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"What the hell does Ice Nation feed their people." I grunted as Bellamy and I carried Roan's unconscious body to the Rover.

"Quit complaining, you're the one who knocked him out." I stuck my tongue out at the back of Clarke's head. The blonde only had to carry Lexa and she was microchip-size.

"Feel good to get your revenge?" I whispered as we began to reach the end of the forest. Bellamy looking at me with a smirk and a small laugh.

"It felt good, but other things have felt better." I laughed until I grew lost at what he meant, my face scrunched up as I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to be disgusted or confused.

"I'm not sure whether you're being gross or vaguely honest about something." I said as I eyed him passed Roan's flopping head.

"Vaguely honest." And he left it at that, making me more curious to know. But I also left it at that.

"Well, maybe when this is all over you can find things that make you feel happy or better all the time." I quoted his word previously causing him to smile.

"Maybe when all this is over, we can find something that makes us happy." I smiled at the thought, as we grew closer to the Rover.



It was dark as we pulled into the hangar bay. The terminology that Bellamy insists upon using no matter how many times I argue it's a garage.

The gang all waiting for good news, which unfortunately wouldn't be coming. Bellamy parked the Rover as he and Jasper got out from the front. The two girls exiting through the back as the King and I maneuvered the way to the back where I handed him off to Bellamy as I got down.

"We were getting worried. Where's Luna." Raven scanned the group as Bellamy and I slowly rounded the corner with Roan in front of us.

"Luna said no." Octavia's raspy voice informed, the moral of the gang declined rapidly at the simple fact.

"Who the hell is this?" I moved out in front of Roan and got ready to address him.

"He's Ice Nation." I held back my surprise as I prepared to mock the hell out of him.

"Correct. Gang, meet his Royal Highness, King Roan of Azgeda. Formerly known as Clarke's kidnapper and Aulana Hainofa kom Azgeda." Of course only Roan and myself were able to understand the entirety of the title, but they caught my drift.

"He's our way into Polis." Clarke explained though I could feel the small glare from either side of me. The blonde and King teaming up against me.

"This way, your highness. You two, follow me." I watched Bellamy lead Roan away, Miller and Brian following as they headed towards lockup.

"You wanna use him to get to Ontari." Raven concluded as the males left.

"Yes." Came Clarke's brief reply.

"What happened to his arm?" I grinned deviously at Harper's question.

"Bellamy shot him." I boasted as I crossed my arms. "Ask me what happened to his face." I challenged playfully.

"What happened to his face?" Raven said, rolling her eyes as she did, though I could see she was playing as well.

"He fell." I watched their faces grow confused, "I'm kidding, I sliced it before knocking his ass out. And let me tell you, the Ice Nation feeds their people each their own Elk." The room chuckled before becoming somber again.

"Good luck getting him to cooperate." Monty finally spoke as we calmed down.

"Don't worry. He will." I walked passed the group determination in my step as I headed towards lock up. The Ark walls caving in as I pushed through the suffocation.


"Maybe you should wait out here." I rose both my eyebrows at her suggestion. The blonde completely serious as she looked to Bellamy for help.

"Clarke, I don't know if you know just who you're talking to. Wanlida is the most feared and most wanted ally to walk the earth. Equal with only one man. And even then, I'm present and he's not." I explained, looking her dead in the eye. "The Ice Nation claims that they fear nothing, then why do they flinch at the mention of my name? Why do their eyes widen at the sight of me? Because they are like everyone else, afraid of Death. Afraid of me. So tell me again, I shouldn't go in there." I challenged finally, taking a step towards the blonde, my height towering over her.

I saw her eyes flicker to Bellamy again asking for help. Her face steeling as her gaze returned to mine and she took a step forward to meet me.

"You should wait out here." She ordered, making me stare straight back at her. Our faces stoic before I broke beginning to chuckle and shake my head.

"Cute, Blonde. But I'm not one of your subjects Princess. I'm going in whether you want me to or not."  She didn't bother arguing as she turned around and began to walk forward, leaving me gloating silently as Bellamy and I traveled after her.

"Why didn't you step in and help the damsel?" I spoke as we started to turn the corner just before lockup.

"Because my damsel didn't need saving." I wasn't able to question him as we walked in the cell. A flash of Lincoln inside the cage flew across my vision.

Shaking it off, I walked up beside Bellamy and behind Clarke. Letting the blonde run her show as I grew distracted with my own thoughts.

Alie knew where Clarke was in the forest and there wasn't any drone to follow us. But someone had to have been. I was so careful, I made sure no one was tracking us. Yet not only was a minion of Alie, but the King of the Ice Nation.

Something was wrong, and if I didn't take care of it now, things would go wrong. Horribly wrong, and they would die. They would all die. And I'd be forced to watch.

"So when do we leave?" I snapped from my thoughts as the three people turned towards me.

"Now. We leave now." I spoke, the words rolling off my tongue as if we had it planned. "I have to do something first."

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