Sirius Black- Threat: Part 1 (c)

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Your family as far back as the school had existed, had all been Slytherin and that was one of their greatest prides. Even after your parent's deaths, your aunt and uncle, whom were your new guardians, were determined that you would be in the family house, making it clear that there wasn't an option to be anything else. It turned out that the sorting hat didn't care for your family's threats as it didn't even hesitate to say Gryffindor. You saw the pureblooded Slytherin's you knew through your family glaring at you as you had to walk over to the table filled with students wearing red ties. Maybe it would have been even harder for you if Sirius Black hadn't been in the same boat. You vaguely knew one another, both from noble wizarding families but you became far closer once you were both thrust into being disappointments.

It became evident to you both that life would never be the same now that you were outwardly proven to be different, both having already been trying to fight the prejudice that was expected of you. You did both confide in others but in reality, no one else could truly understand what was going on expect each other. Being put into that situation forced a bond between you, one that formed into a romance, to the chagrin of his mother and your aunt and uncle.

You tried your best to stay anywhere but at home over the summer, but your aunt had demanded you come to dinner the night before you were to head to Hogwarts for the first day of the new school years. When you arrived home to the house you were desperate to be free from, you expected to have an unpleasant dinner with your aunt and uncle, likely involving insults to yourself and your relationship and also making you feel worse about everything they could. They weren't sat there alone, with them was Walburga Black.

"What is she doing here?" You asked, a bitter tone to your voice.

You knew of all she had done to Sirius, and she had made herself very clear that she disliked you as well as her own son.

"Don't be rude, you insolent child," your aunt snapped.

Walburga ignored your comment. "I'm here to discuss my son."

"You have made your stance on Sirius rather clear, what else is there to discuss?" You spat.

Your aunt went to berate you again, but Walburga waved a hand to quiet her.

"Yes, I am very honest that my eldest is a disappoint to me and our family name, but alas, he is still my blood, and I can hope to redeem something of him," she stated. "I will have him removed from the family one way or another, but how is down to you, dear."

"Why do you need me involved in you removing your son from your family?" You questioned. "He's already out of your home and doesn't want anything to do with you anymore."

She let out a chuckle that sent a shiver down your spine.

"That is not up to him. He is a Black whether any of us like it. And that is where you come into this, you get to decide how I can change that," she explained. "You will end your silly little relationship with my son. None of us ever approved of it, and nothing good can come from two failures being together."

"So, this is what this is all about?" You laughed, not taking her seriously. "You want us to break up? I'm not breaking up with Sirius. We will both be graduating this year and then neither of us will be any of your problems anymore."

You aunt piped up once more. "You will always be our problem, unless we can find someone desperate enough to marry you and give the family something for our suffering of having you."

"Either you break his heart, or I shall break his neck," Walburga said, a smirk upon her lips.

Up to this point, you didn't believe she was being serious. You knew she could be dramatic and just wanted to hurt her son and you, but you were also aware that she wasn't beyond killing her own son.

"You wouldn't hurt him," you said through gritted teeth, hoping to call her bluff but you knew better.

"I would take great pleasure in hurting him," she confirmed. "So, what is your choice?"


Written by Charlotte.

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