Hermione Granger- Parents (c)

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You had become friends with Hermione when you ended up as roommates at Hogwarts in your first year and within a few years, you were in a relationship. You were beyond happy in your relationship and had even spent a week of summer with her and her family the year before, whilst she had spent the last Christmas break with your family. This Christmas you were meant to be going to stay with her and her parents but on the last day of school, you ended up coming down with a stomach flu and thought it was for the best to head to your own home for the festive period.

At first you were upset about missing the time with Hermione, even though she was supportive of you doing what you needed to do to feel better. It almost felt like a blessing when you thought about it though. Since meeting Mr and Mrs Granger, you had instantly thought that they hated you. Nothing specific formed that opinion but as they hadn't explicitly stated that they liked you or were happy for Hermione to be with you, you assumed that they hated you.

After a few days at home with your parents, your illness was getting better, and you begun to feel even more positive about it when your mum called up to you to say that Hermione was on the phone for you.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked after you greeted her.


"I'm glad," she said. "I miss you."

You smiled softly, thinking of your girlfriend. You wished you were together, but the Christmas break wasn't for long and then you'd be back together, likely fighting for your lives at Hogwarts as you seemed to every year.

"I miss you too," you commented. "I'm sure you'll have a much better time without me though."

"What do you mean?"

You shrugged your shoulders even though you knew that she couldn't see you. "Well... your parents don't really like me."

Hermione let out a soft laugh at your comment.

"Why would you say that?" She asked. "My parents have asked about you multiple times. They love you. They have missed you even."

"I just didn't think they were really happy to have me around."

"Nonsense. They love you because I love you. They've even started planning our holiday over the summer and have asked for you to join us. They see you as part of our family."




Written by Charlotte.

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