George Weasley- Opinions (c)

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It was hard to not listen to all of the hushed tones. People talked about you wherever you went in the castle and very rarely was it something pleasant. You had no idea what you had done to cause everyone to dislike you so much but no matter what you did people found something to insult you about or make fun of you with. The foul words had started when you and George had started dating at the start of the Quidditch season; he was a beater for Gryffindor, and you were the seeker for Hufflepuff. Everyone in his house seemed to be obsessed with the sport and blamed you for them losing even though they had won their game against your house already.

Even with the tension of the people, you and George were happy together and wanted to make the most of your relationship. With Gryffindor winning their game earlier, they were having a party of sorts in the common room and the whole Quidditch team were invited to be the centre of attention. Seen as George was expected to be there, he invited you and with some begging, you agreed to go. You knew that everyone else wouldn't like it, but you wanted to make him happy.

As soon as you walked through the painting gap, you noticed people staring at you and whispering. The foul expressions and the bits you could make out of the conversations made you want to run and cry but as you tried to turn around and leave George grabbed your hand. He offered you a gentle smile and moved his hand to caress your cheek.

"Ignore them," he said softly. "They have no idea what they are talking about."

You shook your head. "Everyone hates me, it's just going to make things worse if everyone sees me with you here."

Everything bad you had ever thought about yourself was bubbling up inside of you and you struggled to create space between what you thought of yourself and what everyone else was saying about you.

"Let them see," he said as though he had no care in the world. "It's not like we're doing anything wrong."

Before you were able to argue, George leaned in to press his lips firmly to yours, not caring that everyone's eyes were the two of you. For once in what felt like a lifetime, you felt happy in yourself and truly didn't care what anyone else thought about the two of you because as long as you were both happy in the relationship, no one else mattered.


Written by Charlotte.

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