James Potter- Speech (c)

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"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so happy I can finally call you, my wife."

James quivering lip lost the battle as he began to sob. Sirius stood up next to him and started a cheer to distract the wedding guests, giving the groom a slap on the back to try and knock him out of his incontrollable tears. With the speeches finished, people started to speak amongst themselves you made your way over to the head table to speak to the tearful man who was now a husband.

"Are you alright?" You asked.

Patting his eyes with his handkerchief, James nodded his head, still a blubbering mess.

"Pull yourself together," you said punching his arm playfully. "It's your wedding day not a funeral."

He spluttered a couple of times as he tried to catch his breath and formulate words.

"She's just so beautiful. I can't believe she's my wife," he said tearfully.

You looked over to the redhead talking with the other bridesmaids. You had known that James had been in love with Lily since he first met her, and you had always assumed that his love was unrequited and would result in heartbreak, but she surprised you both and everyone else that knew them.

"Neither can I. I half expected this day would be you and a blow-up doll in a red wig," you commented. "But that love potion must have worked."

James shot you an unimpressed look. He had rubbed it in your face more often than necessary as well as to his friends when you all questioned what the hell had happened to get her to agree to go on a date with him let alone agree to marrying him.

"I'm joking. I am beyond happy that you have found your soulmate, and that I won't have to take care of you when no one else wants you," you grinned.

"Now you've just got to find a husband," he said.

You shrugged your shoulders. "If someone's willing to spend the rest of their life with you, then someone else will want to be with me."

James grinned and wrapped an arm around you.

"One day," he chuckled.

"And when I do get married, I'll make sure he's not nearly as much of a cheesy git as you. I think you commented on Lily's eyes five times in your speech."

"They are beautiful."


Written by Charlotte.

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