Draco Malfoy- Yule Ball: Part2 (h)

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In the week that had passed since you'd lost the bet, you'd barely seen Draco around the castle which wasn't unusual previously, but you'd found yourself looking around for him more ever since he'd said yes.

The crush that you'd had on him had never really gone away but it was now back in full force thanks to him actually speaking to you again. You knew you shouldn't be giving him the time of day, but you had to admit to yourself that you really did miss him.

Fred and George knew that you missed him, and even though they had never liked Malfoy they wanted you to be happy, hence their wager which they made sure you lost.

"You look great Y/N," Fred told you as you came down from your dormitory into the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione had helped you choose your dress, and whilst you didn't want to look like you'd catered to Draco you had chosen a stunning deep emerald green velvet gown.

"You really do Y/N," George confirmed his twin's words.

You smiled at them both, trying to hide the nervousness that you were feeling deep down. "I suppose it's time to face the music, yes?"

The twins' brows furrowed at your reference but they both nodded and smiled reassuringly at you. And so, the three of you made your way down to the Great Hall, Fred and George both meeting their dates along the way.

"You four go in," you told them when you reached just outside the Great Hall. "I'll wait for him out here."

Both Fred and George nodded, escorting their dates inside, leaving you to wait for Draco as you hoped to merlin, he didn't stand you up.

There was a low whistle from behind you and you turned to see Draco stood there, looking far too handsome in his dress robes.

"I approve of the dress," he complimented as he walked towards you. "Definitely not embarrassing."

You rolled your eyes. "I didn't do it for your approval."

He nodded, choosing not to say anything in response, and then offered you his arm in order to escort you inside. You took his arm, tucking your hand into the crook of your elbow, and tried to ignore all of the stares that were directed your way at the two of you being together.

The stares were uncomfortable, you couldn't deny that, but what made you feel even more uncomfortable was the fact that Pansy Parkinson was practically staring daggers into the back of your head – you were sure if she could curse you right then and there you would.

Draco led you to a table to sit down, pulling your chair out for you.

"It surprises me that you still have such manners," you commented as you sat down.

Draco scoffed, sitting down next to me. "My manners have not disappeared Y/L/N, my mother taught me how to treat my dates."

It was your turn to scoff. "Ah yes, but just not how to treat your friends," you commented bitterly. "Or at least those you considered close."

If Draco was surprised by your words, he didn't show it, he simply crossed his arms and leant back in his chair, observing as the rest of the students entered the ball.

"Why did you say yes?" you asked after a few moments of silence, not being able to hold it in anymore.

Draco shrugged nonchalantly. "No better offer I suppose."


Written by Hannah

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