeda fights, but the multiple lessons with Lincoln just felt like a blur as I watched Bellamy attempt to stand up and make his way towards us.

I try to keep the man focused on me, but he was too aware and turned sending a punch straight at Bellamy's face. But Bellamy blocked it and somehow remained on his feet. Bellamy tried to send one back but the man kicked at his knee sending him crashing to the ground and giving the man just enough time to turn as I swung down.

This time he was the one to tie our blades up, but instead of pushing back he held them and brought his foot to my stomach. Kicking it dead center sending me into the wall, gasping for breath. My eyes meeting Bellamy's as the man began to stalk towards him. But I couldn't get up in time as for the second time today, a blade was held to Bellamy's neck.

I couldn't even hear Clarke as the man and I stared at one another, a silent conversation going on as I sheathed my sword and stood down. The action enough for him to pull the sword away but deliver a punch hard enough to knock him out.

"Don't follow us." I clenched my jaw and watched as he grabbed Clarke and left. Only when they had gone up the stairs did I move. Rushing over to Bellamy as I checked his wound. Sighing in relief when I saw the blade wasn't anywhere near his femoral artery and wasn't very wide, giving me an easy fix up. I on the other hand would need a long strip of cloth for my wound.

Persphyni : I am Death Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum