Viktor Krum- News (c)

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Although you supported your boyfriends Quidditch career completely and happily played the role of his biggest fan, you asked to stay home instead of travelling with him for his next match. You felt terrible for not going with him as you loved watching him play and you knew how important it was for him, but you weren't feeling up to it.

For a couple of weeks, you had been feeling under the weather. Your stomach felt constantly queasy and you were struggling to keep a lot down. You did your best to assure Viktor that you were fine but that you felt like it was for the best to not travel in case you got sick. He offered to stay with you, but he was only away for a couple of nights and in that time the penny had dropped.

Due to the constant sickness and your other symptoms, you were pretty certain what was causing it so had booked an appointment to visit a healer to get the answers you needed but it made it harder to wait for Viktor to return home.

Finally, it came around to Viktor arriving home and you greeted him warmly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, offering you a concerned expression.

"Not much better but I think I may have some news," you offered trying not to worry him about the matter.

He cocked an eyebrow at you, not certain what you meant. "What news?"

You couldn't contain your happiness as it brimmed from within you and appeared in a bright grin upon your face.

"I think I may be pregnant."

Viktor took a moment, juggling with shock, confusion and excitement.

"Really? I mean, your- you really think you're pregnant?" He asked.

You nodded your head. "I cannot be certain until I visit a healer, but I have an appointment for tomorrow. Everything seems to be pointing to it though."

Viktor scooped you up into his arms holding you in a tight embrace. The two of you didn't have a plan to start a family but you had spoken fondly of it and wanted to at some point. His lips pressed to yours. The joy that he felt about his game was now long lost to the thoughts and excitement to come with a growing family.

"I cannot wait to find out for sure," you smiled. "I was a little nervous when I started thinking about the possibility but I'm quite hopeful now."

"Whether it is now or later, I cannot wait to have a family with you," he assured you.


Written by Charlotte.

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