Bill Weasley- Family Torment: Part 2 (h)

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Christmas morning, as planned, Bill drove the two of you to the Burrow. He could've apparated but you weren't prepared for that kind of sensation, and as Bill said yesterday his family still didn't know that you knew about magic.

Bill turned to smile at you as he pulled up outside the rather strange but cosy looking house. "This is your last chance," he joked. "We can turn around now and save you from all the madness."

You rolled your eyes and then kissed him gently, his hand going to the back of your neck. "We're doing this," you stated when you pulled away. "And we're going to have a very merry Christmas."

He laughed but conceded, getting out of the car and then coming to open the door for you too. "They're all staring out of the windows," he whispered in your ear as he shut the car door.

Glancing over to the house you realised that Bill was right, you saw his whole family crammed in front of different windows staring at the two of you, but they quickly scattered when they realised they had been caught – apart from two of them, the ones you recognised as Fred and George from Bill's pictures, they had identical smirks on their faces as you smiled at them.

Bill grabbed the gifts you'd bought out of the boot and then took your hand to lead you to the front door, he didn't knock as he knew everyone had seen you both already.

Everyone tried to look busy as you both walked in, as if they weren't all being completely nosey. You scanned the room and saw that it all looked completely normal; no moving pictures like in Bill's living room, no magical books like Bill's curse breaking ones that he let you rea, it was clear that they had tried hard to seem like a muggle family.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Bill announced as he went to put the presents under the tree. "This is Y/N," he introduced you and went to hang your coat up for you.

"Thank you for having me," you told Molly, who smiled at you. "It's really lovely of you to open your home to me on a holiday."

Molly looked like she was about to cry as she pulled you into a big bear hug. "Oh, it's so lovely to meet you dear," she hugged you tighter as she spoke. "I'm so glad Bill has finally brought someone home."

Bill groaned at the pointed look from his mother and stole you back from her. "I don't think I gave him much of an option if I'm honest," you joked, thinking of when you first met Bill.

All of Bill's siblings now looked intrigued, Ginny dragged you to the sofas and got you to sit down with her. "Tell us everything!"

You laughed, watching Bill come over to sit on the floor in front of you. "Well, I was going for coffee in the middle of one of my lecture breaks and it was so packed in there," you didn't miss the confusion on their faces when you mentioned lectures. "Bill was sat at the only table left with a spare seat, reading a really weird book that he's yet to tell me what it is," that was a lie, it was a curse breaking book and you loved reading it. "I went over to him and asked if he minded me sitting with him, he said no and so I sat down, it really wasn't all that exciting."

Bill turned his head to kiss your palm as you were playing with his hair. "I wasn't going to say no to a beautiful girl asking to sit opposite me, was I?"

You shrugged but smiled anyway. "You never know, maybe I wasn't your type."

It was Ron that laughed and then spoke up. "Yeah, for us wizards a muggle isn't always our type."

Everyone gasped at what Ron said, even though you knew hadn't realised what he'd said you couldn't help but laugh and so the Bill's family turned to you with wide eyes. "Yes I know Ron, a muggle isn't the easiest person to date, especially with that whole statute shit in place."

The whole room looked shocked whilst Bill looked smug. "She's known for over a month," he admitted. "I didn't want to write it in a letter just in case."

"I apologise that you all went to such trouble," you smiled over at Molly as you spoke. "I understand that you all had no choice, and that you are all so accepting of Bill bringing me round because it's such a big part of yourselves to hide."

Bill smiled up at you, but Molly was shaking her head. "There is nothing for you to apologise for dear, if Bill has chosen you to be in his life then we want to welcome you."

Her words made you blush, and Bill rested his head against your leg as everyone fell into comfortable chatter. And you noticed that what was previously a normal seeming living room, now had everything magical bustling about.

As you were taking everything in, you didn't notice the others moving to get presents and Bill moving to sit next to you on the sofa.

He pulled you into his side, which jolted you out of your thoughts. "When did you get there?"

Chuckling, he passed you all the presents that had your name on them. "It's present time love."

You looked down at all the presents in your lap and felt your heart warm. "These are all for me?" you asked in surprise.

"Of course, they are love," Bill placed a few more into your pile. "You're family."


Written by Hannah.

Harry Potter One Shots And Imagines IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora