Neville Longbottom- Just Friends (h)

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Ever since getting to Hogwarts you had felt a little out of it all.

First it was your house, you didn't feel like you should be there – Slytherins were so loyal and that you appreciated but you didn't appreciate the horrid views of some of them.

Then it was your friends, you thought you had made friends in your house but sometimes you just didn't know where you stood with them.

The only person that you did know where you stood with was Neville. After having gotten to know each other after being partnered in charms you'd become quite close.

It felt like he was the only person in the castle that actually gave a damn about you.

At times you wanted it to be more with him, every time you thought about seeing him you got that feeling in your stomach and you kind of liked it.

Neville had agreed to go for a walk around the black lake with you that afternoon whilst everyone else was down in Hogsmeade.

You were excited to be able to do that with him, but you knew you would've preferred to actually go to Hogsmeade with him.

"Y/N!" you looked up from your book when you heard your name being called.

Neville was walking towards you with a smile on his face, all bundled up against the cold and you felt that feeling in your stomach.

You stood up once Neville had reached you, putting your book away before being greeted with a hug.

Your arms slipped round his waist as you hugged him back silently taking in the moment between you two.

"Ready for our walk?" he questioned, and you nodded against his chest.

He pulled away from you so you could collect your tings before he offered you his arm.

Blushing ever so slightly you took his arm and the two of you started your walk around the lake.

The two of you walked in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company, but after a little while you worked up the courage to ask him what had been going through your head for weeks.

You took a deep breath and unconsciously tightened your grip on Neville's arm.

"Neville?" you spoke up and he looked down at you. "What are we?"

He seemed surprised at your question, laughing nervously. "We're friends."

You scoffed and shook your head. "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."

At that Neville stopped walking, making you stop too. "Why are you getting so annoyed at that?!"

"Because we're not!" you exclaimed. "If you're telling me that you act like this with every single one of your friends then clearly, I got the wrong idea."

Neville looked surprised at your outburst, seemingly not being able to form words.

"And besides, if we were friends why would you be so ashamed with going to Hogsmeade together?! Why did we have to stay here when no one is around?"

Neville then did something you weren't expecting – he burst out laughing.

He laughed to the point of having to clutch at his stomach whilst you were looking at him with a rather murderous look on your face.

"Oh, oh," he stuttered out between laughs. "I feel like I can't breathe."

You continued with your murderous glare. "I can make sure of that."

Neville then realised that perhaps him bursting out laughing at that moment in time wasn't the best thing he'd ever done.

He sighed and then reached for your arm, which you glared at, as he gently pulled you down to the floor with him as he sat down.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I really ballsed that up."

You scoffed but softened when you saw his puppy dog eyes. "I just want to know why you laughed at me."

"Because I can't believe you thought I was ashamed," he answered honestly. "I didn't think you'd want to be seen in Hogsmeade with me."

"Why in merlin's balls would you ever think that?!" you questioned in utter surprise.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Because I'm a Gryffindor for one, everyone takes the piss out of me and I'm obviously not Slytherin material."

Crossing your arms, you stared right into Neville's eyes. "Tell me right here and right now that we are just friends."

His eyes went wide, but he stayed silent.

You nodded and leant forward so that your noses were basically touching. "If you think I give a flying fuck about what my house thinks of who I choose to be with then you don't know me very well."

A smile crossed his face as he moved a hand to your thigh, causing a blush to cross your face.

"Now, I think you should kiss me," Neville didn't look like he was going to say no. "You know, just so everyone knows we aren't just friends."


Written by Hannah.

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