Charlie Weasley- Apparition (c)

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You had been relaxing on a bench reading a book when everything that could have been part of a calm relaxing afternoon had destroyed. It was a quiet afternoon and other than a woman walking on the opposite side of the road, there was no one around, not until someone appeared from thin air, knocking the woman to the floor. You discarded your book onto the bench and rushed over. For anyone else, including that woman, that would have been terrifying to see but as a muggleborn, well aware of the wizarding world, you didn't find that part questionable.

"Are you okay?" You asked, directing the question to them both.

The woman stood up and had no words, but seen as she seemed physically fine, you knew what you had to do.

You pulled out your want and pointed it at her face. "Obliviate."

Everything seemed to clear from her face before she seemed confused by her handbag on the floor and the young man brushing himself off.

"I'm so sorry, he was rushing and bumped into you," you said softly, picking up the bag for her.

"Oh. No worries, dear."

Although still in a slight daze, she continued to walk away leaving you with the one that had caused the issue in the first place. He was roughly your age and somewhat familiar with red hear and a very embarrassed expression.

"Apparition test?" You asked, taking a guess from his age.

"How'd you guess?" He frowned.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm guessing this isn't where you were meant to end up."

"Far from it. I've definitely failed, and I don't know how to get to where I need to be or back where I began."

You gestured for him to follow you back over to the bench and he obliged.

"They'll come get you. You'll also get another shot. I passed on my second time after a long stay at St. Mungo's from the first. I splinched and almost lost my leg, at least you're in one piece."

"I guess," he sighed. "I'm never going to hear the end of this. My older brother did it first time."

"It'll be fine. Once you pass, you'll have a convenient way to leave the conversation every time it arises," you smiled. "I'm Y/N by the way."


You paused now being able to put a name to his face.

"Weasley? Bill's brother?" You asked.

He nodded his head.

"I knew him in Hogwarts, and he definitely won't let you live this down."

Before you could say anymore the ministry official working with Charlie appeared, preparing to obliviate you before they noticed your wand and you had to explain everything that had happened.


Written by Charlotte.

Harry Potter One Shots And Imagines IIIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin