Fred Weasley- Fall (c)

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When you had arrived at Platform 9 3/4, you had hoped that you would find an empty compartment on the train but by the looks of it everywhere had at least one person, most of them already full of occupants. You settled on asking the Weasley twins if you could sit with them. You didn't personally know them well, but it was hard to not know of them seen as they were very well known throughout the school. You sat quietly reading opposite them for the majority of the journey, hoping that you would go completely unnoticed from them, and it seemed to be working.

As you neared the castle, George exited the compartment to head to the toilet whilst you decided to get your suitcase down from the overhead storage so that you wouldn't have to faff around when the twins were trying to get their own down once you arrived in Hogsmeade. You were vertically challenged so you had to stand up on your tip toes to reach up to grab the suitcase.

Your hand grasped onto the handle, but it was quickly forced away when the train jolted. You were forced to let go of the handle, sending the suitcase to fly down into the compartment whilst you lost your balance and fell backwards. You tried to brace yourself for smacking into the floor but somehow it had ended worse with you stumbling, trying to gain better footing before you ended up falling onto Fred's lap.

He let out a groan from the force of you falling on him, but he had caught you before you smacked your head off of the window. You opened your eyes, panic filling you as you realised you had landed on his lap and was currently just sat there in his arms.

"Well, this is awkward," he chuckled.

You scrambled to your feet, practically throwing yourself towards the seats opposite him, your cheeks having become bright red.

"I'm... I'm so sorry," you squeaked, feeling terrible for having just landed on him and as far as you knew, you could have hurt him with the force of falling on top of him.

"Hey," he laughed. "It's fine. You could have asked if you wanted to sit on my lap."

Your eyebrows scrunched up as your face continued to get brighter.

"I... I didn't... I mean... It was an accident," you huffed.

Fred was taking great joy in it as you grabbed hold of your suitcase to storm out of the compartment, just to walk into his brother who seemed rather confused when you, red-faced, stormed off away from them.


Written by Charlotte.

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