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"Why did yo-" I silenced Miller as I pulled out my dagger.

They have a bug. I mouthed as I checked Harper's gear first, trying to remember the other noises I heard outside of our comms.

"I wonder what's for dinner." I started the conversation. "I may have to go try to hunt within the blockade tomorrow." Harper's jacket wasn't bugged, I had already checked mine, meaning it's on Miller.

"Someone going with you?" I shook my head and walked over to Miller.

"No, I hunt better alone. It's why Bellamy and I ended up staying at camp that one time." I checked the back of his jacket, and his arms, slowly I made my way to the front where I pinched through the fabric. My dagger flipped in my hand as I felt the small metal device.

"Also why I tend to do things alone." I sent Miller a wink before I dug my dagger through the small patch on his jacket. Tearing through the fabric, I pulled the small piece out and examined it.

"I hope it's a chicken dinner," I flipped the bug around in my hands, playing with before I set it on the floor, "because I feel like a winner." I stomped on the bug, the sound of metal shattering filled the air. And when I picked up my boot, all that was left of the bug was scattered pieces of metal and broken wiring.

"Now, I need to figure out what is happening with my dad. Because I will not let my promise to protect my family be broken. You two just hang low for now, I'll let you know when." They nodded but said no more words as they were still shocked.


The halls fell silent, life seemed to disappear, and my knees gave out. My back slammed into the metal wall, my hands grabbed either side of my head as I struggled to control my breath.

Their heavy clomping footsteps disappeared around the corner, leaving me alone in the hallway. Alone like before. Alone like now. Alone in the end, like always.

The charge was treason. The charge was attempted murder. The sentence, was death. Sinclair, Lincoln, and the other grounders most likely with him. With my dad.

I pushed off from the wall standing up right as I calmed myself. I still had breath in me, which means I still had a chance at doing what needs to be done. Kill Pike, get rid of the blockade, and end this war.

Since when have I let anyone dictate my life? Even chained in a grey room or shackled to the Shadow, I still made a choice and fought for that choice.

I headed back to my room. Moving swiftly through the halls, not saying a word in the silent metal. A plan forming as I reached the locked door.

I wouldn't let them die. I couldn't. And if I had just gone and killed Pike as soon as I got back from the massacre, this whole thing would have been avoided.

I grabbed my set of weapons and laid them out on my bed. My gun, my sword, my two daggers, and me. Next I dug through my clothes to find my long sleeve black shirt, black tight cargo pants, and my black cloak with its silver trim. The final piece, my leather jacket. My guard's jacket thrown in the far corner of my room.

I had no use for it anymore. I would not be Pike's Major.

I changed quickly and attached my weapons in their usual place. My daggers around my lower waist, gun around my thigh, and sword across my back.

My hair thrown into a dutch braid to a ponytail as I cleared my hair from my face. The vibrant green of my eyes seemed to glow with anger as my hair seemed to ignite in flames. All this from perception, but none the less still true.

I was a living flame, one who sat too long trying to take in oxygen to finally grow monstrous.

It's my fault. I played the waiting game, but now I get to make up for it. I would wait no longer, Pike was my responsibility.

I cut my left hand along the scar, a trail of blood following the blade as I re-sheathed my dagger and began to paint my face. A curved line under my left and a moon around my right. My bloodied fingers grabbed the silver necklace where an identical crescent moon hung.

This was my duty, my responsibility. Not to anyone but myself. It was time for Pike to face his punishment. His rightful sentence since he stepped foot into my life and screwed everything good for us by undoing mine and my father's hard work.

For killing three hundred warriors sent to protect against the oncoming Azgeda attack. For threatening Indra. For trapping us in the Rover.

For surviving the crash. He had escaped Death once, he will not again.

Persphyni : I am Death Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat