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"We're at the Polis city limits." I gently pulled Erebus into a stop as my dad hopped out of the Rover. "From here we go on foot." He shot me a look saying I wasn't included. I had received my own invitation to Polis. One separate from Skaikru.

"Lexa's guard will be here soon. All guns and radios stay in the truck." I stroked Erebus neck as I looked down at the people getting out of the Rover. "Her people will escort us to the Summit." My gaze shifted to the path towards Polis. The desire to just let Erebus take off down the path was about to win as I sat upright.

It had been a whole week since we almost managed to save Clarke. It had been four days since Abby had cleared me. And three since I was invited to Polis. Lexa's letter had a section at the bottom in small faint handwriting, but the message was clear. Clarke was alive and with Lexa at the capital. Information I didn't share with anyone, worried that it would effect the meeting differently. But it wouldn't have mattered as Abby and my dad received the same letter and message.

Bellamy, Raven, Octavia, and Gina had gone to Mount Weather as Pike and the rest of Farm Station had moved in. The action of moving in was foreshadowing for danger yet to come. And I didn't like it one bit. Just like how Bellamy didn't like getting benched from the summit.

"What is that?" I looked over my shoulder as my dad approached one do the men.

"It's a med kit." He responded as my dad walked up closer.

"A med kit, from Mount Weather? The place where thousands of their people were killed." I watched my dad pluck the kit from the man belt and set it on his chest. "You can't bring this into Polis."

"Ease up." I spoke from atop Erebus, moving closer. "He is right though. Maybe if we had a different bag to place it in." I offered as I glanced to Abby who nodded to me and walked over to my dad.

"Don't take it out on him. If you're going to be mad, be mad at me." I let the two talk and moved Erebus back over to the front of the Rover.

My eyes scanning the shaded pathway as I waited patiently for Lexa's guards. I had the privilege of riding straight up to the city. But since it would be my father's first time, I didn't want to just leave him before we reached Polis.

"Soon, Erebus. Soon." I whispered as he began to shift, wanting to run again. And as he knew the way to the city, he knew what lay beyond the path. Not only did Polis, but the kids he had attracted. Not to mention the large pasture he grew up in. Coming to Polis was like returning to his home town.

"Skaikru. Polis is this way, come." I looked at the three men who had walked from down the path. The three looking at me and giving me a slight head bow as I returned the favor. These men were Trikru from the black marks on their faces, plus they had walked me up to the capital my first time here.

"Wanlida, monin hou." I smiled as I led the Arkies along side Aesakus. One of the older guards for Lexa.

"Os to kom down, Aesakus." He was in a higher position amongst the guards. I joked that he was simply the greeter my third visit when he met me at the entrance to the city with Indra. Which he didn't take that well and later met me out in the training ring closer to the outskirts of the city.

"Indra, tel Ai op teik yu op to yo baggeda."

"Pas ai nontu step au Polis." He nodded and we continued the rest of the way in silence. Erebus inching forward faster as he breathed in the smell and heard the noise of the city.

"Hos of." I looked at Aesakus curiously.

"Chit?" He gave me a knowing look and motioned with his head.

"Go, we'll meet you there." I grinned and turned my head towards my father as he walked alongside Abby.

"I'm going up ahead." I spoke as I stood up in my stirrups, a grin on my face. "I'll meet you in the city." As soon as my father gave me a wave of acknowledgment, I was off.

"Fly Erebus, fly." I whispered into his ear as we shot down the pathway. My red hair flowing like a flame behind me as I left it down. For the next ten seconds, it was just Erebus and I. Flying through the trees. My arms outstretched and my head tilted slightly back as we raced towards Polis.

If someone had told me, a year ago that I would be racing through the forest on the back of a horse. I probably would have laughed, then shoved my blade into their heart. If someone had told me that I would become a form of peace, I would have laughed then slit their throat. We all see the pattern right?

This was incredible. This feeling. The fact I made it passed the age of eighteen. Now riding here, free as a bird, on the back of a creature I never knew still existed until just shy of a year. It was incredible. It was in the words of Clarke, so beautiful.

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