Draco Malfoy- Possessive (h)

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It was somewhat embarrassing to have a reputation around Hogwarts – granted the reputation that you did have wasn't necessarily awful, but it didn't paint you in the best light either.

You and Draco had become relatively well known for your explosive arguments in the dungeons, often after curfew, that would either end in the two of you ignoring each other for days or Snape finding the two of you in a rather questionable position in one of the alcoves.

Given the fact that the two of you had been together for just over two years it was pretty normal that you would get into an argument every now and then and you were okay with that.

Arguing with Draco was normal for you, it kept the two of you communicating with each other – the two of you didn't not argue all the time but when you did, they usually became quite fiery.

What you had never expected from one of yours and Draco's arguments however was for Draco to go completely cold towards you.

Yes, the two of you would give one another the silent treatment but there was still intimacy there.

But almost a week after your most recent argument, over something that you couldn't even remember Draco still hadn't come anywhere near you – it had simply been a culmination of frustration from various different things and had ended in a screaming match with a few hexes thrown in too.

In fact, you believed your boyfriend was actively ignoring you.

Now you weren't as stupid as to think that this meant the two of you were no longer together, Narcissa would never allow her son to break up with someone in such a fashion, but you couldn't deny the fact that the longer Draco avoided you the more it hurt.

With it being a Hogsmeade weekend, one that you would usually have spent with Draco and his parents had they decided to come and visit, you had decided to go for a drink by yourself.

And so, you found yourself sat in the Three Broomsticks in a booth with a drink in front of you as you observed your peers around you.

"Hey there Y/L/N," a Ravenclaw from your potions class spoke to you as he leant against the side of your booth.

You greeted him with a nod as you sipped your drink.

"Aw come on Y/L/N, I know Slytherins are supposed to be cold, but I didn't think you'd be stone cold," he spoke in a jovial tone, but you simply rolled your eyes at him.

"I was taught that if you have nothing nice to say then to simply say nothing at all," you responded as you took another sip of your drink. "And besides, you have only come to talk to me because you think I will agree to have a drink with you."

It was at this moment that you spotted Draco walking into the pub with Blaise at his side and of course his eyes landed on the Ravenclaw boy that was stood rather close to you.

"On second thought," you looked up at the Ravenclaw as you spoke. "Maybe I spoke too soon."

You knew Draco was the protective type, he never liked another boy getting close to you unless it was someone he trusted.

Whilst the Ravenclaw boy looked surprised you had to give him credit for holding his composure as he slid into the booth next to you.

He started to tell you about his most recent discovery in the library but you tuned him out as you stayed focused on Draco out of the corner of your eye – his jaw was clenched, his eyes were trained on your booth and he had not touched his drink despite it having been placed in front of him a full five minutes beforehand.

You knew it was only a matter of moments before his emotions got the better of him.

"Alright there Boot?" Draco announced as he strode over to your booth. "Think you could get chatting up my girl whilst I wasn't around huh?"

The boy who you now remembered to be Terry Boot scoffed, leaning leisurely back into his seat.

"The word around the castle, Malfoy, is that the two of you have broken up – what with you not having spoken to Y/N here in days."

Draco scoffed in response as his mask of indifference slipped into place.

"Well I can assure you Boot that Y/N and myself are still quite intimately involved and I would appreciate it if you did run along, we all know who's better in Defence."

Terry looked to you for help, but you were still focused solely on Draco, more specifically on his eyes as they went from a slate grey to a molten silver and you were immediately lost in them.

Seeing that he was no longer the focus of your attention, or so he thought, Terry made himself lost rather quickly and Draco took his place.

You snapped yourself out of your trance at Draco and shot him a glare. "Only interested when someone else is huh Draco?"

Draco sighed, reaching to place his hand atop yours. "I'm sorry my love, I let my pride get the better of me."

Whilst to most people that would not sound like a sincere apology, to you it was. Draco scarcely apologised to anyone and when he did it was written in his eyes whether he meant it or not.

Sighing you tucked yourself into Draco's side. "And besides love, I know how easily you melt when I'm so possessive."

You couldn't fault him there.


Written by Hannah.

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